
為什麼這篇蓬意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在蓬意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者iphone15 (哀鳳15)看板NBA標題Re: [討論] 為何公牛老闆那麼急著重建?時間Sa...

蓬意思 在 ube__ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 17:16:23

(🏕) / 兩週後,我們又來露營了! 我的好友們會不會太瘋狂⋯我都還沒休息夠又再次開帳了🤣🤣🤣 本次穿搭主題是「山系」,大家不約而同的穿了很多米色系的服裝,乍聽下想說什麼山系,殊不知大家也都很用心在準備👍🏾✨ / 這是選擇比較高海拔的營區希望能讓我們涼爽一點,如果要來夜衝其實路蠻危險的!山裡的路很小...

在網路上找到了一篇Jerry Krause的說法
3.Luv Lonely跟Steve Kerr即將取得自由球員身分,在薪資帽規定下,公牛付不起他們的FA價


Rodman自己在the last dance都說沒有他公牛沒辦法三連霸
尤其都拿過三連霸了 會影響他的打球動機




In this final excerpt from Jerry Krause's unfinished and unpublished memoir, the Bulls' general manager pulls back the curtain on the end of the dynasty.


“There’s Jerry Krause, the guy who broke up the championship dynasty.”

“There’s Jerry Krause, the guy with the huge ego who wanted to build a championship team without Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson, the guy who thought he was more important than the players and coaches.”

If I’ve heard or seen those quotes a thousand times in different publications and venues throughout America, you can be sure there were thousands of them said to which I wasn’t privy.

Up until now, as you read this, nobody outside of Jerry Reinsdorf, myself and a few select people in the Bulls organization really knows what happened in the aftermath of winning our sixth world championship in eight years.

Did we break up the winning team so that we could satisfy our own egos and win without those players and coaches? Do you really think that people who worked for so many years to win and then win again and again would be dumb enough to let egos get in the way of trying to win again?

我們是否解散了獲勝的球隊,以便在沒有那些球員和教練的情況下滿足我們自己的自我並贏得勝利? 你真的認為那些為了勝利而努力了這麼多年,然後一次又一次地獲勝的人會愚蠢到讓自尊阻礙他們再次獲勝嗎?

Do you think that an organization built with one single purpose, from its chairman on down through the lowest-ranking member of the front office — to win championships — would easily give up that thought?


During the last championship run in 1998, cracks in the foundation of the teams we’d built began to alarmingly show up at inopportune times. To the adoring public, the age that was showing on Dennis Rodman, the lack of movement by Luc Longley, the slowdown in efficiency after playing over 100 games per year in two of the previous three seasons, was not apparent. The lack of recovery time in the summer, where beaten-up legs could have enough time on (strength and conditioning coach) Al Vermeil’s summer
program to gain back the strength they’d lost in playing far longer than any other team in the league, never struck the fans or the media. The fact that winning titles meant drafting last each year in what at the time were poor draft crops meant nothing. We’d gotten lucky in 1990 in that most NBA people did not think that Toni Kukoc would even come to the NBA, and he’d fallen to early in the second round where we had a pick.

在 1998 年上一次奪冠期間,我們組建的球隊的基礎在不合時宜的時候開始出現令人擔憂的裂縫。 對於崇拜球員的球迷來說,他們看不到丹尼斯·羅德曼的年齡、盧克·朗利缺乏運動能力,以及在經過兩個賽季每年打超過 100 場比賽后,第三個賽季效率值的下降。
夏季缺乏恢復時間從未引起球迷或媒體的注意:受傷的雙腿可以有足夠的時間參加(力量和體能教練)Al Vermeil 的夏季計劃,以恢復他們因比賽時間比聯盟中任何其他球隊長得多而失去的力量,。
事實上,贏得冠軍意味著每年最後一次選秀,而當時的選秀作物歉收,這一事實毫無意義。 1990 年我們很幸運,大多數 NBA 人都沒有想到托尼·庫科奇會來到 NBA,而且他在我們有一個選秀權的第二輪早段就掉下來了。

But to the fans and media, we had Michael Jordan and he could overcome anything. He could play without a center and a power forward for a capped team with little or no flexibility and still win by himself. Or Scottie Pippen, with two operations in the previous two years, could rise to the occasion and win with Michael and a declining supporting cast.

但對於球迷和媒體來說,我們有邁克爾·喬丹,他可以克服任何困難。 他可以在沒有中鋒和大前鋒的情況下為一支幾乎沒有薪資空間的球隊打球,但仍然可以自己獲勝。
或者,斯科蒂·皮蓬(Scottie Pippen)在過去兩年接受了兩次手術,可能會在邁克爾和日漸衰落的支持陣容的幫助下,挺身而出並贏得勝利。

We had the finest coach in the game in Phil Jackson, whom the public did not know didn’t want to coach a rebuilding team and who’d informed us before the season that he wanted to ride off to Montana and take at least a year off.


I’m now going to take you to a place no Bulls outsider has ever been, a meeting in early July 1998. It was attended by Jerry Reinsdorf, myself, (assistant general manager) Jim Stack, Al Vermeil, the team doctors and surgeons, (VP of finance) Irwin Mandel and (assistant to the GM) Karen Stack. Vermeil knew more about the condition of the players’ bodies than even the medical people. He had continually tested them in and out of season during the entire championship run. We had asked then-trainer Chip
Schaefer to submit a written report on the team’s health. Phil had made his decision (to leave) eight months before the meeting.

現在我要帶你們去一個公牛隊局外人從來沒有去過的地方,1998 年 7 月上旬的一次會議。參加會議的有傑里·雷因斯多夫(Jerry Reinsdorf)、我本人、(助理總經理)吉姆·斯塔克(Jim Stack)、(隊醫和外科醫生)艾爾·維爾梅爾(Al Vermeil)、(財務副總裁)Irwin Mandel 和(總經理助理)Karen Stack。

隊醫維梅爾比醫務人員更了解球員的身體狀況。 在整個冠軍爭奪戰中,他在賽季內外不斷地測試球員的健康狀況。
我們要求當時的教練 Chip Schaefer 提交一份關於球隊健康狀況的書面報告。

The first question I asked was how much did people think we could get out of Luc Longley, a free-agent-to-be who we’d had to rest periodically over the last few years because of unstable ankles. Al and the doctors thought he would break down quickly.

我問的第一個問題是,人們認為我們可以從盧克·朗利身上得到多少好處,他是一名准自由球員,過去幾年我們因為腳踝不穩定而不得不定期休息。 艾爾和醫生認為他很快就會崩潰。

Next question: Rodman? Each person in the room was concerned that Dennis’ off-court meanderings had caught up with him, that he was playing on fumes at the end of the season.

下一個問題:羅德曼? 房間裡的每個人都擔心丹尼斯在場外的胡思亂想已經影響到了他,擔心他在賽季結束時表現得很糟糕。

OK. No center, no power forward, very little (cap space) to sign anybody of any quality to replace them. Who defends in the middle if Jordan and Pippen do come back? Who rebounds?

好的。 沒有中鋒,沒有大前鋒,幾乎沒有(薪資空間)來簽下任何有能力的人來替代他們。 如果喬丹和皮蓬復出,誰來防守中路? 誰搶籃板?

We go to Pippen. He’s had two major surgeries in two years, one of them late in the summer to purposely defy our instructions to do it earlier and not miss regular-season time. He wants to rightfully be paid superstar dollars. Is he worth the risk, especially if we can’t find a center and a power forward, and he and Michael have to carry the load for a new coach? I seriously doubt it.

我們來看皮蓬。 他在兩年內接受了兩次大手術,其中一次是在夏末,目的是故意違抗我們提前進行手術的指示,以免錯過常規賽時間。 他希望得到應有的巨星報酬。

Can Michael continue his greatness without a center, power forward and possibly Pippen? Could Bill Russell, the greatest team player ever, have won without great players around him? No. Michael has said publicly that he will not play for a coach other than Phil. Phil has told us he’s gone. What does Michael do?

在沒有中鋒、大前鋒甚至皮蓬的情況下,喬丹能否繼續他的偉大? 比爾·拉塞爾,有史以來最偉大的團隊球員,如果周圍沒有偉大的球員,他還能獲勝嗎? 不會。邁克爾曾公開表示,他不會為菲爾以外的教練效力。 菲爾告訴我們他走定了。喬丹會做什麼?

The important role players like Steve Kerr and Jud Buechler are free agents who can get more money from other teams than we can give them under the cap rules.


Could we get Phil to coach without a proven center, power forward, probably Pippen, a basically new bench and crazy expectations that “in Michael we trust” can win without help? Not a chance.


Put yourself in our shoes as we walk out of that room. What would you do? Did we break up a dynasty or was the dynasty breaking up of age, natural attrition of NBA players with little time to recuperate and the salary-cap rules that govern the game?

當我們走出那個房間時,請設身處地為我們著想。 你會怎麼辦? 是我們分裂了一個王朝,還是王朝因年齡、NBA球員缺乏恢復時間的自然損耗以及管理比賽的工資帽規則而分裂?

One thing we did do was make sure no information got out of that meeting that could hurt any player’s chances of getting a quality contract. Phoenix gave Longley lifetime security in the form of a five-year deal at huge dollars. Three years later, having been dumped by Phoenix on an unsuspecting Knicks team, Longley was retired in his native country.

我們所做的一件事是確保從這次會議中得到的信息不會損害任何球員獲得優質合同的機會。 太陽隊以五年巨額合同的形式給予朗利終身保障。 三年後,朗利被太陽隊拋棄並被毫無戒心的尼克斯隊拋棄,他最終在他的祖國退役。

Rodman played 35 more games, never able to regain his previous form.

As the summer wore on and players were locked out of the training facilities by the league — that would mean the NBA season would not start until late January — things got even worse. Michael sliced a finger on a cigar cutter that would’ve prevented him from playing an entire season. To his credit, he could have stiffed us and signed a huge contract. But he was honest and we were well informed what the condition of the hand was. He didn’t want to play on a rebuilding team, and he stuck to his word.


隨著夏天的過去,球員們被聯盟禁止進入訓練設施這意味著 NBA 賽季要到一月下旬才會開始情況變得更糟。 邁克爾被雪茄刀割傷了手指,這讓他無法參加整個賽季的比賽。 值得讚揚的是,他本可以逼迫我們並簽署一份巨額合同。 但他很誠實,我們很清楚這隻手的狀況。 他不想在重建球隊中打球,但他遵守了自己的諾言。

In January, when the league was about to resume and free agents could be signed, Pippen’s agents asked us to do Scottie a favor. By doing a sign-and-trade with Houston, Scottie could get more than $20 million more than he could by just signing a straight-out contract. Jerry and I gave him his going-away present. I called Steve and Jud and told them the situation and to take the first good contract they could because we were not going to bid for them. They deserved it.

There you have it, the truth.

一月份,當聯盟即將恢復並且可以簽下自由球員時,皮蓬的經紀人請我們幫斯科蒂一個忙。 通過與休斯頓火箭隊的先簽後換,斯科蒂可以獲得比直接簽下合同多超過 2000 萬美元的收入。 這是大老闆和我送給他臨別禮物。 我打電話給史蒂夫和賈德,告訴他們情況,並告訴他們可以接受第一份好的合同,因為我們不打算競標他們。 他們應得的。

Sent from JPTT on my iPhone

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※ 編輯: iphone15 ( 臺灣), 06/24/2023 00:30:02
※ 編輯: iphone15 ( 臺灣), 06/24/2023 00:35:06
SlamKai : 種種條件疊加 導致重建的必然 06/24 01:11
mikechang829: 小時候都覺得克胖拆球隊很可惡... 長大後反而覺得 06/24 02:17
mikechang829: 這些球員很機掰 XD 06/24 02:17
hsnut27 : Bob Myers如果不走,會變成Jerry Krause狀況吧 06/24 02:21
smithjr : 假如現在有隊的球星一年領九千萬 你叫GM怎麼組 根本 06/24 07:21
smithjr : 玩不下去 06/24 07:21
yuran : 推翻譯 06/24 07:21
onegaisimasu: 有點道理 06/24 07:27
velbon : 這樣看起來拆掉很合理 06/24 07:42
Anyotw : 就錢啦,沒冠軍老闆要省錢 06/24 07:54
Acer3000 : 謝謝整理 06/24 08:06
wayne0215 : 最後一舞記錄片其實有暗示MJ的薪資已經接近撐破了球 06/24 08:08
wayne0215 : 隊的薪資空間,根本沒辦法組建一支冠軍隊伍,所以美 06/24 08:08
wayne0215 : 好的泡泡終究會破掉 06/24 08:08
melzard : 這篇當事人自述的觀點確實比外傳的那些他多可惡 06/24 08:14
melzard : 的說法可信 06/24 08:14
babyface1977: 機掰的是薪資帽吧? 06/24 08:14
melzard : 薪資帽不機掰啊 要是沒薪資帽你會看到跟足球一樣 06/24 08:15
melzard : 的超級球隊稱霸 然後一堆雜魚隊伍躺平 06/24 08:15
iwinlottery : 所以所以再四年後甚至連三連霸都沒有了 06/24 08:16
JaccWu : 不同的球隊立場不一樣啊 06/24 08:23
turnpoint : 沒有薪資上限,你現在看到的只剩大城市球隊或那種 06/24 08:37
turnpoint : 老闆特別有錢的球隊在打,每年開季時就知道冠軍只 06/24 08:37
turnpoint : 會在那4-5隊出現,別忘了籃球是更仰賴球星且更難爆 06/24 08:37
turnpoint : 冷門的運動,相較足球跟棒球的話 06/24 08:37
rgo : 就是死商人 都拿六冠錢賺多少去了 不砸錢讓人看公牛 06/24 09:06
rgo : vs馬刺的總冠軍賽 06/24 09:06
rgo : 輸了再解體不遲 那有人這樣的 一點運動家精神都沒有 06/24 09:07
ph90119 : 推 06/24 09:42
ianenix : 連霸後解體讓我想到味全龍 哭 06/24 10:08
QOO9142 : 不怪球員想拿多 票房+一堆收入 老闆賺超多 就這老 06/24 10:29
QOO9142 : 闆不想多花錢 06/24 10:29
adhere : 當年MJ薪水是用大鳥條款簽約的 似乎沒有稅的懲罰? 06/24 10:46
allse1032 : 當時就算全員留下也不見得打得贏後來的馬刺跟湖人 06/24 11:01
shargo : 沒有薪資帽就會看到每年只有皇馬巴薩自己玩 06/24 11:06
ming0408 : 薪資帽才會輪轉球隊奪冠,某樓呵呵 06/24 13:16
Lhmstu : 拆掉合理阿,薪資帽跟各種問題才導致不會有永遠的 06/24 14:30
Lhmstu : 獨強存在,競賽才會好看 06/24 14:30
Brucetk : 資方說法真的滿好笑,喜歡重建嘛,重建快三十年了 06/24 15:49
Brucetk : ,結果只打過十次季後賽,並止步二輪 06/24 15:49
sunnyyoung : 喬丹沒啥降不降薪的 他那三千萬不就是因為不爽而亂 06/24 16:55
sunnyyoung : 喊的 06/24 16:55
tomwdc : 如果沒重建 有可能會步上今年勇士的路 06/24 19:56
Utopiasphere: 沒薪資帽的話你會看到快艇老闆組出比KD勇更扯的陣容 06/25 02:30
zardbz : 資方假議題,一樣last dance裡面有提到,如果留禪師 06/25 07:24
zardbz : ,MJ願意留,禪師MJ留,小蟲也管的住,大家都留Pipp 06/25 07:24
zardbz : en願不願意一年衝4連冠,這個可以討論。但如果問都 06/25 07:24
zardbz : 不問,就是假議題,代表克勞斯完全沒興趣,後續也反 06/25 07:24
zardbz : 應克的操盤是起不來的。 06/25 07:24
KKyosuke : 啊人家就說禪師早就說他不帶了.. 06/25 10:34
shawncarter : 就薪資上限+衰退自然瓦解了 其實跟勇士今年面對的 06/25 11:08
shawncarter : 狀況很像 06/25 11:08
bellas : 與其談這個不如談Jordan第一次三連霸後別去打棒球 06/30 23:24
bellas : 第二次三連霸還要繼續甚麼 原陣容要留太難了 06/30 23:24

