

在 證基會筆試111產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Focus Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Just a reminder that we are still accepting applications. Qualified applicants will be notified for a test in coming weeks. CNA is looking for a full...

證基會筆試111 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 09:41:45

. 【中研院高中生命科學研究人才培育計畫】 今天這篇文要來分享一下我參加這個計畫的經驗 其實我兩年前曾經發過一篇文介紹生培 不過最近他們又開始招生了,所以再寫一次XDD . 不知道大家曉不曉得,大多數高中數資班都有所謂的「專題研究」?那麽普通班的同學如果想要認識科學研究,甚至打入國際科展的殿堂,該怎...

證基會筆試111 在 ??? 政大 | 科系職涯訪談 | 個人成長 | IG經營 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-02 18:58:02

韓文系學長姐訪談 ft. @ainsley_moviesnseries 韓文系畢業有機會訪問韓星?韓文人才逐漸飽和? 因為上次韓文系的訪談文章大受好評! 這次再度邀請到 @ainsley_moviesnseries 學姊 來跟我們解答當時學弟妹們詢問的問題! 那就繼續看下去吧!⬇️ 因為問題較多...

證基會筆試111 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-03 12:32:11

放榜了! 三升一孩子都知道自己花落誰家, 不少孩子私訊詢問俐媽準備考語資班、數理資優班、電腦科技班、人社班、音樂班、舞蹈班、美術班、雙聯學制⋯的資訊, 去年有分享過 #俐媽學子經驗分享資優班篇 大家可以去看看 今年也陸續收到學長姐的投稿📇 以下是建中駱學長針對建中數資班的分享, 非常感謝他的大方...

  • 證基會筆試111 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-10 14:15:44
    有 125 人按讚

    Just a reminder that we are still accepting applications. Qualified applicants will be notified for a test in coming weeks.

    CNA is looking for a full-time COPY EDITOR and several full-time WRITERS for Focus Taiwan, the English department of CNA’s Foreign Language News Center.

    Applicants should send an English (or Chinese) resume and/or cover letter to the following email address. Shortlisted applicants will be required to take a news writing or editing test.
    **Email/inquiry: cnafnc2@gmail.com
    Salary: Negotiable (Minimum: NT$40,000 per month)
    Benefits, hours: In compliance with Taiwan's Labor Standards Act. Eight-hour shift work, morning shifts begin as early as 9 a.m.; night shift ends as late as 11 p.m.
    Location: CNA office in Taipei https://goo.gl/maps/WWyc5UpJiM9Bju4X9



    Writer Position:
    -- Native or near native English and Chinese proficiency
    -- A bachelor’s degree or higher in journalism, foreign languages or a related field
    -- Experience writing English news stories
    -- Willing to work night shifts and on weekends
    -- Able to work in a fast-paced newsroom and meet tight deadlines.
    The job:
    The writer will be assigned Chinese news stories by the shift leaders and are required to rewrite the stories in English.
    He/she will also be asked to write captions, do voiceovers for videos, create graphics, and manage the FocusTaiwan website’s backend and social media accounts.
    The writer will specifically be expected to:
    -- Ensure that all news stories have proper structure, content, clarity, accuracy and balance
    -- Research and fact-check the information in the Chinese news stories by sometimes making calls, conducting interviews, or sifting through official information on government websites

    🔵英文改稿顧問Copy Editor

    Copy Editor Position:
    -- A bachelor’s degree or higher in journalism or a related field
    -- A background in English news writing and editing, preferably with some experience editing the work of non-native English writers.
    -- Native English speaker; Chinese language proficiency a plus
    -- Able to function efficiently under time and deadline pressure
    -- Willing to work late night shifts and on some weekends
    -- Flexible with regard to work hours and days off
    -- Able to work as a team with shift leaders and other copy editors to ensure quality content
    The job:
    The editor will be required to edit news stories in the English language department, checking the grammar, punctuation, and structure and making other changes where necessary.
    He/she will also be asked to write and edit headlines for the news stories, edit captions, and occasionally check video scripts.
    The copy editor will specifically be expected to:
    -- Become familiar with the style rules of CNA, as well as with the rules and restrictions associated with headline writing.
    -- Ensure that all news stories have proper grammar, punctuation, structure, content, clarity, accuracy and balance.
    -- Answer questions by writers and shift leaders about style, grammar and other aspects of English news writing.