

  • 泰勒絲歌詞金句 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-10-09 17:31:35

    Dena 張粹方全新英文創作單曲 Don’t Worry
    Kkbox https://www.kkbox.com/tw/tc/song/8G400.kGNQ4tpqOKtpqOK0XL-index.html
    Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/4dh6CpYTl13T9lGp18M9ax?si=t4BTPeuOSgqOpvyBTgow4w
    Apple Music https://music.apple.com/us/album/dont-worry/1481516073?i=1481516074

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dena_chang
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/denachmusic/
    Email [email protected]




    Dena 追隨夢想的路途上,帶著嚮往、期待,然而途中的失落,讓前進的步伐變得沈重。一句簡單熟悉的「別擔心」,在無力之際,喚醒那埋在深處的勇氣。

    «Don’t Worry 別擔心» 是學生時期的 Dena 與金曲製作人 ‘Skot Suyama 陶山老師’ 的第一首合作作品。這首歌為 Dena 當時對自己最真實的告白,陶山老師聽到試聽帶後,完全被 Dena 的才華給感染,進而決定展開了他們一起創作的旅程,終於讓這首醞釀了五年的心情日記,成為了她夢想音符的獨特節奏。

    詞曲 Lyrics & Composition | 張粹方 Dena + 陶山 Skot Suyama
    編制 Arranger Producer | 陶山 Skot Suyama
    錄音師 Recording Engineer | 陶山 Skot Suyama
    錄音室 Recording Studio | 陶山音樂 Tao Shan Music
    發行 distribution | SKRpresents

    歌詞 Lyrics

    Have you ever felt like walking on a tightrope?
    Hands tied, and losing your balance
    And suddenly you're falling to the ground below
    Your closing your eyes to reach out and grab something

    Well here I am, just come and take my hand
    Don't you know that you don't have to go it alone?

    Cause when you feel like you're running in circles
    or trapped in your dream
    baby I'll remind you of the way you used to look at me
    So just hold onto my hand and we'll face it all together baby
    When no one seems to understand
    I'll be here to catch you if you fall again

    So baby don't you worry

    Have you ever felt like life is disappointing?
    And it feels like a wave that's crashing down on you
    And the weight of the world, feels like you're drowning
    And staying afloat is all you can do

    Well here I am, just come and take my hand
    Don't you know that you don't have to go it alone?

    Cause when you feel like you're running in circles
    or trapped in your dream
    baby I'll remind you of the way you used to look at me
    So just hold onto my hand and we'll face it all together baby
    When no one seems to understand
    I'll be here to catch you if you fall again

    Just take a look back
    to the day you uploaded your first song
    so proud you were dancing around the room
    and then you’ll realize
    how brave you were
    and that it’s always
    been a part of you

    Cause when you feel like you're running in circles
    or trapped in your dream
    baby I'll remind you of the way you used to look at me
    So just hold onto my hand and we'll face it all together baby
    When no one seems to understand
    I'll be here to catch you if you fall again


    導演/ 編劇 Director/ Writer:Franko Liu
    製片 Producer : Kevin Lin
    製片助理 Production Assistant:Jason Suen
    攝影 DOP::Martin Tan
    攝影助理 Assistant Camera:Leo Yu
    燈光 Gaffer:Yang Chen
    燈光助理 Lighting Technician:Alex Wang
    美術 Art Director::Junior Tsung

    造型 Stylist:Toby Zhong
    造型助理 Stylist Assistant: Annie Huang
    妝髮 MUA & Hair Stylist:Our Leo
    妝髮助理 MU & Hair Assistant:Yun Chang

    調光 Colorist:Martin Tan

    Special Thanks to Holly Lou, Nelson Cheng, Stephen Rong, Tiffany, and Rick Chen!