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在 素食店near產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,167的網紅Vegan Expression,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 台北│追垃圾車記 很多剛認識我的台灣新朋友,一開始都誤以為我是台灣人,因為我講普通話的腔調很!台!灣! ☺️ 為什麼會醬樣呢?我一直是個宅女,喜歡宅在家煲劇,小時候特別愛煲台劇,大概台灣腔就是這樣練回來的吧 🤣 而台劇裡,常常會有這樣的一幕 - 女主角/男主角要去追垃圾車扔垃圾,這讓我很難理解,垃...

素食店near 在 Vegan Expression Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-12 17:58:35

台北│追垃圾車記 english below 很多剛認識我的台灣新朋友,一開始都誤以為我是台灣人,因為我講普通話的腔調很!台!灣! ☺ 為什麼會醬樣呢?我一直是個宅女,喜歡宅在家煲劇,小時候特別愛煲台劇,大概台灣腔就是這樣練回來的吧 🤣 而台劇裡,常常會有這樣的一幕 - 女主角/男主角要去追垃圾車...

素食店near 在 Vegan Expression Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-12 17:59:31

吉隆坡 │ 商場裡的連鎖素食 吉隆坡氣溫每天高達30度,常常希望待在冷氣房裡,在市中心 (也是我這次住的地方) - Bukit Bintang的大型商場裡有一家蠻不錯的連鎖素食店。 「簡易樂活」的分店散落在吉隆坡各大型商場裡,能開這麼多家自然有它厲害之處囉!1. 地點便利 2. 環境舒適 3. 開放...

  • 素食店near 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-09 19:00:01
    有 66 人按讚

    很多剛認識我的台灣新朋友,一開始都誤以為我是台灣人,因為我講普通話的腔調很!台!灣! ☺️ 為什麼會醬樣呢?我一直是個宅女,喜歡宅在家煲劇,小時候特別愛煲台劇,大概台灣腔就是這樣練回來的吧 🤣

    而台劇裡,常常會有這樣的一幕 - 女主角/男主角要去追垃圾車扔垃圾,這讓我很難理解,垃圾車每天在指定時間到家附近,可是如果我很忙著工作,家裡又沒人,那該怎麼辦?聽說有人會帶著垃圾到公司裡扔!🤔

    這個台灣垃圾車文化,是在香港的我無法理解和體驗的。直到早陣子,在台北短住了兩個月,我終於有機會當一下台劇女主角 - 追垃圾車! 🤣 如果要在台灣生活,這大概是第一件該學會的事吧 🤭

    PS 台北素食店多得有點誇張,請不要嫌棄我繼續為大家介紹喔~

    Taipei │ chasing garbage truck
    Many new Taiwanese friends who just met me have mistakenly thought that I am a Taiwanese because the tone of my Mandarin is very! tai! wan! ☺️ Why is it like that? I have always been a homebody. When I was young, I especially loved Taiwanese dramas. Maybe I learnt my Taiwanese Mandarin from it. 🤣

    In the Taiwanese drama, there is often such a scene - the actress / actor is going to chase the garbage truck to throw garbage, which makes it difficult for me to understand, the garbage truck arrives near the home at the designated time every day, but if I am busy at work, and no one at home, where should I throw my garbage? I heard that someone will bring their house garbage to work and throw them there! 🤔

    This Taiwan garbage truck culture is something I can't understand and experience in Hong Kong. Until a while ago, I stayed in Taipei for two months, and I finally had the chance to be the actress just like the Taiwanese drama - chasing garbage truck! 🤣 If you want to live in Taiwan, this is probably the first thing to learn. 🤭

    PS the number of vegan restaurant in Taipei is a bit exaggerated, please allow me keep introducing~

    #台北 #垃圾車

  • 素食店near 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-04-05 19:00:01
    有 95 人按讚

    吉隆坡 │ 商場裡的連鎖素食
    吉隆坡氣溫每天高達30度,常常希望待在冷氣房裡,在市中心 (也是我這次住的地方) - Bukit Bintang的大型商場裡有一家蠻不錯的連鎖素食店。

    「簡易樂活」的分店散落在吉隆坡各大型商場裡,能開這麼多家自然有它厲害之處囉!1. 地點便利 2. 環境舒適 3. 開放空間 4. 食物美味!「紅燒鮑魚菇」RM24.9,酸酸甜甜很開胃,菠蘿和黃椒特別地甜,喜歡酥酥脆脆的鮑魚菇,這樣一道菜一定要配飯才好吃,所以我加了「五谷飯」RM3.2,健康之選喔~

    我以前沒吃過麵粉粿,所以就點了「有機黑豆湯麵粉粿」RM16.9,原來麵粉粿長這樣,長方形的寬麵條,看上去沒幾條,但原來吃起來挺飽肚的;很喜歡它的湯頭,而且料非常足喔,我們整碗喝光了 😅

    悄悄告訴你,在這大型商場 (Lot 10)外有一家匯率很好的找換店喔 🤫

    KL │ Veg chain store in the mall
    The temperature in Kuala Lumpur is as high as 30 degrees almost every day. I often want to just stay under the AC. There is a Veg chain store in a big shopping mall near the place I lived (Bukit Bintang).

    There are many branches of "Simple Life Healthy Vegetarian Restaurant" all over various large shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur. Because 1. Convenient location 2. Comfortable environment 3. Open space 4. Delicious food!

    "Sweet & Sour Crispy Abalone Mushroom" (RM24.9), sweet and sour is very appetizing, pineapple and yellow pepper are especially sweet, I like the crispy abalone mushroom a lot, this dish must be served with rice, so I added "Multi-Grain Rice" (RM3.2), healthy choice~

    I haven't eaten Mee Hoon Kueh before, so I ordered this "Organic Mee Hoon Kueh with Organic Black Bean Soup" (RM16.9). Oh, it's like lasagna. It only has a few in the bowl, but it's actually quite full; I like the soup, it tastes very good and full of different ingredients. We drank the whole bowl 😅

    Quietly telling you that there is a very good exchange rate in an exchange shop just outside this large shopping mall (Lot 10) 🤫

    Simple Life Healthy Vegetarian Restaurant
    📍 S12 & S31, 2nd Floor, Lot 10 Shopping Centre,
    50, Jalan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
    ⏳ 10:00 - 22:00

    #吉隆坡素食 #市中心素食

