
為什麼這篇擺爛鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在擺爛這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者usnavyseal (usmarine2008)看板NBA標題[外絮] 擺爛坦好的搶狀元需要幾...

擺爛 在 Angela營養師 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 14:15:32

雖然有點害羞(嗯?) ⁡ 但身為愛漂亮的女生 覺得這對注重體態的女孩們很重要 所以想跟你們分享 @ts6probiotic #TS6私密美白保養 ⁡ ⁡ 女生的煩惱總是在看不見的地方 #你的煩惱是什麼??👇👇 ⁡ ◤在學習接納自己缺點的同時 還是會希望處處都能盡善盡美◢ ⁡ 比如好不容易把屁股練...


Zach Kram, The Ringer

“Losing teams are about to tankardhis season,” our Kevin O’Connor wrote. The Athletic’s John Hollinger observed that after Wembanyama’s
spectacular showing in Vegas, “tanking just became cool.” One general
managerold ESPN that the French teenager would spark “a race to the
bottom like we’ve never seen.”



As a reminder, the NBA flattened its lottery odds in 2019. Now, teams with
the three worst records have the same reduced chance of landing the top pick.
Overall, the new odds made it so that the three worst teams (especially the
worst two) are less likely to win the lottery, while teams 4-13 (especially
those in the 6-9 range) are more likely to win the lottery than before.



The model shows there’s very little difference in no. 1 pick equity below 25
* At 10 wins, a team has a 14.0 percent chance to land no. 1.
* At 15 wins, it’s also at 14.0 percent.
* At 20 wins, it’s at 13.8 percent.
* At 25 wins, it’s at 11.6 percent.
* At 30 wins, it’s at 7.7 percent.
* At 35 wins, it’s at 2.7 percent.
* At 40 wins, it’s at 0.6 percent.


10勝 14.0%
15勝 14.0%
20勝 13.8%
25勝 11.6%
30勝 7.7%
35勝 2.7%
40勝 0.6%


Beyond 25 and especially 30 wins, each additional victory carries a heftier
cost. But there’s minimal penalty before teams get to that point. Heck, at
10 wins, a team has a maximum 14 percent chance to win the lottery, and at 21
wins (more than double!), it still has a 14 percent chance after rounding.



This breakdown explains why the teams projected to finish among the league’s
worst shouldn’t sweat their surprise early wins—they’re a long way from
the 25-win mark, where wins actually start to hurt. It also illustrates why
the most egregious tanking examples we see this season might not come via a “
race to the bottom,” but rather from teams on pace for 35(ish) wins who
throw in the towel during March and April. Every additional win from 30-35
costs a whole percentage point of predicted no. 1 pick odds.



Extra wins used to be much more damaging to a team’s no. 1 pick hopes,
before the league flattened the lottery distribution. For instance, with the
new lottery system, the difference in no. 1 pick odds between 10 wins and 25
wins is just 2.4 percentage points; under the old system, that difference was
13.8 percentage points—in other words,ix times more costly.


The same pattern also applies to teams hoping for either the first or second
pick this season—if they also think that guard Scoot Henderson is a
generational prospect. (By definition, can a draft class have multiple “
generational” prospects?) Once again, under the new system, wins don’t
really start to hurt a team’s chances until the mid-20s.

同樣的模式也可套用在想要狀元或榜眼的球隊,如果他們覺得後衛 Scoot Henderson 未

Yet the vast majority of tanking’s value comes from the greater possibility
of landing a top pick, because those selections areo much more impactfulthan the rest. And it’s important to remember that, in the new system, no
team has aoodhance at the no. 1 pick. Unless they have multiple picks
from trades, even the very worst teams have only a 14 percent chance to win
Wembanyama’s services.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1667997078.A.15D.html
tomoti : 水鳥:好像可以耶...爽~~~ 11/09 20:32
ruiun : 安吉的扣打不多了 11/09 20:34
cody7052 : 說到底,外包坦克才是主流,一邊衝冠,一邊拿樂透籤 11/09 20:34
Chanlin01 : 湖人幫鶘人搶了 11/09 20:35
Chanlin01 : 之前超賽打到東冠還可以抽樂透 11/09 20:35
cyesgin : 鵜鶘穩了 11/09 20:36
heyjude1118 : 幫人搶狀元真的少見 11/09 20:37
cysticercus : 嫁衣神功 11/09 20:37
UD305 : 說中文 11/09 20:37
RandyPerseus: 大班準備好了 11/09 20:38
MK47 : 鵜鶘:舒服 11/09 20:39
josephh : 鵜鶘賺 11/09 20:40
e8e88 : 安吉:我還能掙扎幾場? 11/09 20:43
ginopun10477: 幫別人坦算嗎 11/09 20:46
FRANCO11 : 奪冠又狀元籤 真d爽 11/09 20:46
Zeka6721 : 但結果也還好 不知道是不是斑馬其實沒這麼吸引人 11/09 20:48
reaman : 帶隊送狀元,情操感人 11/09 20:48
s02180218 : 鵜鶘準備好了 湖人正在努力 11/09 20:51
cocytus39 : 安吉 : 闊打一開季就剩一半= = 11/09 20:52
ryancho : 阿銀一開季就放話了,當然要給點面子等風頭過去再 11/09 20:59
ryancho : 來坦啊 11/09 20:59
odaaaaa : AD的價值又往上升了。換兩個狀元? 11/09 20:59
ryancho : 爵士跟倒數前五已經有5.5場勝差,感覺是坦不成了 11/09 21:01
kingsun : 爵士要靠灰狼坦 11/09 21:02
kingsun : 灰狼首輪簽才是爵士目標 11/09 21:03
allyourshit : 湖人開季2/10 25勝感覺是不可能的任務 恭喜水鳥 11/09 21:05
sustainer123: 爵士還有16場 11/09 21:07
whhw : 狀元+季後有沒有機會 11/09 21:09
MorikonHase : 這應該是用歷年的數據去乘出來的 11/09 21:11
alex8725 : 我刺還能贏幾場? 11/09 21:11
s8615001 : 問個問題,蚊班有確定明年會參加選秀嗎? 11/09 21:12
xkiller1900 : 湖人幫鶘人搶狀元 11/09 21:14
capsspac : 鵠人:湖人加油 嘻嘻 11/09 21:17
emptie : 對 歷史數據是一回事 但每年的競爭強度不太一致 11/09 21:17
kosakareina3: 湖人可能連20勝都沒有 11/09 21:22
ThreeNG : 墊底只有14%機率抽中狀元比起以前已經很低了,現在 11/09 21:23
ThreeNG : 制度算平衡啦 11/09 21:23
teruhyde12 : 如果真的是水鳥拿到就真的太搞笑了 11/09 21:26
RicFlair : 阿爵快沒有扣打了 專心拼總冠吧 11/09 21:31
Sfly : 他的完成度其實很低吧 11/09 21:41
Porianesu : 要搶狀元20勝內應該還是比較穩 11/09 21:45
SlamKai : 好想看爆冷中籤的戲碼 坦隊白忙一場 11/09 22:07
h86288624 : 想看14名0.5%的抽到 11/09 22:12
humbler : 湖人這季目標是想組三狀元? 11/09 22:43
sunnydragon7: 阿爵手上還有灰狼的2023無保護籤... 11/09 22:45
sunnydragon7: 湖人的籤交換權在水鳥手上... 11/09 22:47
sunnydragon7: 快艇的籤交換權在雷霆手上 11/09 22:50
sunnydragon7: 目前看來是湖人領...是水鳥領先 11/09 22:54
yuran : 25勝.. 湖人應該可以吧 11/09 23:02
alex0973 : cysticercus:嫁衣神功 XD 11/09 23:06
JerrySloan : 大家不用猜了 魔術神抽 11/09 23:12
langeo : 魔術不用神抽吧 應該是爵士跟馬刺神抽 11/09 23:19
by119876 : 想看湖人創造歷史 11/09 23:49
thibw13ug1 : 安吉快沒扣打了 11/10 00:03
keyoard : 文章在講什麼... 要最高機率 一樣要坦啊 11/10 00:14
hiphopboy7 : 水鳥真的血賺 11/10 01:14
hiphopboy7 : 湖人本季應該是很難起飛 11/10 01:14
swear01 : 文章就是說不需要那麼坦機率差不多 11/10 01:15
jingle870524: 該坦的不坦 11/10 01:51
nckux56 : 不用這麼快就擺爛 反正還早 叩打還有很多 11/10 02:26
Erishcross : 鶘人:不行 還不能笑.jpg 11/10 03:08
ebv : 現在連擺爛放水都得經過精算了 11/10 08:42
Wavecloud : 水鳥:我贏幾場都可以 靠我湖了 11/10 09:29
Wavecloud : 當年Tatum那隻就是拿東冠 同時拿到狀元籤... 11/10 09:32
Wavecloud : 然後跟七六人換到探花籤 11/10 09:33

