作者MEOWWW (meow)
標題Fw: [問卦] “內行人說外行話”的英文?
時間Sat Apr 11 22:32:12 2020
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1UaTD705 ]
作者: Bonker5566 (0932313我愛你) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [問卦] “內行人說外行話”的英文?
時間: Sat Apr 11 22:25:09 2020
最近最火紅的話 內行人說外行話
請各位大大幫忙 謝謝
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1586615111.A.005.html
噓 Rrrxddd: gun 04/11 22:25
推 WolfTeacher: in walk person say out walk talk 04/11 22:25
→ NTULioner: neihangrenshuowaihanghua 04/11 22:25
→ BlueBird5566: in line people say out line word 04/11 22:25
推 cailon: Inside man says outside words 04/11 22:25
推 tyrande: wanker 04/11 22:25
推 fup6456: in say out 04/11 22:26
→ makinoyui: out person says in man 04/11 22:26
→ T8: Insider speak layman. 04/11 22:26
→ kabuasua: inner pedestrian speak outer jargon 04/11 22:26
推 ssaw5166: nai hun run gon wa hun wei 04/11 22:26
→ pacitic: cum in downstair 04/11 22:26
推 wolve: inside out 04/11 22:26
推 s7598261: RD 04/11 22:26
推 easyfish: In-row man speak out-row words 04/11 22:26
推 pinhanpaul: inner pedistran 好笑 04/11 22:27
推 Carfish: tedros eat shit and xi’s dick 04/11 22:27
推 drkkimo: Adept speaks layman's word. 我自已發明的 04/11 22:27
噓 BBQ2591: in say out 04/11 22:29
推 steven87066: 我都念ikea 04/11 22:29
推 ymx3xc: inside people say outside words 04/11 22:29
推 willy61615: Insider say outside. 04/11 22:29
推 CavendishJr: inside say outside 04/11 22:29
推 lyrics920: Backseat driver 04/11 22:30
推 vinsmokesanj: 竜が我が敌を喰らう\竜神の剣を喰らえ 04/11 22:30
推 steed: tedros MDFK 04/11 22:31
推 garciaparr: Insideout 04/11 22:31
推 x6073123: The pro guy say bullshit. 04/11 22:31
噓 TakeMyUltra: Tedros speaking health 04/11 22:31
推 blue1227: 武漢肺炎 04/11 22:31
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: MEOWWW ( 臺灣), 04/11/2020 22:32:12
推 yogurt0313: Layman leads expert. 04/11 22:54
推 leehc: Technical Guidance - Coronavirus disease from CHO 04/12 17:40
推 yunso: 感覺不像一樓講的,應該有點是內行人故意裝傻的意味?而不 04/12 18:11
→ yunso: 是外行引導內行 04/12 18:11
→ meichangsu: 不會這麼直翻,我會說expert saying things as if he/ 04/29 07:12
→ meichangsu: she knows nothing 04/29 07:12