

  • 電腦喇叭lihkg 在 Post76影音玩樂 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-22 21:57:48

    針對一般玩家實際應用,電腦音效卡人氣品牌 Creative 近期加推一款名爲 Creative Stage V2 的 Soundbar 迷你家庭影院套裝,主攻蝸居用家為電視音效補完。Creative 過去一直都有推出針對電腦的 Soundbar 套裝,由入門至中高階都能夠見到其身影。然而其品牌近年就十分擴展家庭影院向 Soundbar 系列,搭載 HDMI  ARC 聲音回傳(支援 PCM),以一千蚊有找 Soundbar 來講相當周全,十分值得從「零」開始的蝸居一族留意。

    -0:00 開場
    -0:44 產品重點規格
    -1:28 開箱睇吓有啲乜
    -1:59 超窄身低音喇叭
    -3:02 試睇片:Netflix 超能計劃/ 極速求生
    -4:45 試聽歌:MOOV Supper Mement 無盡
    -5:36 Hugo 小貼士: 如何以ARC接駁電視?

    ⚡️圖文 : https://post76.hk/news/2020/12/creative-stage-v2-soundbar-2-review/
    ⚡️討論帖 : https://post76.hk/thread-325197-1-1.html

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    #Post76玩樂網 #Creative #Stage V2 #Soundbar #HDMI #ARC #聲音回傳 #一千蚊有找 #unbox #hometheater #評測 #開箱 #家庭影院 #影音 #av #post76 #forum #hkforum #avforum

  • 電腦喇叭lihkg 在 飛馬電腦 FLYHORSE HK Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-25 18:00:12

    出左一段時間既LaMetric TIME 智能鬧鐘,終於比到時間我開箱啦!

    LaMetric TIME 智能鬧鐘可以與互聯網連接,亦能為你顯示重要信息。LaMetric TIME 除咗可顯示時間,仲可以自己定制內容的LED彩色展示牌。此外社交網絡信息、股價、天氣、新聞、郵件、日程等一切都可以係LaMetric TIME 呈現,搭配不同APP打造最專屬於你的智慧時鐘。



    購買連結: https://shop.pegasus.hk/products/202128/LaMetric%20Time%20%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E9%AC%A7%E9%90%98

    官方網站: https://lametric.com/

    Internet-connected clock makes your space unique with charming clock faces, controls smart home with a glance, tracks digital metrics in real time, creates music atmosphere with dance of pixels

    Get only important information with always-on smart clock
    Inspired by enchanted devices concept, LaMetric Time is still a clock which ideally fits your cozy home but, when needed, it transforms into intelligent assistant which clearly shows weather, smart home notifications, business metrics and others important information. There is no need to spend your expensive time for digging on slow loading sites or smartphone apps in order to get important things, they are delivered in a natural way, at a glance. Be less dependant on the smartphone, spend more time with the family, but never miss anything important with LaMetric Time.



    - Whatsapp 砌機查詢: https://wa.me/85267924078

    - 網店 : https://shop.pegasushk.net/customize-pc
    - Facebook: https://fb.com/PegasusHK.net
    - YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/PegasusComputer
    - Website: https://www.pegasushk.net
    - Instagram: @pegasus.hk

    飛馬電腦 - 唔止砌機咁簡單
    Pegasus Computer - More than just a System Builder.

