

在 替代品英文substitute產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 用心智圖學英文+抽獎活動 什麼是心智圖?這與英語學習有什麼關係? What is mind mapping? What does it have to do with English learning? ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 簡而言之,心智圖是以圖表的方式,視覺地呈現並組織資訊。在英語學習裡,它...

  • 替代品英文substitute 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-12 20:38:00
    有 432 人按讚

    What is mind mapping? What does it have to do with English learning?
    簡而言之,心智圖是以圖表的方式,視覺地呈現並組織資訊。在英語學習裡,它時常被用於幫助學生腦力激盪與主意間的連結。然而,心智圖也有助於學生學習詞彙,並連接片語及完整概念。例如,核心主題為經濟學 (economics),那麼兩個主要的分支可以是政府政策 (government policy) 與市場經濟 (market economy)。在市場經濟 (market economy) 中,學生可以學到買與賣 (buying and selling)、供給與需求 (supply and demand)、消費者行為與消費 (consumer behavior and consumption),以及其他相關片語。如此一來,學生可以迅速聯想與連結這些單字與概念。
    如果他們聽到或讀到像供給與需求 (supply and demand)這樣的片語,他們自然會對消費 (consumption)、價格 (price)、替代品 (substitute goods) 等相關資訊有所準備。此一能力可增進閱讀與聽力的理解力,因為在讀到或聽到這些詞彙時,他們知道哪些資訊將會出現。當學生遇到新資訊,他們也會有先備知識與字彙作為基礎,幫助他們找到關聯並加以理解。
    ★句子的開頭 (sentence starters)
    一般而言 (generally speaking)、在這種情況下(in this context)、更具體來說 (to be more specific)
    ★過渡片語 (transitional phrases)
    另一個原因是 (another reason is that)、另一方面 (on the other hand)、誠然,無可否認 (admittedly)
    ★與主題有關的語塊 (theme-based lexical chunks)
    牛市 (a bullish market)、持續的經濟增長 (sustained economic growth)、繁榮的經濟 (a thriving economy)
    在有意義的主意塊架構下,單詞、片語、詞彙語法的這種連接,能使學生更精準且自動地進行口說與書寫。與其以獨立的單詞來組成句子,學生將得以使用固定的語塊(有意義且更完整的概念)。例如,學生可能想表達「台灣今年的經濟成長率修正為1.56%」。他們通常會將此一想法逐字翻譯,並翻出像是「Taiwan's economy grow will be fixed to 1.56% this year」的句子。當學生須先逐字翻譯單詞時,此一過程既費力又錯漏百出,即便能夠翻譯,他們也沒有時間在自然語言及限時寫作中,思索語法規則的細微差異。使用語塊可以減少這些問題。舉例來說,使用固定語塊作為句子的輸出,其樣貌可能如下:
    Taiwan's GDP/economic growth (set chunk) this year is projected to reach (set chunk) 1.56 percent (data).
    Taiwan's official statistics bureau (content words) has lowered its forecast (set chunk) for the country's economic growth (set chunk) to 1.56 percent this year (data).
    Taiwan's government has revised its GDP growth forecast (set chunk) for 2020 to 1.56 percent (data).
    Taiwan's economy, a key part of (set chunk) the global technology supply chain (content words), is expected to grow 1.56% this year (data).
    因此,本課程旨在以心智圖提供學生一個得以與其他方式及策略相結合的學習方法。新詞彙的出現將伴隨著學生所熟悉的資訊,以協助他們建立連結(例如:消費 consumption→新單字;購買商品 buy goods →舊單詞)。所有詞彙都使用主題式英語教學,同時也結合了其他方式,包括(但不限於)字根 (roots)、搭配詞 (collocation)、詞彙語法 (lexical grammar)以及學科內容知識(content knowledge)。此外,也將教授其他策略,來幫助學生成為自主學習者,他們可以在不同的情境中,思考並決定最好的學習方式。心智圖並非我們詞彙學習的萬靈丹。它是一項能夠幫助我們組織想法,並運用多種方式進行學習的工具。
    【心智圖詞彙 101堂加長版】https://bit.ly/3oN3LbL
    限時優惠優惠:12/1-12/21, 買課程折$799
    需要更多詞彙學習策略的同學請留言「I need vocabulary learning strategies.」
    按讚和留言的同學也可以抽我的新書: 6步驟看懂英文文章, 可以搭配心智圖學習法加強自己的閱讀能力。我會在禮拜二晚(12/15)上8點前從留言中抽出三位幸運兒 !

  • 替代品英文substitute 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-04 16:45:06
    有 68 人按讚


    經濟galaxy 夢想無邊際
    活動內容:秘密 但可以學到好多好多
    📈 俐媽英文教室—經濟篇:
    economics 經濟學
    statistics 統計學
    accounting 會計學
    macroeconomics 總體經濟學
    microeconomics 個體經濟學
    econometrics 計量經濟學
    public finance 公共財政學
    international trade 國際貿易
    game theory 賽局與經濟
    absolutely advantage 絕對利益
    comparative advantage 比較利益
    arbitrage 套利
    retained earnings(RE)保留盈餘
    assets 資產
    liabilities 負債
    stockholders equity 股東權益
    revenue 收益
    expense 費損
    debit 借方
    credit 貸方
    trial balance 試算表
    entry 分錄
    cash flow 現金流量
    monopoly 壟斷
    fixed cost 固定成本
    variable cost 變動成本
    marginal cost 邊際成本
    total cost 總成本
    equilibrium 平衡點
    utility 效用
    indifference curve 無益曲線
    capital 資本
    complement 互補品
    substitute 替代品
    consumer surplus 消費者剩餘
    producer surplus 生產者剩餘
    deadweight loss(DWL) 無謂損失
    gamble 賭博
    implicit costs 隱含成本

  • 替代品英文substitute 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-12-23 19:26:56
    有 5 人按讚


    Why Japan Celebrates Christmas with KFC?

    Every Christmas, Ryohei Ando gathers his family together for a holiday tradition. Just like their father did as a child, his two children will reach deep into a red-and-white bucket and pick out the best piece of fried chicken they can find.

    Yes, it’s a Merry KFC Christmas for the Ando family. It may seem odd anywhere outside Japan, but Ando’s family and millions of others would never let a Christmas go by without Kentucky Fried Chicken. Every Christmas season an estimated 3.6 million Japanese families treat themselves to fried chicken from the American fast-food chain, in what has become a nationwide tradition.

    “My kids, they think it’s natural,” says Ando, a 40-year-old in the marketing department of a Tokyo sporting goods company.

    While millions do celebrate Christmas with KFC, others in Japan treat it as a romantic holiday similar to Valentine’s Day, and couples mark the occasion with dinner in upscale restaurants. For other Japanese families, Christmas is acknowledged but not celebrated in any particular way.

    But for those who do partake, it’s not as simple as walking in and ordering. December is a busy month for KFC in Japan – daily sales at some restaurants during the Christmas period can be 10 times their usual take. Getting the KFC special Christmas dinner often requires ordering it weeks in advance, and those who didn’t will wait in line, sometimes for hours.

    The genesis of Japan’s KFC tradition is a tale of corporate promotion that any business heading to Japan ought to study, one that sounds almost like a holiday parable.

    According to KFC Japan spokeswoman Motoichi Nakatani, it started thanks to Takeshi Okawara, the manager of the first KFC in the country. Shortly after it opened in 1970, Okawara woke up at midnight and jotted down an idea that came to him in a dream: a “party barrel” to be sold on Christmas.

    Okawara dreamed up the idea after overhearing a couple of foreigners in his store talk about how they missed having turkey for Christmas, according to Nakatani. Okawara hoped a Christmas dinner of fried chicken could be a fine substitute, and so he began marketing his Party Barrel as a way to celebrate the holiday.

    In 1974, KFC took the marketing plan national, calling it Kurisumasu ni wa Kentakkii, or Kentucky for Christmas. It took off quickly, and so did the Harvard-educated Okawara, who climbed through the company ranks and served as president and CEO of Kentucky Fried Chicken Japan from 1984 to 2002.

    The Party Barrel for Christmas became almost immediately a national phenomenon, says Joonas Rokka, associate professor of marketing at Emlyon Business School in France. He has studied the KFC Christmas in Japan as a model promotions campaign.

    “It filled a void,” Rokka says. “There was no tradition of Christmas in Japan, and so KFC came in and said, this is what you should do on Christmas.”

    Advertisements for the company’s Christmas meals show happy Japanese families crowding around barrels of fried chicken. But it’s not just breasts and thighs – the meals have morphed into special family meal-sized boxes filled with chicken, cake, and wine. This year, the company is selling Kentucky Christmas dinner packages that range from a box of chicken for 3,780 yen, ($32), up to a “premium” whole-roasted chicken and sides for 5,800 yen. According to KFC, the packages account for about a third of the chain’s yearly sales in Japan.

    It also helped that the stores dressed up the company mascot, the smiling white-haired Colonel Sanders, in Santa outfits. In a country that puts high value on its elders, the red satin-suited Sanders soon became a symbol of a holiday.

    “KFC on Christmas. It’s one of the strangest things I’ve heard,” Gillespie says. “If you brought a bucket of fried chicken to Christmas dinner, honestly, I’d be mad at you.”

    It isn’t a crack on KFC’s products necessarily, says Gillespie. The general idea of bringing fast food to Christmas dinner “would be viewed as rude by most anyone,” Gillespie says.

    In Japan, however, where around 1% of the population is Christian, Christmas isn’t an official holiday, Rokka says. So the idea that families are going to spend all day cooking a ham or turkey and side dishes just isn’t practical. Instead, they show up with a bucket of chicken.

    “This is another sign of globalisation, where consumer rituals spread to other countries and often get translated in different ways,” Rokka says. “It’s not abnormal now to have an Ikea store everywhere in the world. This KFC for Christmas is just taking our consumerism and turning it into a holiday.”

    Having done some travelling abroad, Ando knows that his country might is alone in celebrating Christmas with a bucket of KFC. But for him, he sees the tradition as more than just a company promotion.

    For Ando, he’s still planning to get KFC for his kids this year. But he goes to a bakery for the Christmas cake. On Christmas night, the family will gather around the KFC bucket, just as Ando once did as a child, and just as his children will do in another generation.

    “It’s kind of a symbol of family reunion,” Ando says. “It’s not about the chicken. It’s about getting the family together, and then there just happens to be chicken as part of it.”

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