

在 校長principal中文產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,775的網紅李世淦-屏東縣議員,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 徵才機關:國立屏東科技大學 人員區分:其他人員 官職等:無 職系:無 名額:1 性別:不拘 工作地點:90-屏東縣 有效期間:110/02/19~110/03/04 資格條件: 國立屏東科技大學110學年度第1學期徵聘「教學人員」公告(校務基金進用/休運系) (聘期自110年8月1日起聘,至多聘任3...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅森零,也在其Youtube影片中提到,為了教訓老師上次嘲笑學生,今天我必須到學校去好好的捉弄光頭老師啊!! 但是卻看到老師...居然騎在校長的頭上?!! 甚至還引發了水災,捉走我的朋友?! 因此我正式向光頭老師的學校發起挑戰!! 用數學挑戰全校所有師生!!! ▶每天都會有新影片! 歡迎大家訂閱我!!☛https://goo.gl/k5...

校長principal中文 在 Linna Huynh 黃碧蓮 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-01 10:12:24

When I came to Hong Kong 3 years ago, I had no family, but ThinkBig天地 provided me with a family in ways that I couldn't imagine. Every child I met, ev...

  • 校長principal中文 在 李世淦-屏東縣議員 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-20 09:37:17
    有 5 人按讚

    (自110年8月1日起聘) 公告日期:110年2月19日


    ■Department:Department of Recreational Sport & Health Promotion
    ■Position:Contract-based Lecturer(or above)
    ■General Requirement:Applicants should hold a Master’s Degree (or above) recognized by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C. in relevant academic fields or a certified lecturer (or above) certificate is required.
    ■Specialization or Special Qualification(research and publication requirement included):
    1.Full-time practical work experience in leisure and sport management for at least one year is required.
    2.Certificates and related instruction skills in adventure, experiential education and recreational sport are required.
    3.Academic publications in journals with SSCI, SCI, or TSSCI index or principal investigators in research projects (funded by Ministry of Science and Technology or ministries of the central or local government) are preferred.
    4.English speaking and writing proficiencies in teaching related courses are preferred.
    (一) 郵寄方式報名:以郵戳為憑,請寄送至91201屏東縣內埔鄉老埤村學府路1號,國立屏東科技大學人事室收。
    (二) 親送方式報名:以本校人事室「職缺收件章」收件日期為憑,請於報名截止日前之本校工作日期間親送至本校行政中心二樓人事室,交由人事人員收執,並加蓋「職缺收件章」。
    ※ 應檢附之證件不齊或逾期者,均不予受理。※
    五、聯絡電話︰08-7703202轉分機6112 本校人事室朱小姐。
    ※※(一 ~ 八)項資料請勿膠封,使用長尾夾固定成冊即可※※
    項目 系所 郵件信箱
    (一) 休閒運動健康系 rshp@mail.npust.edu.tw

    (二)本校首頁網址http://www.npust.edu.tw/index.aspx 點選「求才資訊」。
    (四)全國就業通網址https://www.taiwanjobs.gov.tw/Internet/index/index.aspx 點選「找工作」。

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  • 校長principal中文 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-18 13:03:39
    有 36 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第五發:高雄美國學校總校長卜傑明與太太來到台灣的甜蜜故事 💕💕







    卜傑明:「我現在是高雄美國學校的總校長,我們有來自超過30個國家、800位學生。我們的美式教育哲學是強調批判性思考而非背誦,並著重發揮創意、創造新知 — 這不是教學法的一種,而是我們的信念。而且,我們身處高雄,就是屬於高雄的一份子。高雄美國學校的建築概念就是『透明』,就算坐在教室裡,我們的學生也能看到他們所屬的城市以及外面的世界。」


    Why I Chose Taiwan #5 💞

    Ben: I was a Peace Corps volunteer many years ago. It was a wonderful and difficult experience. Early in our relationship, Torey told me she eventually planned to live and work overseas. I was one hundred percent on board with that.

    Torey: So academically, my background is in aerospace engineering. I interned with Boeing for a while. Then after college, I went to work for Rocketdyne, which is a subcontractor for NASA, they made the space shuttle main engines.

    Ben: She’s an actual rocket scientist!

    Torey: My company would design and manufacture the parts for engines in California. And then we would ship them to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, where we would assemble and test engines. But I always wanted to be a physics teacher. When I met Ben, I was actually on a business trip. One of my coworkers was engaged to Ben’s roommate…and now we’re married!

    Ben: So we were looking for overseas opportunities, and the opportunity in Taiwan came about. And I came out here to interview in person. And I remember when I walked in the front door of this place for the first time…it just felt different. I was here for two days and by the time, I got the plane to go back home, I was sold on the school. I was sold on Taiwan. I went to Torey and I said, “Torey, did you ever consider Taiwan?” She literally jumped up from couch and said, ”Yes, that’s at the top of my list.”

    Torey: I always wanted to learn Mandarin and I have so many friends in high school and college who were from Taiwan. I love the heat. I love the travel. I’ve made so many new friends here. People are so nice and so open.

    Ben: I now serve as the superintendent of the Kaohsiung American School. We have 800 students from a total of over 30 countries. There is a certain philosophy to American education that we apply here -\-\ an emphasis on critical thinking over memorization; the importance of creativity and creating new knowledge -\-\ we don’t identify them as part of our pedagogy. They are actually part of our beliefs. At the same time, we are in Kaohsiung. We are part of Kaohsiung. This school is designed to be transparent. Even when you’re sitting in the class, we want our students visually connected to the city they are part of and to the place they are part of and to the outside world.

    ✅Dr. Ben Ploeger joined the Kaohsiung American School community as Superintendent in 2017. He earned his EdD and MEd from Columbia University. Dr. Ploeger has worked as a head of school, principal, vice principal, math teacher, and a science teacher at the high school and middle school levels. He served in the United States Peace Corps in the island nation of Vanuatu. Mrs. Torey Ploeger is a rocket scientist. They enjoy good food, good company and conversation, and traveling together.

  • 校長principal中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-18 10:00:01
    有 7,965 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第五發:高雄美國學校總校長卜傑明與太太來到台灣的甜蜜故事 💕💕







    卜傑明:「我現在是高雄美國學校的總校長,我們有來自超過30個國家、800位學生。我們的美式教育哲學是強調批判性思考而非背誦,並著重發揮創意、創造新知 — 這不是教學法的一種,而是我們的信念。而且,我們身處高雄,就是屬於高雄的一份子。高雄美國學校的建築概念就是『透明』,就算坐在教室裡,我們的學生也能看到他們所屬的城市以及外面的世界。」


    Why I Chose Taiwan #5 💞

    Ben: I was a Peace Corps volunteer many years ago. It was a wonderful and difficult experience. Early in our relationship, Torey told me she eventually planned to live and work overseas. I was one hundred percent on board with that.

    Torey: So academically, my background is in aerospace engineering. I interned with Boeing for a while. Then after college, I went to work for Rocketdyne, which is a subcontractor for NASA, they made the space shuttle main engines.

    Ben: She’s an actual rocket scientist!

    Torey: My company would design and manufacture the parts for engines in California. And then we would ship them to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, where we would assemble and test engines. But I always wanted to be a physics teacher. When I met Ben, I was actually on a business trip. One of my coworkers was engaged to Ben’s roommate…and now we’re married!

    Ben: So we were looking for overseas opportunities, and the opportunity in Taiwan came about. And I came out here to interview in person. And I remember when I walked in the front door of this place for the first time…it just felt different. I was here for two days and by the time, I got the plane to go back home, I was sold on the school. I was sold on Taiwan. I went to Torey and I said, “Torey, did you ever consider Taiwan?” She literally jumped up from couch and said, ”Yes, that’s at the top of my list.”

    Torey: I always wanted to learn Mandarin and I have so many friends in high school and college who were from Taiwan. I love the heat. I love the travel. I’ve made so many new friends here. People are so nice and so open.

    Ben: I now serve as the superintendent of the Kaohsiung American School. We have 800 students from a total of over 30 countries. There is a certain philosophy to American education that we apply here -- an emphasis on critical thinking over memorization; the importance of creativity and creating new knowledge -- we don’t identify them as part of our pedagogy. They are actually part of our beliefs. At the same time, we are in Kaohsiung. We are part of Kaohsiung. This school is designed to be transparent. Even when you’re sitting in the class, we want our students visually connected to the city they are part of and to the place they are part of and to the outside world.

    ✅Dr. Ben Ploeger joined the Kaohsiung American School community as Superintendent in 2017. He earned his EdD and MEd from Columbia University. Dr. Ploeger has worked as a head of school, principal, vice principal, math teacher, and a science teacher at the high school and middle school levels. He served in the United States Peace Corps in the island nation of Vanuatu. Mrs. Torey Ploeger is a rocket scientist. They enjoy good food, good company and conversation, and traveling together.

