
為什麼這篇機器壞掉英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在機器壞掉英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者hoch (Sanctuary)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [求譯] 麻煩幫我看看這段翻譯...

機器壞掉英文 在 嗨,叫我Milly 米粒就好? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-07-09 20:19:18

Hello Kitty 幼兒安撫絨毛音樂啟蒙故事機 - 每週放火團之今天來放「芽比兔幼兒安撫啟蒙故事機」!對,它的名字就是這麼長!因為芽比兔太有才華了😆 先介紹芽比兔的內容就知道為什麼我說有才華了!! 🔸108首歡唱快樂童謠 🔸62首聽兒歌學台語 🔸33篇世界名著劇場 🔸90篇世界童話精選 🔸224...

: 因為最近實驗室儀器故障 必須要與國外廠商聯絡
: 為了怕外國人有所誤會 請各位幫忙看看以下翻譯有無錯誤或語意不對的地方
: 或有更好更有力的說法 謝謝!!
: -------------------------------
: 由於在相同的使用者及相同的操作條件下,其他相同機台並無故障情形
: Under the same operation condition and the same users, no other tault
: conditions with the same type machines.


: 而此機台還在保固期內,故障率卻如此高, 此次壞掉為第三次 (半年共三次)
: This machine is still under warranty, but with such a high failure rate(three
: times within 6 months)


This machine has failed three times over the last months.
Concerning that it is still under manufacturer's one-year warranty, we
don't think the failure rate is acceptable.

: 因此我們認為應是此機台本身內部有淺在的未知問題,而導致內部組件的一再故障
: Terefore we think there are some unknown problems in this machine, which leads
: to the machine components reapeted failure.

(1) 典型國內學生過度使用 "there is/are" 的例子。下次不要看到中文裡面有
『有潛在的問題...』就潛意識的搬出 there are。

(2) "which" 用法也不太對。

(3) 不過,Again, 句意沒有問題。

We suspect that the machine has a design flaw, resulting in the repeated
failure in such a short period of time.

: 而在維修兩次後卻仍屢屢出現狀況,因此我們要求替換一新機台。
: After two maintenances, this machine still has some problems, hence
: we request a replacement of a new machine.This equipment is definitely a
: lemon based on our knowledge and experience of using this equipment.

(1) 個人覺得這一句應該放在上一句前面。

(2) 『this machine has some problems』也是中式/台式英文。

(3) 和下一句連在一起看,『因此我們要求替換...』這一句應該用過去式。

(4) "lemon" 常用在汽車。我不知道你的機器是啥。不過可能不適用。

The problem has not been solved even with the two on-site technical

: 但潘先生您表示替換新品有困難,且本次壞掉的元件可能為PA94
: But you said that the repacing of a new equipment might be difficult,
: and also the failure component might be PA94,

As far as we know, Applied Materials has refused to send us a replacement
of the machine despite our continuous request.

(1) 標準濫用連接詞 "and" 的例子。前後兩句沒有關連性。

: 與第二次故障的元件相同,而此元件潘先生您表示其單價極高,更換兩次後即會導致
: 您的虧損
: which is the same failure cpmponent when this machine was at the second
: failure. And PA94 has the high price so that afer two times of replacing this
: component will cause the deficit of you.

(1) 這句非常怪。老實說我不知道這句話存在於這篇文章的意義在哪。

(2) "has the high price" 是中式英文。

(3) "cause the deficit of you" 不知道在此處用意為何。

: 上次已經更換過一次,這次也極為可能是此元件的故障,對於這狀況我們也感到很抱歉
: We are sorry about that. Because it had been replaced PA94 last time, and
: this time the failure should be PA94 failure again.

(1) "sorry about that" 在此處很怪。

(2) "it had been replaced PA94" 文法不對

(3) "and this time ..." 又在隨意濫用連接詞。

(4) "failure should be PA94 failure ..." 也不正確。不過我看不懂你想說啥,

: 但本實驗室的操作方式經確認是沒有問題的,因此疑為機台本身的問題。
: It is confirmed that our operation is no problem, so we suspect the proboems
: are in the machine itself,

(1) "our operation is no problem" 是哪裡看到的?

(2) "it is confirmed that ..." 也很生硬。

We believe we are not at fault for the repeated machine
failures. Hence hereby we list the following demands.

: 因為潘先生您表示要送國外維修,為避免此機台之後又有類似狀況
: Because Mr. Ban pledged to send this machine abroad for maintenance,
: to avoid this machine have a similar situation in the future,

我有點受不了你這樣把中文英文不照上下文隨意斷句。真的很懷疑這是 113 的

"pledged to send ..." 是什麼?是廠商主動要送國外?真的一頭霧水。

"to avoid this machine have a similar situation" 又是台式英文

: 可否請在本次維修後提出原廠提出檢驗報告及保證,還有其維修報告,信賴性報告等
: could you propose the original inspection report and ensure,as well as
: its maintenance report, reliability reports, etc. after this service.

Applied Materials is liable for an inspection report conducted
by a third-party maintenance provider.

: 若無法提出以上可靠性證明,為了確保權益,則希望可以更換新機台
: If you can not make more reliable evidence, in order to ensure equity, you
: would like to replace a new machine for us.

"more reliable evidence" 完全不知道在說什麼。

"ensure equity" 也不正確。

"you would like to replace" 語意完全相反。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
fonya:原文好像沒有提到一年保固(one-year warranty)? 07/30 23:07
fonya:直接說we don't think the failure rate is acceptable 07/30 23:09
fonya:是不是有一點太強勢了? 而且又直接說design flaw 07/30 23:10
fonya:有點直接指責的感覺。 07/30 23:11

