We are not a background ar! I am working ar! We are not playing ar! We are not a background for you to take a photo! Here is operation, okay?!
We are not a background ar! I am working ar! We are not playing ar! We are not a background for you to take a photo! Here is operation, okay?!
我諗佢應該係同外國記者講嘢,我又諗外國記者應該唔明佢講乜嘢?咁我嚟幫手translate一下。首先第一句應該係”We are not a HUMAN BACKDROP.”,佈景板唔係”background”,而係”backdrop”, 如果想講「人肉」,就加”human”喺前面。第二句冇問題嘅,第三句可以講”We are not FOOLING AROUND.”, “fool around”呢個phrasal verb解”to behave in a silly way or a dangerous way”, 類似廣東話嘅「玩」,例如”Policemen fool around with batons and expired tear gas bombs every week.”,(係fool AROUND WITH, 唔係fool with), “batons”解警棍,“expired”解「過期的」。第四句同第一句一樣啦,然後最後一句加返個indefinite article “an”喺”operation”前面會適合啲,即”an operation”。最後,英文係冇sentence-final particles㗎,最多都係discourse markers, 例如”Don’t shoot the people, man.”嘅”man”, “You are not doing what you are supposed to do, right?”嘅”right”等等,所以都係乖乖地remove啲”ar”啦。
香港生病,明日8.5放假一天,不教學更新vocabno、不回inbox、不補習、不改IES, 8.6請早。🇭🇰
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