

在 螺旋式教學幼稚園產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 其實有不少眼尖的網友發現我搬家了 因為今年美國疫情擴散、導致孩子們全面100%遠距上課(今年除了升小二的Robbie之外,增加了幼稚園K的新鮮人Blair) 所以我們不得不重新思考搬家、並以「遠距上班上課」為前提調整家裡空間的分配 讓上班的上課的都有自己的小天地 (對啦!全家沒有自己空間的人只有我😂...

螺旋式教學幼稚園 在 Ruby Lin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-19 05:07:30

《與自己對話—日誌篇》 每一回主持和教課前,我都會習慣提早一個小時到現場。熟悉現場情形、自己的狀況(這包含很多層面,生理、心理、聲音狀態、精神、環境適應、事前準備和一切確認、天氣等等)! 對~連溫度都會影響的,太熱太冷太悶都可能會造成狀態不是100%的完美~所以提前一小時要準備和調適的可多了,即...

螺旋式教學幼稚園 在 Ruby Lin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-02 14:53:16

各位,在2020年末,我做了一個重大的決定!我決定和夥伴一起創立公司了。 @kidsden.tw 當一個英文老師是我最擅長、最快樂也是一直持續的身分,也是我從幼稚園就確定的目標(我好早熟)~後來因緣際會成為半個公眾人物以後,最常收到的訊息就是問我要如何學習英文?有沒有機會可以聽聽老師的英文課?該...

螺旋式教學幼稚園 在 我的多米日記 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-09-21 13:59:03

#最新的巧虎英文開團囉 #超值加碼好禮 #學齡前CP值最高的英文啟蒙教材就是這個了 ▍先來奉上團購資訊 ▍ English Together 和巧虎一起說英語 團購時間:9/7(一)~9/14(一) 23:59 團購方式:https://bit.ly/3jKa4dJ (一定要透過多米專屬的...

  • 螺旋式教學幼稚園 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-17 14:42:43
    有 754 人按讚


    身邊有些朋友知道我計畫性地轉為home schooling (自學),彼此也經常交換意見。

    每個家庭home school的經驗也都不盡相同
    不論你是因為有四處旅居的需求?孩子有special needs? 宗教信仰?還是因為像我們這樣對於社區/疫情有安全考量,反正就是個決定,看妳覺得是不是適合你家的孩子

    我單純只是覺得學區的課程對我來說有點浪費時間,畢竟小孩要學的東西很多,老母我沒有耐心一一盯著😂 希望有效率一點趕快完成。home school比較能針對個別孩子的需求去強化他擅長的領域或補足落後的科目,上課的方式完全由媽媽自己制定where, when and how


    我還是新手幼幼班菜鳥,目前還是跟著學區的課,沒有直接withdraw (但之後會申請改為part time students)
    但是下課之後就以我自己制定的課表在學習(嗯⋯沒在管學校功課,只要有交就好,主要以媽媽的功課為重點)。學區其實在你file declaration 之後也有蠻多支援,還是可以參加學校限定時數的課程,所以沒什麼好擔心啦!

    👉🏻如果想知道要不要開始?欸⋯只能問自己啊😂 我沒有答案,但很推薦盡量參與自學社團,有很多前輩分享寶貴經驗。


    (以下只是option 1,Homeschooling under the homeschool statute是我考慮的。還有option 2 Homeschooling with a private or denominational school 大家可以自己研究)

    1. Meet the teacher qualifications.

    You must be qualified to operate a homeschool program by either:

    instructing only your child and being supervised by a certificated person (i.e., the certificated person and the parent together plan the educational objectives; the certificated person has a minimum average of one contact hour per week with the child; and the certificated person evaluates the child’s progress); or
    instructing only your child and having either 45 college quarter credits or the equivalent in semester credits (approximately 30 semester credits, since one quarter credit equals two-thirds of a semester credit); or
    instructing only your child and having completed a course in home-based education at a postsecondary institution or a vocational-technical institute (these courses generally do not require an extensive time commitment); or
    instructing only your child and being “deemed sufficiently qualified to provide home-based instruction by the superintendent of the local school district.”

    2. File a notice of intent.

    You must annually file a signed declaration of intent to homeschool by September 15 or within two weeks of the beginning of any public school quarter, trimester, or semester. File with the local superintendent or with the superintendent of a nonresident district that accepts the homeschool student as a transfer student. The declaration must include the name and age of your child, specify whether a certificated person will be supervising the instruction, and be written in a format prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. HSLDA has a declaration of intent form available for our members’ use, which you can find below.

    3. Teach for the required number of days.

    You must teach 180 days per year, or average 1,000 hours per year.

    4. Teach the required subjects.

    Your homeschool curriculum must include occupational education, science, math, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of an appreciation of art and music.

    5. Conduct an annual assessment.

    You have two options for the required annual assessments. The results of the assessment do not need to be submitted to the public schools but must be retained as part of your child’s permanent school record.

    The assessment options are:

    Ensure that a standardized test approved by the state board is administered annually to your child by a “qualified” person (i.e. anyone qualified by the test publisher to administer the test), or
    Have your child evaluated by a certificated person.


    僅此附上我新開張的 #羅比媽自學小教室 照片,目前只有兩個實驗生就是了~哈哈哈

  • 螺旋式教學幼稚園 在 Irene's Story Wonderland Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-17 23:18:33
    有 152 人按讚






    英文繪本師訓講師、JFK繪本屋 英文繪本老師、My Gym Taiwan 特邀英文繪本老師、連鎖補習班(何嘉仁、佳音、格蘭) 英文老師、全美幼稚園外師、全美幼稚園邀約英文繪本老師、北市蒙特梭利幼兒園特約夏令營寒令營繪本老師、大學邀約繪本業界講師、市立圖書館英語故事志工培訓講師、蒙特梭利美語教學進階結業

