作者rickymaten (瑞奇哥)
標題[題目] 跪求大大CARRY解題
時間Sat Jun 6 22:32:25 2015
1.when __ with difficulties,one still need to coutinue his efforts without
giving easily.
b.to face
facing嗎?難道是 be faced with 慣用語?
2.You will be even happier to know that the total amount of deposits
a foreign branch here may accept __ to fifteen times its remitted working
a.has been increased
b.have been increased
c.been increased
d.had inicreased
疑問:答案A,我選B,the total amount of deposits不是複數嗎?
是因為從that the ..... may accept是指"一件事"?於是用第三人稱完成式嗎?
3.Investors anticipated that the Fed would launch another round of __
is called quantitative easing.
關代有點搞亂了,頭很大下禮拜要考試了,跪求大大們CARRY QQ
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEIC/M.1433601148.A.F61.html
→ dunchee : 注意看詞性(綠色字眼),然後對照題目。不要「只看一 06/06 23:34
→ dunchee : 個字」,後頭的with也要考慮進去 06/06 23:35
→ dunchee : (這時候就是字典藍色字眼的用法->之後就是分詞構句 06/06 23:35
→ dunchee : ,直接用faced with) 06/06 23:36
→ dunchee : 去掉with,那麼就是直接接受詞(回頭看字典的那個"綠 06/06 23:36
→ dunchee : 色字眼"),這時候你第一個想的就對了 06/06 23:36
→ dunchee : 2 "the total amount of deposits",單/複由"amount 06/06 23:41
→ dunchee : "決定(意思上: 都已經說是「(xxx的)總(數)量」了, 06/06 23:42
→ dunchee : 意思重點在這個「數量」(amount)上頭,而不是組成這 06/06 23:42
→ dunchee : 數量的"個別存款")。學會看(整體)意思,不要死套 06/06 23:42
→ dunchee : 文法公式 06/06 23:42
→ dunchee : 你需要注意的是「個別字」的意思/用法。比如此處是" 06/06 23:44
→ dunchee : amount"。換成別的字(然後字樣上剛好也是 a [某字] 06/06 23:44
→ dunchee : of [複數字眼])會出現不同的用法情況,所以這無法 06/06 23:44
→ dunchee : 用「單一公式」來套 前頭的字典很多這種"用法/意 06/06 23:45
→ dunchee : 思"介紹/說明(例句本身也是個用法介紹) 06/06 23:46
→ dunchee : 3. which的先行詞是誰? what子句有的是教"名詞子 06/07 00:09
→ dunchee : 句": 06/07 00:09
→ dunchee : that子句部份: the Fed would launch another round 06/07 00:09
→ dunchee : of [something] 06/07 00:09
→ dunchee : what子句整個就是那個[something] 06/07 00:09
→ dunchee : 另一個幫助理解的文法是此處的what相當於 the thing 06/07 00:10
→ dunchee : which: the Fed would launch another round of [ 06/07 00:10
→ dunchee : the thing {which is called quantitative easing}] 06/07 00:10
→ dunchee : 這裡的"the thing"只是個代稱,它可以是指之後內容 06/07 00:10
→ dunchee : 所指的任何東西 (我以前學生時代是把這(what)想成是 06/07 00:11
→ dunchee : 個 "wildcard",先暫時空著,等讀完what子句內容之 06/07 00:11
→ dunchee : 後就知道這個 wildcard 指的是什麼) 06/07 00:11