

在 莎士比亞烘焙坊肉桂捲產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 😋「美」味在台灣:「美」食尋寶趣 留言吃麵包大賽冠軍 #王鵬傑師傅、莎士比亞烘焙坊出品的焦糖美國胡桃肉桂捲! 對美食的熱愛是美台友誼的DNA!美台人民都擁有對食物的熱情,也發展出越來越多美味的融合風料理。AIT新推出台灣「美」食尋寶趣系列,介紹使用美國食材的美味據點! 說起最近超夯的肉桂捲,...

莎士比亞烘焙坊肉桂捲 在 跟著Donna一起吃喝玩樂~台北.台中.台南.高雄 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-19 18:14:50

肉桂捲控看過來! - 📍 #莎士比亞烘培坊 ❤ - 位於高雄美術館旁的「莎士比亞烘焙坊」近期新推出了「胖死你肉桂捲」不只名字超可愛,也是世界冠軍「王鵬傑」推出的南部最強肉桂捲,重點還是限定款,快跟著我一起搶購一波😝回烤過後更是逼人,每一口都能吃得到濃郁的肉桂香氣散發在口中,再搭配上層的乳酪及堅果讓整...

  • 莎士比亞烘焙坊肉桂捲 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-28 16:37:04
    有 728 人按讚

    留言吃麵包大賽冠軍 #王鵬傑師傅、莎士比亞烘焙坊出品的焦糖美國胡桃肉桂捲!



    胡桃的微苦和奶香,讓肉桂捲吃起來甜而不膩,胡桃更富含銅、鐵、鎂、鋅、維他命E等維生素,也能降低血中壞膽固醇含量,並有豐富膳食纖維,等不及要試吃 #焦糖美國胡桃肉桂捲 了嗎?4月30日前可以去
    以下這篇貼文 → https://bit.ly/3sysimr 留言贏得吃肉桂捲的機會喔!

    美國美食報你知 United Tastes in Taiwan #美國美食報你知 #美國胡桃 #美式肉桂捲 #unitedtastesintaiwan #uspecans #americancinnamonrolls #Scavengerhunt

    😋America’s Food on Taiwan’s Table: Scavenger Hunt
    Get World Master Baker Champion’s cinnamon rolls from #Shakespearbakery (莎士比亞烘焙坊) for free!

    Food is part of our friendship DNA! U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties have long thrived on our shared love of food and the fusion between our cuisines. AIT’s “scavenger hunt” food series introduces eateries around Taiwan that use U.S. ingredients.

    Taiwan recently is totally blown away by CINNAMON ROLLS! AIT Agricultural Section Deputy Chief Erik Syngle ordered a box of tasty pecan cinnamon roll from #Shakespearbakery, made by 2018 World Master Baker Champion Chef Jay Wang. Check out Erik’s reaction and see his creative use of cinnamon rolls!

    The toasty, slightly bitter pecan flavor goes perfectly well with buttery, sugary cinnamon rolls. Plus, pecans are an excellent source of copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin E. They can help reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol levels in the blood. They are also rich in dietary fiber. Can’t wait to try a pecan cinnamon roll? You could win the delicious cinnamon rolls from #Shakespearbakery at this Facebook post: https://bit.ly/3sysimr Check it out before April 30!