
為什麼這篇摩登家庭第一季鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在摩登家庭第一季這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者wormlady (書蟲女孩)看板EAseries標題[心得] 看摩登家庭學英文_Modern ...

摩登家庭第一季 在 Sylvester Wang Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-05 14:13:30

​ 最近很安分地待在家,連頭髮都不敢去剪,再過一段時間長度就已經可以梳中分嬪妃頭,每天下班除了吃飯、照顧植物、聽音樂和追劇之外,最近也開始規律的運動,雖然還不夠精實,但已經比去年的現在瘦很多,好像有一點激勵人心!​ ​ 因為哪都不能去,下班後的漫漫長夜就需要靠追劇來陪伴,我可不想像敬妃一樣數家裡有幾...



Modern Family season 1 episode 10–Undeck the halls


本集以三個不同的家庭在平安夜發生的事情為主線。Dunphy 家意外發現沙發上出現一
個被煙燙到的洞,於是 Phil 決定要取消聖誕節,到聖誕節當天才發現是誤會一場。Cam
和 Mitch 無意間害一個不夠胖的聖誕老公公失業,所以決定邀請他回家過聖誕夜。Manny
一直想過一個 Colombia 式的聖誕節,但 Jay 一直重溫家中有孩子的美式聖誕節,最後
Jay 決定過一個會放煙火的 Colombia 式的聖誕節。每年的聖誕節我都會很期待看摩登

respiratory (adj) 呼吸系統的
formal or technical relating to breathing or your lungs.
Phil: Not me. I have a respiratory problem.

coup (n.) 政變
a sudden and sometimes violent attempt by citizens or the army to take
country of the government.
Cam: Last year, one of my carolers-Andrew-staged little coup.

pronouncement (n.) 決定、公告
an official public statement
Claire: Phil has a habit of making big pronouncements to the kids.

pandering (adj.) 刻意討人喜歡的、諂媚的
pander to sb/sth
to give someone anything they want in order to please them, even if it seems
unreasonable or unnecessary.
Cam: It’s pandering.

get canned 被炒魷魚、被辭退
fired; to lose your job.
Santa: Just got canned.

follow through 堅持下去
(on something) and carry through (on something) to complete a task; to see a
task through to its completion.
Haley: Dad never follows through.

rat out 招供
to reveal incriminating or embarrassing information about (someone),
especially to a person in authority
Phil: The other two will rat them out.

make sb’s day 使人開心
to make someone very happy.
Santa: You guys made my day.

the drill 老習慣
(old fashioned) the usual way that something is done.
Jay: You know the drill.

wreath (n.) 花圈
a circle of leaves or flowers that people used to decorate their houses at
Phil: Stockings, lights, ornaments, wreath.


rub someone’s nose in 重提他人的傷心事
to remind one of something one has done wrong; to remind one of something bad
or unfortunate that has happened.
Cam: It’s one thing to kick me out of the group but to rub my nose in it.

ensemble (n.) 集合名詞,後面直接加複數動詞,意指小型合唱團或演奏團
a small group of musicians, actors , or dancers who perform together regularly
Cam: Ensemble.

magnifying glass (n.) 放大鏡
Luke: It’s like a magnifying glass.
magnify (v.)
1. to make something seem bigger or louder, especially using special equipment
2. to make something seem more important than it really is.
3. to make something much worse or more serious: The results of economic
mismanagement magnified by a series of natural disasters.

stinking (adv.) 極度地
completely or extremely
Phil: That is so stinking beautiful.

worked up (adj.)
(informal) very upset or excited about something: You shouldn’t get so
worked up about it.
Phil: Let’s not all get worked up.

Julie Bowen Identify Her Kids By Feeling Their Faces? 影片中的雙胞胎在第一季的


Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈,


看影集學英文摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-9
看影集學英文摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-8
看影集學英文摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-7
看影集學英文摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-6


Reading Lady 書蟲女孩

Reading Lady 書蟲女孩 粉絲專頁

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1464182747.A.024.html
james80086: 認真推 05/25 21:40
pingsuurhot: 最近都跟著妳的發文重新溫習此劇,推:) 05/25 22:05
dsting: 推 05/25 22:05
phoebe4th: 推 05/25 22:13
zzatr: 推! 05/25 22:19
TVpotato: 05/25 23:49
elsa5566: 推~~ 05/25 23:51
tp1107: Luke以前真可愛 05/26 01:41
yuhung: 推~~~這系列文真的超級棒 ^^ 05/26 08:02
marderly: 推 超棒 05/26 11:06
pandaz79418: 最近剛追完最新一季也要來複習了!!!!推 05/26 16:32
callcallABC: 一直覺得Manny沒什麼變 直到重看 05/27 01:21
pat5212: 推用心~ 05/27 19:42
arctic: 好嫩唷! 05/28 18:21
StockVirtual: 推用心 05/28 22:14

