

在 線上英文字典產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【 🪐 疫情肆虐的這一年,我們都用 Google 檢索了什麼?】 昨天在創勝有個小小的聖誕禮物交換派對。圍繞著聖誕樹,大家這次不再期許太遙遠的東西,只希望每分每秒,都能夠珍惜當下的安定。這不是小確幸,這似乎是所有人類的共同嚮往。 同樣是聖誕樹,我去年在紐約的 Bryant Park 中拍下。 ...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過267萬的網紅阿滴英文,也在其Youtube影片中提到,飢餓遊戲自由幻夢在台上映了!身為超級粉絲的滴妹這一集來分享這一系列的小說/電影裡有出現過哪一些經典台詞。 訂閱阿滴英文 ▶ http://bit.ly/rde-subscribe 雜誌限量發行中 ▶ https://bit.ly/2JYqVIC ▌電影台詞 1. May the odds be e...

線上英文字典 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 09:35:37

「明顯」的同義詞,你能想到多少個?不要只是會用 “obvious” 了! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 更多DSE / IELTS / 學英文免費資源,可以到bio link @melodytamhkdse獲取! 同系列讀書心得:#Melody生詞教室 · · · · · · · 嫌以上生詞唔夠喉?想知道更多...

線上英文字典 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 14:48:30

「困難」的同義詞,你能想到多少個?不要只是會用 “difficulty” 了! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 更多DSE / IELTS / 學英文免費資源,可以到bio link @melodytamhkdse獲取! 同系列讀書心得:#Melody生詞教室 · · · · · · · 嫌以上生詞唔夠喉?想知...

線上英文字典 在 步步|英文x英國生活Babysteps English Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 16:24:25

#步再搞錯 #步步合作 ✨settle down, settle in差在哪? — — — ✏️ settle down 1.冷靜下來 比如說Settle down, kids! 孩子們,冷靜點! 這個常常聽到老師們會對學生們說 ⁡ ✏️settle down 2.安頓下來 這個常常會跟結婚、有家庭...

  • 線上英文字典 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-21 16:38:41
    有 216 人按讚

    【 🪐 疫情肆虐的這一年,我們都用 Google 檢索了什麼?】


    同樣是聖誕樹,我去年在紐約的 Bryant Park 中拍下。

    時隔一年,人與人拿著 hot chocolate、mulled wine (熱紅酒) 並肩取暖的樣子,因為 social distance 的關係,被冰封在 iPhone 手機中。只求明年同時間再被提醒「一年前的現在」時,那時一切都會如浴火鳳凰般茁壯。

    Google 檢索和各大線上英文字典的「檢索數據」,像是社會的「溫度計」。


    ・unprecedented times
    ・trying times
    ・how to overcome depression
    ・deal with uncertainty
    ・the COVID-19 pandemic
    ・experience a lack of motivation
    ・apply for a divorce
    ・when will the pandemic end
    ・the efficacy of wearing surgical masks
    ・the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines
    ・what to do when undergoing home quarantine


    不管是 "Stay home, save lives." 還是 "maintain social distancing."

    悲觀的人在文章中開始使用 There is no end in sight. (看不到盡頭)、樂觀的人嘗試 look for the silver lining.

    知名正向心理學家 Angela Duckworth 說,"No one will come out of this unscathed." 其中的 come out of sth unscathed 有「毫髮無傷」意義。


    第一個完整教授「抄寫英文筆記」、第一個地毯式地教授「英文語塊」、第一個活用教授「語料庫」使用的線上課程,募資剩下 #最後2天 囉。Don't miss the boat. Let your 2020 end on a high note.

    🔸 3D 筆記術課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/ntealex-3dnotetaking

  • 線上英文字典 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-28 16:54:46
    有 830 人按讚

    是不是 Put away your heart?
    put away something: https://bit.ly/2NBIW2C
    Coming back from a magical vacation doesn’t sound like fun but here are a few things that we can do.
    1. Snap out of vacation mode

    snap out of sth: https://bit.ly/3eHThWv
    2. Embrace the post-vacation blues

    post-vacation blues: https://bit.ly/2VriLzT
    3. Get a head start / get an early start

    get a head start: https://bit.ly/31q61xk
    4. Create a to-do-list and prioritize your tasks

    a to-do list: https://bit.ly/2YDqkFG
    5. Get a good night’s sleep

    a good night's sleep: https://bit.ly/3eRMTfm
    6. Ease your way back into work

    ease your way: https://bit.ly/2YEib3I
    7. Get back into work mode

    be in work mode: https://bit.ly/3eHTYPB
    8. Get back into the swing of things / Get back into the groove of things

    get into the swing of it/things: https://bit.ly/3i9Icjj
    in the groove: https://bit.ly/3g6jiPL
    9. Work with a new perspective

    perspective: https://bit.ly/3eG6YW7
    10. Meet objectives and goals!

    meet objectives: https://bit.ly/2ZcecdU
    So what is「收心」in English?
    All of these, especially #1, 7, and 8.
    Make sure to check all the links under the phrases!
    需要照片中的電腦桌布請留「A new desktop background will give me motivation to work. 」 。


    生活美語: https://bit.ly/3ge3f2a

  • 線上英文字典 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-27 16:53:06
    有 270 人按讚

    [時事英文] 美國和中國準備「離婚」了

    Do you foresee an amicable divorce or an ________ one?

    想知道答案的同學請留言「Divorce is never easy.」。

    amicable (adj.) 心平氣和的;不傷和氣的



    Love it or hate it, the U.S.-China partnership that was forged between 1979 and 2019 delivered a lot of prosperity to a lot of people and a lot of relative peace to the world — and, baby, we will miss it when it’s gone.

    1. be forged 被(尤指努力地)建立,製造,生産
    2. deliver 實現;產生;兌現(諾言)*
    3. prosperity 繁榮
    4. relative peace 相對和平


    *deliver: https://bit.ly/2BGlyOT


    “Both sides are saying, ‘We’ve had enough of you,” remarked Jim McGregor, chairman of APCO Worldwide for Greater China. And as Trump himself put it in a tweet last week, the U.S. has the option “of a complete decoupling from China.”

    5. both sides 雙方
    6. We have had enough. 我們受夠了
    7. as…put it 正如…所說,表述*
    8. a complete decoupling 徹底脫鉤

    「雙方都在說,『我們受夠你們了』,」安可顧問公司(APCO Worldwide)大中華區主席麥健陸(Jim McGregor)說。正如川普本週發推所說的那樣,美國可以選擇「與中國徹底脫鉤」。

    *put it: https://bit.ly/2ZaSC9C


    These four decades of unconscious coupling hurt some workers, benefited many others and especially benefited consumers; it also took the edge off the natural rivalry between the world’s most powerful country and the most important rising power and enabled them to collaborate on global problems, like climate change and the post-2008 economic crisis.

    9. unconscious coupling 無意中的婚姻,結合*
    10. benefit consumers 使消費者受益
    11. take the edge off 緩和了; 減弱,削弱(不良事物的影響)
    12. natural rivalry 天然競爭
    13. rising power 新興政權
    14. collaborate on… 在…合作,協作
    15. climate change 氣候變化
    16. economic crisis 經濟危機


    *couple (v.): https://bit.ly/31jakdT


    But the unconscious coupling is over. Henceforth, it will be more hedged, opportunities will be more restricted and the relationship will be full of a lot more conscious suspicion and fear that a rupture could happen at any time.

    17. henceforth 從現在開始,從此以後
    18. be hedged 受到更多束縛,嚴格限制
    19. conscious suspicion 有意識的懷疑
    20. a rupture 破裂



    Summing up the relationship today, McGregor, of APCO Worldwide, noted: “I don’t know if the Chinese are taking America seriously anymore. They are happy to just let us keep damaging ourselves. We have to wake up and grow up” — and get our own act and allies together. China respects one thing only: leverage. Today, we have too little and China has too much.

    21. sum (sth/sb) up 總結,概述,概括*
    22. take… seriously 把…當回事; 嚴肅地看待…
    23. wake up 醒悟
    24. get your act together (informal) 振作自己;有條理地行事;合理安排
    25. leverage 影響力


    * sum (sth/sb) up https://bit.ly/2Nwv21H


    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3eE8UOW



    五大線上英文字典: http://bit.ly/2WcDZTH



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