

在 軍事英文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]「防空警報」英文怎麼說? 國防議題與我們息息相關,你知道「防空警報」以及「空中威脅告警系統」的英文該怎麼說嗎? 音檔:http://bit.ly/2Yzhzdl ★★★★★★★★★★★★ The 43rd Wan An Air Raid Drills took place ...

 同時也有28部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過63萬的網紅蒟蒻講幹話,也在其Youtube影片中提到,音樂來源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xILWdd1AEe8 By: Sweet Jam Tracks 小額贊助安撫蒟嫂 https://p.ecpay.com.tw/E2494 佛道教民間信仰傻傻分不清楚嗎? 看完本單元~你就會明白囉 蒟蒻學英文系列影片~...

軍事英文 在 沃草 Watchout Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 18:11:34

#快訊 中國國民黨主席江啟臣軍人節悼蔣中正 批蔡英文「鄰國論」讓臺灣陷風險 欲競選連任的中國國民黨主席江啟臣今(3)日出席「慶祝九三軍人節--中華民國全民各界代表暨在野聯盟,緬懷 蔣公暨先烈活動」,表示年輕一輩國民黨人會務必捍衛中華民國。針對日前總統蔡英文提出「鄰國論」,他痛批此說法任人解讀...

軍事英文 在 BusinessFocus | 商業、投資、創科平台 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 14:27:35

【@businessfocus.io】歐議會外委會壓倒性通過首份涉台報告 深化雙邊夥伴關係 . 歐洲議會外交委員會(AFET)昨日(1日)以壓倒性票數通過「歐盟–台灣政治關係與合作」報告。報告中除了對台灣受中國威脅表示關切外,還建議將「歐洲經貿辦事處」(European Economic and ...

  • 軍事英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-14 14:59:34
    有 294 人按讚


    The 43rd Wan An Air Raid Drills took place on Tuesday at 1:30 pm throughout the country. The general public was informed of the drill by text message, as part of an effort to test out Taiwan’s Airspace Threat Alert System. The system is designed to send out warnings of imminent missile attacks launched by enemy countries. The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense announced that the annual drill will take place between 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m, in both Taiwan and all of its outlying islands.
    1. Wan An Exercise 萬安演習
    2. air raid drill 空襲演習
    3. be informed of 被告知⋯⋯
    4. an effort to 努力
    5. Airspace Threat Alert System 空中威脅告警系統
    6. the Ministry of National Defense 國防部
    7. be designed to v. 被設計為⋯⋯
    8. send out warnings 發出警告
    9. imminent missile attacks 將臨的導彈襲擊
    10. launch 發射
    11. annual drill 年度演習
    12. take place 舉行
    13. outlying islands 離島
    The Wan An Exercises are a series of military exercises and civil defense drills* held by Taiwan. They are now held to strengthen and test the emergency response capabilities of local governments and the military for contingencies such as fires, terrorist attacks, and nuclear accidents.
    14. a series of 一連串的⋯⋯;一系列的⋯⋯
    15. military exercises 軍事演習
    16. civil defense drills 民防演習
    17. strengthen and test 加強與測試
    18. emergency response capabilities 緊急應變能力
    19. local governments 地方政府
    20. contingency 意外事件;可能發生的事






    air-raid siren 空襲警報
    stay off the road 別上街; 遠離大馬路
    stay indoors 留在室内
    emergency siren 緊急警報
    sound the siren 發出警報
    call off the drill 取消演習
    mobilize members of the public 動員市民
    我們課堂見!I will see you all in class!

    🌎國際新聞英文-六步驟思考術 限時優惠 ► https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH
