

在 薏米水煲法產品中有301篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【對抗嚴寒】著到成隻糭咁都唔暖? ⭐靠溫熱食材為身體升溫 ⭐簡單喝杯炒米水也有幫助 #星期五湯水 移民點煲湯? 南瓜肉桂湯驅寒保暖 ✈️ 香港人習慣喝湯養生,移民後怎樣煲湯?人在異鄉煲湯材料可能不易買,其實只要留意食材屬性,尋常食材亦能煲碗靚湯,有助強身防病!💪🏻 居住在寒冷地區,或者冬季時間...

 同時也有51部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅師奶仔廚房,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[材料] 淡菜 約二両 節瓜 二條 生薏米 約¼飯碗 熟薏米 約大半飯碗 瑤柱 約六至八粒 瑤柱水 約大半飯碗 冰鮮豬骨 約一斤 紅蘿蔔 一條 姜 約6片 油 少許 熱水 約400毫升 蜜棗兩粒 果皮一角 清水 約1500毫升 粗鹽 適量 #節瓜淡菜豬骨湯 #夏日湯 #分享淡菜處理方法...

薏米水煲法 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【米飲料】試過今期流行的米奶嗎? ⭐買現成米奶要注意有否添加糖份 ⭐朱古力口味的更要留意熱量 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 米奶 vs 米水 近年植物奶大行其道,米奶亦是其中一種,米奶和米水哪一種比較好?來了解一下吧! 🥛 甚麼是米奶? 米奶是由白米及水製成的仿奶製品,不含奶類成份,其營養...

薏米水煲法 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【清熱湯水】冬瓜滾湯好清甜 ⭐冬瓜煲湯宜切大塊 ⭐冬瓜滾湯宜切小粒 #星期二提升正能量 冬瓜薏米湯清熱祛濕 夏天常飲冬瓜湯,因為冬瓜有清熱解毒、利水消腫的功效,但煲湯最少都要一小時,如沒有時間的話,其實滾湯亦有相同功效!滾湯時間比較短,所以材料最好切成大小相若的顆粒,容易煮熟及出味。生薏米能清熱...

薏米水煲法 在 ?????????(????? ????) Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-17 01:07:00

【CHEWY FOOD TASTING PARTY 2021🥳】Fusion 菜雲集~顛覆味蕾❣️ 上星期六去 @grandhyatthongkong 出席【超力試食會派對2021】,顧名思義係有得試食,作為一名資深吃貨當然食盡場地美食。超力除咗粉麵類出色,米、湯類都好好味加上糯米粉、木薯粉製成...

  • 薏米水煲法 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-17 19:09:16
    有 94 人按讚



    ✈️ 香港人習慣喝湯養生,移民後怎樣煲湯?人在異鄉煲湯材料可能不易買,其實只要留意食材屬性,尋常食材亦能煲碗靚湯,有助強身防病!💪🏻



    1. 所有材料洗淨,南瓜去皮去籽切塊;紅蘿蔔去皮切塊備用。
    2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Making soup in a foreign country
    Pumpkin cinnamon soup can dispel cold and keep warm

    ✈️ Hong Kong citizens are used to drinking soup to maintain our health, but how do we make soup when we have immigrated to another country? It might not be easy to get our hands on the ingredients, but as long as we pay attention to the nature of the ingredients, we will still be able to make healthy and tasty soups! 💪🏻

    Individuals with a weak body may experience discomfort if they stay in a cold climate or areas where winter days are shorte. This is due to the lack of the yang energy in the natural environment.

    Hence, they would always be afraid of the wind and cold. The improper circulation of the blood and the qi would cause a headache and muscle soreness on the neck. The cold pathogenic factor would also attack the spleen and stomach, causing individuals to vomit and experience diarrhea.

    The cold weather might even cause them to experience winter depression. To improve the condition, carry out outdoor activities during the day and consume soup that can dispel cold and warm the body. You can also add ingredients like pumpkin, onion, cinnamon, pepper, chicken and mutton that are warm in nature, alongside raw ginger.

    Tips on ingredient:
    Cinnamon - hot in nature, dispels cold and relieves pain, warms meridians and channels, warms the spleen and stomach, Suitable for those with aversion to cold, cold stomach, stomach pain, decrease in appetite. Note it is not suitable for those with yin deficiency with excess fire and heat related symptoms, hemorrhoid, dry stool and pregnant.

    Pumpkin and red bean soup with cinnamon
    Effects: Dispels cold and keeps warm, relieves symptoms of aversion to cold, cold limbs caused by cold weather.
    Ingredients: 400g pumpkin, 1 carrot, 30g red bean, 30g red kidney bean, 30g pearl barley, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 slices of ginger
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel and seed the pumpkin and cut into pieces. Peel the carrot and cut into pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #陽虛

  • 薏米水煲法 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-30 18:34:48
    有 134 人按讚



    米奶 vs 米水

    🥛 甚麼是米奶?


    🍚 甚麼是米水?



    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Rice milk vs rice water
    Plant based milk has become trendy in recent years, and rice milk is an example. Is rice milk better than rice water? Let’s get to know them a little better!

    🥛 What is rice milk?
    It is a milk substitute made of white rice and water. In other words, it does not contain dairy product. The nutrient of rice milk comes from white rice, and it is lower in calories. Since rice milk does not contain animal fats, it is suitable for vegans, lactose-intolerant individuals, and those who wish to lose weight. Diabetic patients, however, should watch out for its sugar content.

    Homemade rice milk
    Ingredients: 1 cup of white rice, 5 cups of boiled water
    Method: wash the white rice and soak it in water overnight in the refrigerator. Pour away the water, and replace it with boiled water. Pour the mixture into a high-speed blender to turn them into a paste. Use a sieve to remove the large bits of rice and retrieve the rice milk.
    *Adjust the ratio of the rice and water according to personal preference
    *Using cooked rice can reduce the hours of soaking

    🍚 What is rice water?
    Rice water is a healthy drink made from red rice, white rice, and coix seed. White rice and red white can both replenish qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, relieve excessive thirst, promote muscle growth, and alleviate diarrhea. Coix seed can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. Rice water can improve fatigue, poor appetite, yellowish complexion that is lacking shine, and bloating. Due to its mild nature, it is suitable for the entire family with the exception of pregnant women as coix seeds can cause uterus contraction.

    Simple healthy rice water
    Ingredients: 2 tablespoons red rice, half tablespoon of white rice, half tablespoon of coix seeds
    Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Combine all ingredients with 800-1000ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
    *Rice water should be made fresh daily and should not be stored overnight as it will spoil easily.
    *For pregnant ladies, they can omit coix seeds.
    *Those with diabetes should consult a nutritionist accordingly.

    Welcome to order rice water through our website:

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #減肥

  • 薏米水煲法 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-24 18:44:00
    有 218 人按讚




    1. 全部材料洗淨,雪耳以清水浸軟,去蒂洗淨切塊備用。乾瑤柱浸水至軟身瀝乾,瑤柱水備用;冬瓜連皮去籽切粒。
    2. 在深鍋裡加入約2000毫升水,加入所有材料,武火煮至水滾,改用文火煮約30分鐘直至冬瓜軟腍,最後下鹽調味即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Winter gourd and coix seed soup can clear heat and dispel dampness
    We enjoy drinking the winter gourd soup during summer as it can clear the heat and toxins from the body and relieve edema. Regular boiled soup takes an hour, and some people just do not have the patience for it. If you don’t have time, you can make boiled soup instead. The boiling time is relatively short, we need to dice the ingredient to make sure the winter gourd cooks faster and tastes better.

    On the other hand, coix seed can clear the heat, strengthen the spleen, and dispel dampness from the body. Since coix seed is a type of coarse grain, we can eat it while enjoying the soup. Adding a bowl of rice to the meal can also stimulate our appetite. Let’s make ourselves a pot of winter gourd soup before we enter the fall season!

    Winter gourd and snow fungus soup with coix seed
    Effects: clears heat, dispels dampness, promotes diuresis and reduces bloating. It can relieve summer heat, poor appetite, fatigue and obesity.
    Ingredients: 600g winter gourd, 1 ear of snow fungus, 30g coix seed, 30g cooked coix seed, 3-4 dried scallop, 2 slices of ginger
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Soak snow fungus in water until softened, then cut off black bits from the bottom and slice into pieces. Soak dried scallop in water until softened then drain. Save the soaked water. Seed winter gourd, keep the skin and dice it.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes until the winter gourd softened. Add salt to taste.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #濕熱

  • 薏米水煲法 在 師奶仔廚房 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-07 17:58:25

    淡菜 約二両
    節瓜 二條
    生薏米 約¼飯碗
    熟薏米 約大半飯碗
    瑤柱 約六至八粒
    瑤柱水 約大半飯碗
    冰鮮豬骨 約一斤
    紅蘿蔔 一條
    姜 約6片
    油 少許
    熱水 約400毫升
    清水 約1500毫升
    粗鹽 適量


  • 薏米水煲法 在 師奶仔廚房 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-18 17:57:33

    冬瓜 約 斤半
    赤小豆 約大半飯碗
    炒南豆 約三份一飯碗
    薏米 約三份一飯碗
    熟薏米 約大半飯碗
    細蠔豉 約10粒
    乾栗子 約10粒
    紅蘿蔔 約 一條
    豬骨 約 一斤
    果皮 一角
    蜜棗 兩粒
    粗鹽 適量


  • 薏米水煲法 在 師奶仔廚房 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-12 17:48:50

    鑽地老鼠 約半條
    土茯苓 約五錢
    牛大力 約五錢
    赤小豆 約大半飯碗
    炒南豆 約 三份一飯碗
    薏米 約三份一飯碗
    熟薏米 約大半飯碗
    中元貝 約9粒
    果皮 一角
    蜜棗 兩粒
    冰鮮豬骨 約一斤
    清水約2000 毫升


