

在 重乳酪蛋糕食譜產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,506的網紅番茄媽咪,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天是老公生日我做了草莓起司乳酪蛋糕 做法看這🔜 https://youtu.be/jf4_gb5JNEM #起司蛋糕 #重乳酪起司蛋糕 #紐約經典重乳酪蛋糕 #食譜 #草莓蛋糕...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過17萬的網紅Chef Chu's Kitchen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「簡易食譜」如何製作紐約芝士蛋糕/How to make NEW YORK Cheese Cake easy recipe/紐約經典重乳酪蛋糕食譜 ?更多有關芝士食譜的教學影片,一Click即到! 【3.6北海道牛乳日式芝士蛋糕】https://youtu.be/mQdTl_euktc 【烤牛奶芝...

  • 重乳酪蛋糕食譜 在 番茄媽咪 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-12 08:00:29
    有 16 人按讚

    做法看這🔜 https://youtu.be/jf4_gb5JNEM

    #起司蛋糕 #重乳酪起司蛋糕 #紐約經典重乳酪蛋糕 #食譜 #草莓蛋糕

  • 重乳酪蛋糕食譜 在 哈比小妃 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-06 12:29:16
    有 91 人按讚

    ◤食譜分享◢ #草莓生乳酪蛋糕🍓




    1.奶油乳酪 250克
    2.細砂糖a 80克
    3.動物性鮮奶油 150克
    4.細砂糖b 15克
    5.草莓優格 160克
    6.吉利丁片 3.5片
    7.新鮮草莓丁 80克


    #食譜分享 #草莓蛋糕做法 #重乳酪蛋糕食譜
    #乳酪蛋糕食譜 #草莓慕斯做法
    #藍莓乳酪蛋糕食譜 #草莓乳酪蛋糕做法

  • 重乳酪蛋糕食譜 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-19 20:41:59
    有 342 人按讚

    【芝士蛋糕(重乳酪蛋糕)食譜集 Cheesecake Recipes】


    很多人都喜歡的芝士蛋糕(重乳酪蛋糕)Cheesecake, 超級容易做,有焗(烤)的,有免焗的,超美味😋😋



  • 重乳酪蛋糕食譜 在 Chef Chu's Kitchen Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-08 19:27:28

    「簡易食譜」如何製作紐約芝士蛋糕/How to make NEW YORK Cheese Cake easy recipe/紐約經典重乳酪蛋糕食譜



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  • 重乳酪蛋糕食譜 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-04 20:15:00

    Hi, everyone. :) Today we'll show you how to make a delicious classic dessert: Classic New York Cheesecake.

    There are so many different types of cheesecakes, and each one has its own unique recipe and ingredients. But New York cheesecake is my favorite dessert. It tastes fantastic and ultra-rich, creamy and dense. New York cheesecake uses digestive biscuits in the bottom, and a cream cheese base, and sour cream to create a lighter and denser taste.

    This recipe doesn’t require a water bath, so it’s easy even for beginners. And no worry it’ll be cracks or sinking. The cake is classic and perfect. Hope you like. Enjoy. :)

    This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other ver that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
    Classic New York Cheesecake Recipes
    Pan Size: a 7” cake pan (Ø 18cm)

    ✎ Ingredients
    ☞ For the crust
    digestive biscuits 200g
    unsalted butter 80g, melted
    a pinch of Fleur de Sel or coarse sea salt

    ☞ For the filling
    cream cheese 500g, room temperature
    granulated sugar 160g
    cake flour 15g
    lemon zest 1tbsp
    lemon juice 13g
    egg 2
    sour cream 300g

    ✎ Instructions
    ☞ For the crust
    1. Put the digestive biscuits into food processor and blend to a fine crumb. Or you can place the biscuits in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin to fine crumbs.
    2. Add the crumbs into a bowl and pour the melted butter and a pinch of salt. Stir until well combined as the wet sand texture.
    3. Use a towel paper to butter the bottom and sides of the cake pan. Then line with the prepared parchment paper on bottom and sides.
    4. Spoon the crumbs into the bottom, use the cup to firmly press them down. For sides, make a even layer of crust around the side, press the edges as well.  It should almost reach the top. Of course, you can use your fingers for the sides. Place in fridge for 30 mins to chill.

    ✎ For the filling
    1. In a large bowl , add cream cheese and sugar, test the cream cheese with your finger, it should feel softer. Use a hand mixer to beat in medium low speed, until smooth and sugar has dissolved.
    2. Add lemon zest, lemon juice, and sift the flour into the bowl. Beat it in low speed to mix well.
    3. Add eggs, keep beating in low speed until smooth.
    4. Add sour cream, beat until just combined.
    5. Pour the batter into the pan, gently tap the pan on the table to remove air bubbles.
    6. Preheat the oven to 150°C, and bake in 50~60 minutes.
    7. Time's up. Cool in oven with a door ajar for 1 hour. Then remove from oven to let cool, and chill in fridge for 6~8 hours before serving.

  • 重乳酪蛋糕食譜 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-04 20:15:00

    嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』,我們要來跟大家分享一款歷久不衰的經典美式甜點--紐約重乳酪起士蛋糕 (Classic New York Cheesecake)。


    這份食譜不需要用到水浴法來烘烤,所以製作起來更為簡單了,也不容易產生裂紋,基本上它就是一盆到底,只要每個步驟都做到位,輕輕鬆鬆就可以端出細緻美味的起士蛋糕。希望大家會喜歡今天的影片,Enjoy! :)

    這支影片還有無人聲的 #ASMR 版本:
    Classic New York Cheesecake 經典紐約起士蛋糕怎麼作呢?
    下面是 經典紐約起司蛋糕的作法與食譜:


    📌 烤模尺寸換算方式:

    ✎ 材料/ Ingredients
    ☞ 脆皮
    消化餅乾 200克
    融化的無鹽奶油(unsalted butter) 80克

    ☞ 蛋糕
    奶油乳酪(cream cheese) 500克,室溫軟化
    細砂糖 160克
    低筋麵粉 15克
    檸檬皮 1大匙
    檸檬汁 13克
    雞蛋 2顆
    酸奶油(sour cream) 300克

    ✎ 做法/ Instructions
    ☞ 脆皮
    1. 用食物料理機將消化餅餅打成碎末,若家裡沒有料理機,也可以把餅乾放入塑膠袋裡,用擀麵棍壓碎
    2. 把打好的麵包碎倒入打發碗中,並加入適量融化的無鹽奶油、一小撮鹽之花,攪拌到摸起來不會太濕的微濕沙狀,用力一捏可以塑形的質地
    3. 在烤模底部跟內部周圍抹上一層薄奶油,然後在底部舖上事先剪好的圓形烘焙紙,內圍也要舖上烘焙紙
    4. 舀一些餅乾屑在盤底,然後用平底的杯子或道具壓實,接著在內圍也舖上餅乾碎,同樣要壓實,整個烤模送進冰箱冰最少半小時。

    ☞ 蛋糕
    1. 取一個大的容器,加入奶油乳酪和糖,用手持攪器以中低速來攪打混勻,要打到摸不出砂糖的顆粒感
    2. 加入檸檬皮、檸檬汁,並篩入麵粉,改用低速攪拌均勻
    3. 加入兩顆雞蛋,一樣是用低速拌勻即可
    4. 倒入酸奶油,同樣是以低速攪勻
    5. 將麵糊倒入烤模中,輕輕抹平表面,並輕敲幾下以排出多餘空氣
    6. 烤箱預熱至150°C,烘烤50-60分鐘
    7. 烤好後,先不要自烤箱取出,把烤箱打開一個縫隙,讓蛋糕在烤箱中慢慢降溫一個小時,然後取出後再徹底放涼,最後冷藏6-8個小時

    更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:


    本片是以 Panasonic Lumix GX85/GX80 4K 影片拍攝。
    Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
    Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.

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