作者LostVictory (WinVictory)
標題[課業] 一題英文解惑~
時間Thu Jul 23 23:15:15 2015
以下這題英文題目 答案給(C) 但想請問(A)為何不行?
________ going to the movies tonight?
(A) Would you like
(B) I don't mind
(C) How about
(D) What do you think
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Examination/M.1437664517.A.0E7.html
推 parkblack: c 07/23 23:17
→ shining1102: would you like to go .... 這樣改就可以 07/23 23:18
→ shining1102: Would you like to go to the movies tonight? 07/23 23:20
→ LostVictory: like後面不能加v-ing? 07/23 23:22
推 squard: Yes,les's go to the moveies tonight. 07/23 23:23
→ LostVictory: t 07/23 23:27
→ jdtrue: like後面當然可以接v-ing 但意思就不是這個句子要的了 07/23 23:27
推 ko74652: 其實有時候寫題目你可以用念的 順的通常就是正確的[亂入 07/23 23:27
→ LostVictory: e(X) 07/23 23:30
→ LostVictory: 回jdtrue:意思會變成? 07/23 23:34
→ ndd2: "would like" to do something 07/23 23:42
→ ndd2: like一字作喜歡解,才能 like to V 或 like Ving 07/23 23:43
→ ndd2: "would like"是想要 07/23 23:44
推 P5hngzo4t96: 題目很明顯就是想要的意思所以是would like to 07/23 23:48
推 P5hngzo4t96: Ving通常用在like後面代表已經喜歡到現在還在持續 07/23 23:50
→ P5hngzo4t96: 跟like to V 差別在一個有持續的意思 07/23 23:51
→ P5hngzo4t96: 至於feel like Ving的那個like是介系詞 07/23 23:52
推 milkfrank: 句子應該是想表達輕鬆的邀約. 07/24 00:28
推 flutejane: "would like"當作一個詞組 後接 to V 07/24 06:08
→ JashiaN: Would like to 是一組的啊 07/24 06:37
→ guitarvolley: like+Ving是不是問對方喜不喜歡做這件事? 07/24 11:02
→ guitarvolley: 類似問興趣之類的 07/24 11:02