

在 華盛頓紀念碑意義產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅華爾街日報中文版 The Wall Street Journal,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #本週熱讀 道格·斯威特喜歡川普的地方之一,是他保護過一些有特殊意義的紀念碑。1 月 6 日,他響應川普的號召前往華盛頓「拯救美國」。後來他加入騷亂隊伍衝進國會大廈,這是時隔 45 年後,他第二次來到國會,而他衝進去的初衷是想與國會議員交流自己的觀點。不幸的是,他在那裡被捕了。這些年,斯威特到底經歷...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅LILLIAN.M,也在其Youtube影片中提到,日本大使第二集抽Uniqlo發熱衣+明信片喔:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na4mSI5XqYI&t=1s 討論 05:49 旅行拜託不要帶嬰兒,父母自己麻煩,寶寶也不舒服,更是嚴重打擾到整車乘客,也不能抗議。。。真心覺得可以等小孩大一點在一起全家出遊,除非你的寶...

華盛頓紀念碑意義 在 背起行囊,和珊迪一起去旅行吧。 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 22:20:17

- 這次參加 #kkday 的費城華盛頓兩日遊 將我的踩過的美國領土更加拓寬~ 這兩個地方不像紐約那麼擁擠 每一個街區都規劃的整齊乾淨 只是因為首都的關係 許多政府辦公樓、歷史紀念碑都在這 娛樂性的場所比較少 聽說只有政客跟遊客會來這裡(笑) 不過也因此 治安是美國數一數二的好唷! - 1、華盛頓國...

  • 華盛頓紀念碑意義 在 華爾街日報中文版 The Wall Street Journal Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-17 23:01:02
    有 1 人按讚

    #本週熱讀 道格·斯威特喜歡川普的地方之一,是他保護過一些有特殊意義的紀念碑。1 月 6 日,他響應川普的號召前往華盛頓「拯救美國」。後來他加入騷亂隊伍衝進國會大廈,這是時隔 45 年後,他第二次來到國會,而他衝進去的初衷是想與國會議員交流自己的觀點。不幸的是,他在那裡被捕了。這些年,斯威特到底經歷了什麼?

  • 華盛頓紀念碑意義 在 華爾街日報中文版 The Wall Street Journal Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-15 20:58:01
    有 5 人按讚

    道格·斯威特喜歡川普的地方之一,是他保護過一些有特殊意義的紀念碑。1 月 6 日,他響應川普的號召前往華盛頓「拯救美國」。後來他加入騷亂隊伍衝進國會大廈,這是時隔 45 年後,他第二次來到國會,而他衝進去的初衷是想與國會議員交流自己的觀點。不幸的是,他在那裡被捕了。這些年,斯威特到底經歷了什麼?

  • 華盛頓紀念碑意義 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-10 19:00:39
    有 24 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事

    The Statue Debate 美國拆除雕像事件


    1. Confederate「南方邦聯(的)」:指美國南北戰爭時期代表南方的南方邦聯政府。
    2. monument「紀念碑」
    3. honor「表彰」
    4. slavery「奴隸制」:slave指「奴隸」。
    5. relic「遺跡」
    6. take down「拆除」:相似的動詞片語還有tear down, poll down。
    7. Founding Father「美國開國元勳」:指對美國建國有重大意義的偉大人物,具體來說,就是簽署美國獨立宣言和美國憲法的政府領導人以及參與美國革命的領袖。
    8. contribution「貢獻」

    Over the past few decades, there has been a growing movement in the U.S. to remove monuments to Confederate soldiers and politicians from public places. Those who support removal believe that statues honoring Confederate figures, who fought against their own country to preserve slavery, shouldn’t be allowed to stand. Those who are against removal say that historic relics, even those that are symbols of a dark period in the country’s history, should remain as a reminder to future generations.

    The pace of statue removal began to increase around 2009, and reached a peak in 2017, when a total of 36 were taken down. That year, the mayors of both New Orleans and Baltimore had all of the Confederate statues in their cities removed. And since the police killing of George Floyd in May, 2020, a new wave of removals has begun.

    Some of these actions have been legal. A statue of Confederate president Jefferson Davis was removed from the Kentucky State Capitol on June 13, and a statue of slave-owning politician John C. Calhoun was taken away from a public square in Charleston, South Carolina on June 24.

    But in other cases, protestors have taken matters into their own hands. Protestors tore down a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee in front of a high school in Montgomery, Alabama on June 1, toppled a statue of Jefferson Davis in Richmond, Virginia on June 10, and removed two statues from the North Carolina Confederate Monument in Raleigh on June 19.

    But protestors haven’t stopped at the removal of Confederate statues. On June 14, a group of demonstrators pulled down a statue of Thomas Jefferson in front of a high school in Portland, Oregon. And several days later, in another part of Portland, a crowd gathered around a statue of George Washington, lit an American flag on his head, and then pulled it down with a rope.

    Why would anyone want to tear down statues of these two Founding Fathers? Despite their many contributions to America’s founding, they both owned hundreds of slaves during their lifetime, although Washington did free his slaves in his will. Should statues of historic figures like Washington and Jefferson remain because of their positive achievements, or should they be removed because they owned slaves? This is a debate with no easy answers.

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

