作者Carey2005 (想起我不完美)
標題[問題] 豔火的歌詞該如何譯為英文單字?
時間Fri Apr 5 17:27:58 2013
於是你不停散落 我不停拾獲
我們在遙遠的路上 白天黑夜為彼此是艷火
麻煩大家為我集思廣益一下,謝謝 :)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 san14222:Lost and found? (個人淺見) 04/05 19:51
推 paihsinching:Sprinkle and take? 04/05 22:54
推 jocker1412:you keep leaving track, I keep fallowing it. 04/06 02:13
推 clop:覺得要隱晦一點... 04/06 05:10
推 lizamustang:用google直翻會變成So you kept scattered I kept Fou 04/06 20:45
→ lizamustang:nd. 04/06 20:46
→ lizamustang:但我自己會想使用Then you cannot stop left lying, 04/06 20:46
→ lizamustang:and I cannot stop following. 04/06 20:47
→ lizamustang:left lying 是遺落的意思,散落我用"跟隨"代替,我覺得 04/06 20:50
→ lizamustang:比較和歌詞文意. 04/06 20:51
→ lizamustang:更正是拾獲我用跟隨代替.其實你也可以PO到張懸的FB,搞 04/06 20:52
→ lizamustang:不好她有空就回了^^畢竟她在英國待過,應該翻得比較好 04/06 20:53
推 Fancy1991:lost and found是不是失物招領的意思?~~XDDD 04/08 14:34
推 acHsiang:Then you split into pieces, n I never stop grabbing. 04/11 13:13
→ acHsiang:On our infinite way, we're the light of each. 04/11 13:18
→ acHsiang:讀書偷閒亂翻 lol 04/11 13:20
→ simpleeel:好難~ 04/11 21:40
推 Qinminstrel:when you never stop shining, the pieces of my 04/16 01:01
→ Qinminstrel:heart are always fulfilled 04/16 01:01
→ Qinminstrel:沒有辦法猜測詞人的原意,就根據自己的理解意譯了下啦 04/16 01:03
→ Qinminstrel:或者enriching? 想表達精神上充實及滿足的感覺~:) 04/16 01:08
推 dubliuers:於是你不停散落 我不停拾獲 05/03 23:49
→ dubliuers:Sowing you keeping, reaping never I stopped. 05/03 23:50
→ dubliuers:我們在遙遠的路上 白天黑夜為彼此是豔火 05/03 23:52
→ dubliuers:On the route straight away, 05/03 23:53
→ dubliuers:in brightness and darkness shall we flame. 05/03 23:53