

在 清潔劑英文cleaner產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅歷史哥澄清唬,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【朕即真相?】 經過黨主席點兵以後才發現...原來外圍組織已經那麼多啦? 你的真相只是你的真相,我的事實才是事實? #主觀事實正流行 #造假與澄清各司其職 #公正第三方與本人互為表裡 #反正都是自己人 摘要: 民進黨主席 #蔡英文 23日在 #亞洲自由民主聯盟(Council of Asian...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅屯門畫室 Tuen Mun Studio,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【HOLBEIN 調色盤清潔劑】 http://www.minipetit.com/product/holbein-palette-cleaner/ 【我親自教授的畫班, 畫室電話 8101 3600】 簡易水彩入門班 ▶ http://tuenmunstudio.com/watercolo...

  • 清潔劑英文cleaner 在 歷史哥澄清唬 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-27 08:00:01
    有 1,324 人按讚




    民進黨主席 #蔡英文 23日在 #亞洲自由民主聯盟(Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats, CALD)第13屆大會開幕致詞,分享以「台灣模式」對抗假訊息的經驗。

    蔡英文說,在數位政委唐鳳的領導下,透過發布簡單有趣的圖卡,以捕捉公民的注意力,接著再說明事實。更重要的是,台灣充滿活力的民間社會和科技界在此次打擊假訊息貢獻重大,同時並確保自由言論和民主價值受到維護。這些都要歸功於以下組織:台灣事實查核中心、Cofacts真的假的、g0v台灣零時政府、MyGoPen、台灣民主實驗室、IORG等。除了發表事實查核和威權慣用資訊操縱手法之詳細報告,假新聞清潔劑Fake News Cleaner和財團法人開放文化基金會等組織,也開發了媒體辨識課程計劃,並到國內各地銀髮社區和學校等地方,教育公民關於假訊息的負面影響。


  • 清潔劑英文cleaner 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-09-15 18:47:32
    有 287 人按讚

    [時事英文] 2014 Taiwan Food Scandal: Gutter Oil (餿水油食安事件)

    老師幫大家錄了餿水油食安事件的時事英文 XD

    Audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqjmo6y1c68bd6y/Gutter.mp3

    On September 4, 2014, it was discovered that tainted cooking oil was being produced by Chang Guann Corporation. The Kaohsiung-based company was found to have blended cooking oil with recycled oil, grease, and leather cleaner. It then allegedly refined the waste oil before mixing it with processed lard. The tainted oil, often referred to as "gutter oil" in Taiwan, was then sold to hundreds of distributors.

    Gutter oil is a term used to describe cooking oil that has been recycled from waste oil collected from sources such as restaurant fryers, sewer drains, grease traps, and slaughterhouse waste. The oil is then filtered, boiled, and refined before being packaged and resold as a cheaper alternative to normal cooking oil. Used kitchen oil can be purchased for between 859 and 937 dollars per ton while the cleaned and refined product can sell for 1,560 per ton. Hence, there is great economic incentive to produce and sell gutter oil.

    Gutter oil has been shown to be very toxic, and can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. There are also reports that long-term consumption of the oil can lead to stomach and liver cancers as well as developmental disabilities in newborns and children. Testing of some samples of gutter oil has revealed traces of dangerous organic pollutants that are capable of causing cancer with long-term consumption.

    Taiwan was already reeling from a cooking oil safety scandal last year. In the wake of the newest cooking oil scare, hundreds of tons of mooncakes, pineapple cakes, bread, instant noodles and steamed dumplings have been removed from shelves. According to the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, more than a 1000 restaurants, bakeries and food plants across the island had used the tainted oil.

    The scandal has severely tarnished the image of Taiwanese food processing industry. What has angered consumers is that companies using the tainted cooking oil had allegedly received the so-called Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificate--a food health and safety mark that is aimed at assuring consumers of the quality of the consumable item. But the label, which provides a blanket certification to manufacturers, has come under criticism. Its issuing body, the Taiwan Food Good Manufacturing Practice Development Association (TFGMPDA) has issued a public apology.

    Vocabulary words:

    cooking oil (n.) 食用油
    tainted (adj.) 汙染的;感染的;腐敗的
    leather cleaner (n.) 皮革清潔劑
    processed (adj.) 經過加工的;處理過的
    lard (n.) 豬油
    gutter oil (n.) 地溝油
    distributor (n.) 經銷商 ; 批發商
    restaurant fryers (n.) 餐廳炸鍋
    sewer drain (n.) 汙水下水道
    grease trap (n.) 油脂隔離器
    slaughterhouse waste (n.) 屠宰場的廢料
    filter (v.) 過濾
    refine (v.) 提煉;精製
    economic incentive (n. phr.) 經濟誘因
    toxic (adj.) 有毒的
    diarrhea (n.) 腹瀉
    abdominal pain (n.) 腹痛
    liver cancer (n.) 肝癌
    developmental disability (n. phr.) 發展障礙
    newborn (n.) 新生兒
    organic pollutant (n. phr.) 有機污染物
    reel from (v. phr.) 受...的不好影響
    in the wake of (phr.) 繼…之後,緊隨著 (指一件事情已告一段落,進入另一境界)
    scare (n.) 驚恐
    tarnished (adj.) 有汙點的
    allegedly (adv.) 據宣稱
    aimed at (v. phr.) 把……瞄準
    blanket (adj.) 適用於所有情況的
    issuing body (n.) 發證機構


    Image source: http://www.financetwitter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/China-Food-Scandal-Chang-Guann-Drum-of-Gutter-Oil.jpg

  • 清潔劑英文cleaner 在 思詩公主 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2013-03-20 10:54:00
    有 9 人按讚

    Learn English ~Translated
    某大快餐店貼出招聘廣告,以時薪 $9000 聘請「潔淨洗碗員 (Dish Cleaner)」。職位的中文名稱似通非通,到 Google 尋找 dish cleaner,卻只找到一大堆清潔劑。原來 cleaner 作「清潔工」解的時候,僅指房子或辦公室的清潔工,對於其他人或物則解清潔用品,如吸塵器、清潔劑等。這跟很多香港人的經典錯誤——誤把爐具 (cooker) 當廚子 (cook) 相當類似。

    那麼「洗碗員」的英語怎樣說呢?在英語裏,洗碗員恰好與「洗碗碟機」同樣是 dishwasher。從這個例子可見,英語詞彙的拼寫和詞義沒有必然的規律,廚子不叫 cooker,但洗碗員卻喚作 dishwasher。如果不想鬧笑話,不確定的時候得立即查詢啞老師。

    請立即 Like「Oxford 牛津英漢詞典」的 Facebook 專頁,留意我們分享的英語趣事。

    資料來源:牛津英漢高階雙解詞典 第 7 版