

在 當然英文definitely產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【乾,我講英文有夠乾】: 看完「魷魚遊戲」只講得出 It’s great. 嗎? 大家也看了魷魚遊戲了嗎?很多紐約的 #美國朋友 跟我說 ・It’s way better than the Hunger Games. ・I binged the whole 9 episodes (一次追了九集)...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《Walpurgis》 ever after / 從今以後,永不分離 作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm 作曲 / Composer:百田留衣、玉井健二 編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、 釣俊輔 歌 / Singer:Aimer 翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel) ...

當然英文definitely 在 MillyQ Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-02 09:38:49

My 100-cup journey in #HK : Cup 28, my lucky meow~ “bb-la 128” at @holeefookhk , #SOHO #Central 😻. A fusion restaurant that leaves us the feeling luck...

當然英文definitely 在 Deborah Tseng Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-11-02 13:03:34

#下滑有中文 one of the most memorable experience this year is definitely the opportunity to perform on-site calligraphy engraving for Dior. swipe to see m...

當然英文definitely 在 Micmic Chow | 周卓盈 覓覓 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-29 02:17:43

通常見到呢啲問題/批評 我第一秒會自動腦補左啲defend自己嘅垃圾答案 例如係”搏大霧” “搏命” 跟住就會有啲人話答得好好呀好識應對呀 其實只係因為我已經慣慣地俾人話 . 但上面果一條問題 令我諗左成朝 究竟我搏咩呢? . 搏出位 搏人注意 其實可能都係 但我都未真係好搏 我未搏到夠膽喺ig露胸...

  • 當然英文definitely 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 16:19:30
    有 252 人按讚

    【乾,我講英文有夠乾】: 看完「魷魚遊戲」只講得出 It’s great. 嗎?

    大家也看了魷魚遊戲了嗎?很多紐約的 #美國朋友 跟我說
    ・It’s way better than the Hunger Games.
    ・I binged the whole 9 episodes (一次追了九集).
    ・It’s graphically brutal. (超級血腥殘忍)
    ・Totes worth a watch. (Totes 是 totally 的口語寫法)


    ・It’s really good.
    ・I liked it!
    ・You should watch it.
    ・I highly recommend it.

    當然,這 4 句話在語意上、用法上沒有問題。但如果你想要用得更 #道地、#到位,請繼續讀下去。

    1️⃣ 傳統無啥用的 solution:

    面臨這樣的問題,傳統上不少英文老師會建議你去查閱同義字字典,去 #升級自己會的形容詞。但,其實不斷用 It’s adj. 的方式
    或去升級 “like” 這個動詞,調成 I enjoyed watching it. 只是繼續圍繞在相似的想法裡頭,英文還是 #沒有質的變化。�

    2️⃣ 從「#思維模板」、母語人士的「#說話習慣」下手:

    其實不管是魷魚遊戲、還是 The Hunger Games、還是其他相似種類 (genre) 的電影,英美國人會講述的方式「大同小異」,並 #不會因人而異。這樣的好處就是我們有個範圍可以學習這些「思維模板」。不只是一兩個字的片語、搭配詞,而是整體「表達的方向」。


    ✔︎ 在表達從第一集就ㄉㄧㄠˊ住時,你可以說:�
    I was hooked from the first episode.
    It had me hooked from the start.

    ✔︎ 在表達很棒時,他們不會只說 It’s great. 他們會說
    It's hands down one of the best series I’ve seen on Netflix.
    One of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time.

    ✔︎ 其他正向表述、讚揚的講法還包含:
    It’s worth a watch for sure! (值得一看)
    It has set a high bar for other movies of this genre. (把標準提得很高)
    It has definitely lived up to the hype! (真的如大家所說般地好 )

    #幾乎都會馬上想到這些用法。我們不應該再走「中文想這樣講 — > 翻成英文」這樣的路。


    🔥 如果你 / 妳喜歡這樣從思維下手,學習語塊不學單字的學習方式,歡迎你加入我在好學校 (Hahow) 上開設的線上課程 #3D英文筆記術。 站上大折扣剩下最後 3 天,不要錯過囉!

    (輸入折扣碼 GR2183,單堂 88 折、兩堂以上 83 折。)

    Photo credit: Netflix

  • 當然英文definitely 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-20 10:37:58
    有 705 人按讚

    12:00 補充:



    但英文有句俗諺:in someone's shoes ,意思是設身處地。


    What would you do?

    要注意,這不是宏國總統愛不愛台灣的問題,而是 #人家也有國內社會民意的壓力 。






    根據英國金融時報報導,#宏都拉斯 總統部長Carlos Alberto Madero表示:

    while the country wanted to avoid breaking longstanding ties with Taipei, access to vaccines was “much more urgent than anything else”.


    “This puts us in a very difficult situation,” Madero said. “The Honduran people start to see that China is helping its allies and we start to ask ourselves why ours are not helping us.”


    Madero said the situation could “definitely lead to changes in foreign policy”, in a reference to a possible switch of diplomatic recognition away from Taipei. He said Honduras had approached Washington for vaccines and had been promised help, but had yet to receive any.






    Let's keep fingers crossed.

  • 當然英文definitely 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-29 18:22:10
    有 895 人按讚

    中國國民黨 KMT 火力全開,在推特上說「許多獨裁者是民主方式選出來的」。







    @iingwen is definitely not perfect, but she is far from being a dictator.

    If @kuomintang forgets what dictatorship is, go check the history of President Chiang Kai-shek.

  • 當然英文definitely 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-04-23 21:34:32

    ever after / 從今以後,永不分離
    作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm
    作曲 / Composer:百田留衣、玉井健二
    編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、 釣俊輔
    歌 / Singer:Aimer
    翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    English Translation: CH(CH Music Channel)

    背景 / Background - 曇のち - 荻pote:

    上傳你的字幕吧!/ Submit your subtitles here!


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)

    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    あと少しでいいから ここにいて
    それくらい いいでしょ? 気づいてよ
    振り返るたび いつもまぶしくて
    あなたの笑顔が よく見えない

    かけがえのない時間(とき) これからもずっと
    零さないように 重ねて

    ただ笑ってたくて そばにいて欲しくて
    あなたの優しい声 聴かせて欲しいんだよ
    目を閉じてほら 消えないように包みこんでいて欲しいんだよ

    無理しなくていいから 窓開けて
    ひとりにしないから はなしてよ
    握り返せないほど 凍えた
    指先をそっと とかすように

    当たり前の奇跡 忘れてしまうほど
    想いだしていたいよ 何度も

    ただ笑ってたくて そばにいて欲しくて
    探してしまう 心に触れたくて
    吐息をたしかめて ぬくもり分け合って
    それだけでいい この手を離さないでいて いつまでも

    擦り切れそうな言葉とか 剥き出しのままの欠片に
    その瞳(め)が滲んでも ここに ここにいるよ ずっと

    ただ笑ってたくて そばにいて欲しくて
    あなたの優しい声 聴かせて欲しいんだよ
    目を閉じてほら 消えないように包みこんでいて欲しいんだよ

    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :








    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    A little bit is enough, please stay by my side.
    It's not too much and wilful, right? Just notice me!
    Turning around, your smile is dazzling.
    So bright that I can't see you well.

    From now on, those irreplaceable times will definitely,
    Last forever after.
    Putting our hands together, so that these ordinary desires wouldn't slip through and spill out.

    I just want to smile with you, wanting to stay by your side.
    I want to know all your heart more than everyone else.
    I want to hear your gentle voice.
    I want you to hold me tightly so that everything won't disappear while I close my eyes.

    No need to force yourself, just open the windows.
    You're not alone, just share your feelings with me.
    As if I gently melting your frozen fingers that can't be grasped.

    My days are so satisfying that I've completely forgotten the miracle I took for granted.
    Every time I see the dawn illuminates the night,
    I want to remember it, more and more.

    I just want to smile with you, wanting to stay by your side.
    I want to search for your heart.
    Checking our breaths, sharing our warmth.
    Those are good enough. I just want you to hold my hand tightly so that we won't let go forever ever after.

    Frayed words and unconcealed pieces,
    are making those eyes blurred in tears.
    Hey, I'm here, always be here for you, forever ever after.

    I just want to smile with you, wanting to stay by your side.
    I want to know all your heart more than everyone else.
    I want to hear your gentle voice.
    I want you to hold me tightly so that everything won't disappear while I close my eyes.

  • 當然英文definitely 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-03-05 23:00:04

    #心齋橋 #3coins コスメ #とりっぷちゃんねる #3COINS購入品 #100yen百元商店 #300円店大阪分店 #300円店 #300円店日本 #300円店大阪 #三個銅板 #日本生活百貨 #travelplan japan2020 #Shinsaibashiosaka
    Hello, everyone.

    嘩!你真是不得不佩服日本人, 最近一段新聞是這樣寫的 Wow! You really have to admire the Japanese. A recent news is written like this

    日本政府籌集400萬口罩派給北海道市民, The Japanese government raised 4 million masks to be distributed to Hokkaido citizens.

    每家住戶獲發40個口罩, 而且是用郵寄方式派發免聚集, Each household received 40 masks, and they were distributed FOC by mail to avoid gathering

    你完全可以睇到能力高之餘, 亦都好細心, Anyway, what can I say? They are so capable with full control of the situatuin and caring. Anyway, what can I say?

    有時去旅行不是為了飲飲食食, 而是觀察外地人處理同樣處境使用什麼手法處理 Sometimes traveling is not for food and drink, but for observing what methods are used by other people to handle the same situation.

    這個就是旅行中獲取的生活智慧和待人處世, This is the wisdom of life and the life gained from travel

    Any肥! 歡迎大家陪我去旅行, 睇咗當去咗 Anyway, welcome everyone to travel with me!

    今日為大家介紹在大阪心齋橋一個日本人氣雜貨店3COINS+PLUS Today I'm introducing 3COINS + PLUS, a popular Japanese grocery store in Shinsaibashi, Osaka.

    單單在大阪已經有23間分店, 其他分店遍佈日本全國 There are 23 branches in Osaka alone, and other branches throughout Japan

    店內的商品雖然不是像100 yen店那麼便宜,不過3COINS+PLUS的商品更加精緻, Although the products in the store are not as cheap as the 100 yen store, the 3COINS + PLUS products are more refined.

    充滿設計感的雜貨及飾品亦很多選擇,特別適合買來佈置家居 There are also many choices of design-oriented groceries and accessories, which are especially suitable for home furnishings.

    300 Yen差不多21HKD, 都是大部分人負擔得起, 間中會有一兩件貨會貴少少 300 Yen is almost 21HKD, which is affordable for most people, there will be few items are more expensive

    但是你再細心看看那些設計, 絕對是物超所值, 平買貴用的首選 But if u look carefully at those designs, they are definitely good value for money.

    女士們見到當然喜愛啦, 男網友用嚟送給女性朋友, 上司或長輩 Ladies love it for sure. Male netizens will also please their female friends, bosses or elders easily

    一定為對方帶來驚喜, 最緊要是成本低效果驚人吖嘛 Most easy to surprises them, the most important thing is the low cost and amazing effect

    快啲嚟睇下今日的十大必買, Are u ready ? Let's check out the top 10 best-buy today

    第一必買, 你可以當作晨褸或浴袍, 質地好不在話下, 還要價錢相當便宜21HKD咋 The 1st best buy is a morning robe or bathrobe, the texture is good with price only 21HKD

    還有眼罩㗎, 第二必買, 這個用來套住對腳保暖的, 一邊看法證烏冬穿著住就適合啦 There are eye masks. The 2nd best buy is this to cover the feet to keep warm, while u are watching TV

    這個又可以當襪著, 顏色和pattern都好精緻 This can be used as socks , the colors and patterns are so delicate

    拖鞋都好靚啫, 質地還好好添 The slippers are so pretty with good texture

    第三必買, Arm pillow, 你可以買返寫字樓, 食完lunch墊住恰一陣 The 3rd best buy is arm pillow. U can cushion onto it for a nap after lunch in office

    不用害怕整花妝容, 如果這件禮物是由男士送的話, 你話幾體貼呢? No worry for your makeup dissolve. If this gift was sent by a man, how considerate would he be?

    第四必買, 又是可以由男士送給另一半,就是圍裙呀 The 4th best buy is apron can also sent by a man

    你可以告訴對方, 現在歐美日流行的著法, 就是裏面真空 U can tell her that the popular way in Europe, America, and Japan is to wear nothing inside

    配合這個粉紅色姣姣地的砧板, 是否好有畫面呢? Can u imagine if she wearing this with a fancy pink chopping board?

    BB仔的圍裙都有, 如果你是別人daddy, 可以一次過買曬兩款啦 There are aprons for BB, if you are someone's daddy, you can buy both at once

    第五必買, 手提BBQ鐵架, 最近多了很多人行山 The 5th best buy is portable BBQ iron set, recently a lot of pals hiking

    你不需要專程行到有燒烤爐的地方才開始bbq U don't need to make a special trip to the place where there is a barbecue grill before starting bbq

    上山弄一個show me your love粟米肉粒飯,和女友看日落 Go hiking with your GF and cook a "Show Me Your Love" cornmeat rice n watch the sunset together.

    但是要有公德心, 記得不要破壞自然環境呀 Be considerate! Remember not to damage the natural environment


