

在 電腦回收場產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,832的網紅ACJA 生活旅遊點滴,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #居家裝飾 #書桌 2011年為J哥買了貴嵩嵩的成長書桌, 一用就是9年.... 其實老早就該交接給弟弟使用, 畢竟成長書桌給小小孩最適合, 但因為不知換什麼書桌給哥哥... 一拖又拖了好幾年. 自從J哥國三後, 他的書桌常只有【修容 & 資源回收】的功能, 而念書寫字&划手機, 他都趴在床上🙄 ...


  • 電腦回收場 在 ACJA 生活旅遊點滴 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-29 18:12:20
    有 38 人按讚

    #居家裝飾 #書桌
    2011年為J哥買了貴嵩嵩的成長書桌, 一用就是9年.... 其實老早就該交接給弟弟使用, 畢竟成長書桌給小小孩最適合, 但因為不知換什麼書桌給哥哥... 一拖又拖了好幾年.

    自從J哥國三後, 他的書桌常只有【修容 & 資源回收】的功能, 而念書寫字&划手機, 他都趴在床上🙄

    一開始罵他~他跟我噴火🤬,不罵他~ 我看了上火🔥
    後來我漸漸修行為~ 經過他房間, 要嘛眼不見為淨🤦‍♀️要嘛睜隻眼閉隻眼,跟青少年孩子保持親子和平相處比較實在,要唸他,得用平緩 or 詼諧口吻好言相勸,能聽算奇蹟、不聽也正常😒


    那J哥房間要用什麼桌子呢? 曾有個念頭乾脆擺張露營桌就好 😂(反正現在也沒空露營)


    真開心 Alvin 終於有屬於自己的書桌🎉,不用像遊牧民族般有時跟阿木共用書桌, 有時去哥哥房間, 最最棒的是..以後寫功課不用先花時間整理哥的垃圾,阿木的電腦桌也不用收桌面......我們母子倆可以一起在書房耍文青啦!

  • 電腦回收場 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-22 19:40:08
    有 182 人按讚

    [翻轉視界 5] 克服逆境積極向上:林佑弦




    Chiayi County Yung Ching Senior High School student Lin Yu-hsien lost both parents when he was still very young, but relied on his own sporting prowess to represent his country in wrestling, and has now been given a President’s Education Award (PEA). Yu-hsien comes from a family of seven children, four of whom have received a PEA.

    1. rely on 依靠
    2. sporting prowess 高超的體育技能
    3. wrestling 摔跤運動
    4. President’s Education Award (PEA) 總統教育獎
    5. represent one’s country 代表國家



    Having lost their parents when Yu-hsien was still little, the family were looked after and raised by their maternal grandmother and uncle. They were a low-income household living in Taibao City. When Yu-hsien went to Taibao Junior High School, he started training in wrestling, and became even more interested in the sport when he went to Yung Ching Senior High School. It was there that he made the national wrestling team.

    6. look after and raise 照顧與扶養
    7. maternal grandmother 外婆
    8. a low-income household低收入戶



    According to Su Yuan-yuan, the principal of Yung Ching Senior High, Yu-hsien was born into poverty, and yet approached everything with a positive attitude and was very self-disciplined, and even gave his prize money and the pocket money he’d earned from a weekend part-time job working at a recycling plant to the family, something that was extremely commendable.

    9. be born into poverty 出身貧苦
    10. approach…with a positive attitude 以正面心態面對….
    11. self-disciplined 自律
    12. pocket money 零用錢
    13. recycling plant 資源回收場
    14. commendable efforts/behavior 值得稱道的努力/行為



    Su added that Yu-hsien’s eldest sister Pei-chen, second eldest sister Tzu-chi and elder brother Hsuan-pin had also done well, being awarded the PEA themselves. That is, of a family of seven kids, four have been awarded a PEA, which is no small feat.

    15. do well 做得好 (這裡指表現傑出)
    16. be awarded 獲獎,被授獎
    17. be no small feat= be no mean feat 是了不起的成就*




    Yu-hsien says that his brother Hsuan-pin is his idol, and that he trains with him when they work on their wrestling. He says that every time he saw his brother win a prize he would get envious, and when Hsuan-pin won the PEA last year he felt driven to achieve this goal for himself. When his dream came true this year, he was elated.

    18. driven 執著的,鍥而不捨的;奮發努力的
    19. achieve a goal 達成目標
    20. dream came true 夢想成真
    21. be elated at/by 為..而興高采烈



    According to Yung Ching Senior High School wrestling coach Chuang Fu-hsiang, Yu-hsien is not the top of his class with his studies, but he throws himself into his wrestling, and for two years he has been selected to represent his country. Even though he could have gotten a place at a sports university he decided instead to study at a military academy, thinking about his responsibilities to his family. He has now passed the academy’s physical and IQ tests.

    22. throw oneself into sth 投身於…、積極從事…*
    23. instead 作為替代
    24. a military academy 軍校
    25. physical and IQ tests 體檢與智力測驗




    Su said that the school parents association wanted to give Yu-hsien a gift to reward him for his success, and he asked for a laptop computer as his younger sister, who was studying in the first year of senior high school, needed a laptop to do her schoolwork on. Su said that this kid always thought of his family first.

    26. school parents association 學校家長會
    27. a laptop (computer) 筆記型電腦
    28. always thought of one’s family first 凡事都先考慮家人



    Yu-hsien says that Pei-chen is now studying at Nanhua University, despite being blind through complications due to a premature birth, and has herself been awarded a PEA, and this year has also won a Chou Ta-Kuan Cultural and Educational Foundation Fervent Global Love of Lives Medal. She also has a street performer’s license, and on weekends she goes to help her uncle out in a night market, where he has a stand. She hopes to make a living from performing, and Yu-hsien himself wants to be independent like his sister when he graduates from senior high school. He has plans to be a professional soldier and join the airborne Special Operations Forces.

    29. complications 併發症
    30. premature birth 早產
    31. a street performer’s license 街頭藝人執照
    32. help out 幫忙
    33. stand (n.) 貨攤;攤位;展臺
    34. a professional soldier 職業軍人
    35. airborne 在空中的;空氣傳播的;空運的;飛行中的
    36. Special Operations Forces 特種部隊



    資訊與照片出處: https://bit.ly/36k4wkx


    如何增進同理心: https://bit.ly/34qSKnC

    Humans of Taipei: https://bit.ly/2S2Avjz

    New Humans of Australia: https://bit.ly/2zc1xPm


  • 電腦回收場 在 大嘥鬼 Big Waster Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-01-03 17:13:30
    有 96 人按讚


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  • 電腦回收場 在 白同學DIY教室 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-11 18:00:16

  • 電腦回收場 在 白同學DIY教室 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-22 21:30:15

  • 電腦回收場 在 白同學DIY教室 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-09 18:00:13

