

在 韓國足球明星產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8萬的網紅Yen-Hsun Rendy Lu,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 韓國足球明星李同國的雙胞胎女兒,參加盧彥勳冬季訓練 盧彥勳在珠海的冬季訓練,陣中有一對雙胞胎韓國姐妹選手,李在詩,李在雅。她們的父親韓國足球巨星,有「韓國足球的偶像,中國足球的剋星」的李同國,媽媽是韓國小姐李秀珍。而包含李在詩,李在雅五個兄弟姐妹,更曾一同出演KBS2電視台熱門親子綜藝節目《超人回...

 同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過52萬的網紅巴哈姆特電玩瘋,也在其Youtube影片中提到,※巴哈姆特電玩瘋因疫情升溫,近期將暫停主持人錄影,也請各位玩家盡量待在家防疫喔!※ 00:00 本週手機遊戲新聞 00:51《Rogue Land》 iOS 下載: https://apps.apple.com/tw/app/id1536754204 Andriod 下載: https://pl...

韓國足球明星 在 Sean LEE 李文星 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-17 13:03:04

#2020東京奧運 有感 長文 今年奧運喺香港受到前所未有嘅關注,而運動員亦得到好好嘅成績 身邊都唔少人問點解奧運無 #香港排球 ?其實,奧運排球只能夠有12支參賽隊伍,所以門檻好高,經過一連串資格賽,優勝隊伍得到入場券,以男排為例,基本上整個亞洲爭一個位(日本喺東道主,所以有兩隊亞洲),而香港水...

韓國足球明星 在 GirlStyle 女生日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-26 13:42:12

【@girlstyle.mag】大台《Number 1紅星運動會》! . 不少地方娛樂圈都有舉辦藝人運動會,例如台灣的《全明星運動會》、韓國的《偶像明星運動會》等都大受歡迎。最近,無綫YouTube釋出了一段17年前的片段,原來TVB亦曾辦過類似節目叫《Number 1紅星運動會》,一起來重溫一下當...

韓國足球明星 在 Eric Yang Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-17 10:04:42

[時事英文] They’re Flocking to America to Make a Fortune 職業電競淘金熱:亞洲明星選手湧向美國 Ummm…anyone still play Starcraft 2? flock (v.) to 聚集去;蜂擁去 ★★★★★★★★★★★★ A...

  • 韓國足球明星 在 Yen-Hsun Rendy Lu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-12-11 09:00:57
    有 878 人按讚



    李同國夫婦,為了栽培李在詩,李在雅打網球,在盧彥勳好友,前韓國台維斯盃代表韓國林奎泰( Kyu Tae Im)介紹之下,媽媽李秀珍,帶著在詩、在雅姐妹來參加了盧彥勳位於珠海的冬季訓練。





    By the way,說來也很有緣份,大家一聊之下,才發現在詩、在雅姐妹,竟然跟盧彥勳是同一天生日(8月14日)……anyway,先預祝在詩、在雅姐妹,在美國的比賽順利,然後澳洲公開賽再聚了

    The twin daughters of Korean football/soccer superstar Dong-gook Lee joins Rendy's preseason training

    The 12-year-old twin sisters of Jae-si Lee and Jae-ah Lee are the daughters of Korean football/soccer superstar Dong-gook Lee. Their mother is also famous, former Miss Korea Su-jin Lee. Jae-si and Jae-ah have younger twin sisters Seol-ah and Su-ah, and little brother Si-an. Their dad Dong-gook Lee and the five children have appeared on the Sunday variety show "The Return of Superman" since 2015. This popular show is about famous Korean fathers taking care of their children for 48 hours without their wife.

    Dong-gook and Su-jin Lee are serious about developing their daughters' tennis career. Through the introduction of ex-Korean Davis Cup player Kyu Tae Im who is a friend of Rendy, mother Su-jin brought Jae-si and Jae-ah to Rendy's preseason training in Zhuhai.

    Even though they are a star family in Korea, they are very down to earth and have immersed well with everyone at the tennis club. After more than two weeks training and hanging out together, they are like a family.

    After this Thursday, Jae-si and Jae-ah Lee will fly to Florida in the U.S. to play at the Orange Bowl, one of the biggest and most famous junior tournaments in the world. Today, mother Su-jin gave everyone at the tennis club a special souvenir which is a limited edition power bank of Dong-gook Lee reaching a big milestone of making 300 goals. Big thanks to the Lee family.

    It is coincident that Jae-si and Jae-ah sisters have the same birthday as Rendy (August 14). Best of luck to the twins at Orange Bowl and will see them soon at the Australian Open.