

在 挪威貨幣產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅喜劇演員,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 英文字幕:YouTubeLearn 中文字幕:張皓雲 校稿 :YouTubeLearn 「約翰走路:走遍世界的男人」 You’ve probably seen one of these, a LEGO brick, but have you ever wondered how would it a...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,790的網紅李基銘漢聲廣播電台-節目主持人-影音頻道,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集主題:「錢包裡的世界史:從黃金、白銀到比特幣,貨幣如何改變我們?」介紹 訪問編輯:李韻 內容簡介: 世界史的每個轉變關鍵,都有「貨幣」在搞鬼! ★NHK電視台強力推薦!日本知名歷史學家帶你透過金融解讀全球大趨勢 ★3大通貨演進脈絡╳12堂鑑古知「金」的世界史講座╳29個...

挪威貨幣 在 群益期貨多莉兒 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 17:13:06

還有四個月就是2022年了 希望努力都有结果❤️ 🌟本日焦點🌟 週二(8月31日)美元指數跌至逾三周低點,投資者關注本週稍晚公佈的美國就業數據,以瞭解美聯儲可能的貨幣政策路徑;紐元和澳元領漲G-10貨幣,挪威克朗下跌。 現貨黃金因美元走軟而上揚,尾盤收報1813.62美元/盎司,分析師表示,...

挪威貨幣 在 群益期貨多莉兒 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 17:13:06

可愛的句子我還沒想好 可愛的我先出現一下(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 🌟本日焦點🌟 本週(8月30日-9月5日)當周,市場將迎來美國非農就業數據,OPEC與非OPEC產油國舉行的第20次部長級會議,原油產量問題或將在本週各產油國有所表態;美聯儲博斯蒂克將發表講話。此外,本週還有美國貿易帳數據將公佈。...

挪威貨幣 在 群益期貨多莉兒 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 17:13:06

好久沒有到外面餐廳吃飯了! 小小的跟朋友約一下 順便來嚕個貓好幸福❤️ 🌟本日焦點🌟 週二(8月24日)美元兌多數G-10貨幣下跌,大宗商品貨幣跑贏其它貨幣,投資者等待本週晚些時候召開的傑克遜霍爾會議以尋找美聯儲政策路徑的線索,挪威克朗在G-10貨幣中漲幅最大,其次是紐元。 金價在1800美元...

  • 挪威貨幣 在 喜劇演員 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-03-16 17:46:59
    有 29 人按讚

    校稿 :YouTubeLearn

    You’ve probably seen one of these, a LEGO brick, but have you ever wondered how would it all started, and why is it called LEGO? Actually, the name is much older than this plastic brick. Are you curious? Let me tell you how it all began.

    Many years ago, there was a skilled and hardworking carpenter named, Ole Kirk Christiansen. Ole was a respected carpenter with his own company. But times were hard, so he didn’t have much money and had to dismiss his last worker.
    許多年以前,有位技術高超、工作勤奮的木匠,他的名字是Ole Kirk Christiansen。Ole是名受人尊敬的木匠,並擁有自己的公司。但日子很困苦,所以他沒有太多錢,還必須解雇最後一名員工。

    “Come on in.”
    “ I’ve closed down the workshop and packed my thing.”
    “Heh, thank you!”
    “I suppose I’d better write you a paycheck.”
    “Take care!”

    “Well, that was the last one. I just didn’t imagine that it would come to this.”
    “I know. It’s hard to understand, but at least now it can’t get much worse.”

    But it did get worse. Shortly after, Ole lost his wife. But Ole was a special person. He wasn’t the type that gave up. And with the responsibility of his four sons, he had to think of something. Ole had gotten an idea. And for him, it never took long to put an idea into action. Ole’s little invention made his boys so happy that he thought maybe he should start making toys. Ole decided to give it a try. Luckily, he had saved up a lot of wood from the carpentry production. He can now use it to make toys.

    Time passed by, and even though Ole was a skilled carpenter and had a good eye for quality and detail, sales were very slow. Luckily, one of his sons, Godtfrey, started helping out his dad after school. Together, they just barely managed to keep up the production. Eventually, word began to spread that wooden toys of the finest quality were being made in a little workshop in Billund.

    One day, a man drove into town — a man who would change Ole’s future. He was a wholesaler from Frederitia.

    “I’ve heard that you’re making some very nice wooden toys.”

    “Well, one does his best.”

    The wholesaler was very impressed with all the wooden toys and placed a big order before he left.

    “Now there’s finally someone who can see the opportunities and what we are doing.”
    “Look at this. The wholesaler wants to put a lot of our toys into his store for the holidays.”
    “It’s going to be a good Christmas this year, but we’ll be busy.”

    Now, there was a lot to do in the little workshop. And Ole could rehire his former workers. Ole only used the highest quality wood, which was hand-picked and very carefully prepared. They worked day and night to get the order finished, so the wholesaler could get the toys out in stores before Christmas.

    “Is there something wrong, Dad?”
    “I’m afraid that we’re… in big trouble.”

    In the middle of their work, Ole received a letter saying that the wholesaler had filed for bankruptcy, and couldn’t buy the toys that he had ordered.

    “But what are you gonna do? What about Christmas? Now we can’t even afford food?”
    “I’ll do it.”
    “What are you gonna do, Dad?”
    “I’ll do it myself. I’ll drive around selling the toys.”

    There was no time to lose. Ole packed the car with all the toys and drove off. Ole was a very good toy-maker but was not a very good salesman. He didn’t like praising himself or talking about how carefully the toys have been made, but he had to keep trying if he is going to sell anything.

    “This is going to be a blast. Is there anything you are interested in?”
    “It looks exciting, but I don’t have a lot of money right now. Maybe we could trade in and call it even.”
    “Well, I would prefer money, but…”

    In the end, he succeeded in selling all the toys. He didn’t receive as much money as he had hoped. But the family managed, and they had plenty of food for Christmas. Time passed by, but the toys didn’t sell as quickly as they had expected. Ole thought perhaps the company needed a good name.

    “What should it be? It has to be a short word. I wanted to convey ‘playing well’.”

    In Danish, “playing well” is called “LEG GODT”.
    丹麥文中「好好地玩」叫做「LEG GODT」。

    “What should it be? What should it be? Yeah… If only I could get some sort of a sign…”

    As you can see, Ole himself ended up finding a very suitable name. But what he didn’t know was that in Latin, the word “LEGO” means “I put together”. The name “LEGO” was well received. And the company slowly started to move forward.

    “We have made 3,000 Krones this year. And we have more orders than usual.”
    “Did you say 3,000 Krones? Huh, then you need to see what I’ve been looking at.”
    “We have made 3,000 Krones this year. And we have more orders than usual.”
    “Did you say 3,000 Krones? Huh, then you need to see what I’ve been looking at.”

    Even though Godtfred wasn’t comfortable spending money on a milling machine, he could see that it was useful, and that the quality of the toys improved.

    “Could you finish the last batch and get it ready for shipping?”
    “I will.”
    “Dad…. dad, I saved a lot of money for the company today.”
    “Really!? How?”
    “I figured we could save money in the lacquer. Just like only coated the ducks twice instead of three times.”
    “You What?”

    Unfortunately, Godtfred’s idea didn’t go over well with Ole. Ole made Godtfred unpack all the ducks himself, give them the last layer of lacquer and bring them back to the train station. Ole believed in high quality and not cheating his customers. When Godtfred returned, Ole explained that that wasn’t the way to create a good brand. This little lesson opened Godtfred’s eyes to the fact that every detail matters and only the best is good enough.

    In the late 1930s, LEGO was making a profit, even when The Second World War broke out. They tried to make the best out of a difficult time. It seemed nothing could go wrong. But a stormy night in 1942 changed their luck.

    “There’s a fire. The workshop is on fire.”

    But when the firemen arrived, they were unable to save the workshop. It burned to the ground, and all the drawings and models were destroyed. Ole was beginning to lose hope. All that he had worked for was gone, and he almost lost his company. But being responsible for his children and workers inspired him to rebuild LEGO. A new factory was constructed. Soon the production of wooden toy started again. The little company fought its way back into the market. Gradually, the LEGO factory began to run smoothly, and Ole started looking for new challenges.

    One day, he went to Copenhagen to look at a new machine that had just arrived in Denmark. It was a plastic molding machine, and Ole was very excited about it.

    “Should we buy it? It sure is a good bargain, and it would give us a lot of opportunities.”
    “Well, it does sound interesting, but it is a lot of money.”
    “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.”

    When the plastic molding machine finally arrived, Ole started making little plastic Teddy Bears and rattles. But he still had the plastic brick that he had received at the fair. There was something about them that he couldn’t stop thinking about. And even though no one else could see the potential in them, Ole decided to redesign and put them into production. But it was when LEGO first launched the great Ferguson Tractor that the plastic toys became a success. Unfortunately, the sales were dropping during the summer, and the company had too many toys in stock.

    “This can’t be right. Of course, our products can be sold the whole year, not only for Christmas.”

    Godtfred decided that he would go out and sell the toys himself. Godtfred brought his wife Edith as company and moral support.

    “If you can’t get cash then… hmm… We need butter and eggs.”

    Well, it wasn’t that bad. Godtfred was a success in his trip around the country which helped LEGO to get out of its financial crisis. They reached home just in time for Ole’s birthday party. Ole turned 60 and the whole family was gathered to celebrate with him.
    這個嘛,事情沒那麼糟。Godtfred環遊全國的兜售行程很成功,這幫助樂高度過財政危機。他們到家時正好趕上Ole的生日派對。Ole 60歲了,全家都聚在一起為他慶祝。

    “Well, I guess it was a long trip around the country.”
    “Hey, I got an idea. Ugh, listen! Listen! What about a picture with the three generations?”

    Everyone thought that was a good idea, and we were placed on the sofa with all the presents and flowers around us. On a business trip to England, Godtfred met the head of a big shopping center on his way home. They discussed the toy industry, and the conversation would be very important to the future of LEGO.

    “Damn this industry! I just think that toys are no good nowadays.”
    “What do you mean? I think they are working very well.”
    “Oh, they work fine, sure! But there’s no system in anything.”
    “System? Hmm, there isn’t any system…”
    “What in the world are you doing, Godtfred?”
    “There isn’t any system. The toys need an idea and a system built around it.”
    “I wanna put system in the play. Children have only been offered ready-made solutions.”
    “They need something different that will strengthen their imagination and creativity.”
    “So, you are trying to put LEGO into a system? Interesting.”

    That same year, LEGO started producing the first LEGO system of play. Children could now build houses from the LEGO bricks. The Town Plan gave play a realistic town setting, and with this, children learned about traffic safety. My sisters and I could play with the new LEGO system for hours. Some people said we were the luckiest children in the world, because we grew up in a toy factory. It was a huge breakthrough, and Godtfred decided to try selling it outside of Denmark. The system of play was so popular that they managed to sell it to many countries.

    “Look what I just built!”
    “That is really nice, Cal.”

    Even though LEGO was meant for only building houses, there was still a lot of opportunity. There was just one problem.

    “Hmm, I can’t lift it up. It keeps falling apart.”

    That made Godtfred wonder. He wanted to find a way to make the LEGO bricks stick together, but that was easier said than done. Godtfred noticed that the LEGO bricks got a better clutch powers with tubes inside. Now, it was no longer just bricks but a whole construction system with endless possibilities. This was groundbreaking for the LEGO product. With a child’s imagination, LEGO could be anything in the world over and over again. The imagination is the limit.

    “Look, Dad! Now, I can build everything.”

    Unfortunately, Ole never got to see how successful the little brick actually became. Godtfred was left on his own, and he had to go through another fire at LEGO that destroyed most of the wood production. Just like his father, Godtfred knew that he had to try to get the best out of any situation and never give up. Godtfred took the hard times with his head held high. As sales grew, the company also got bigger. He had to think ahead, and he decided not to resume the production of wooden toys and to only focus on the LEGO system. It turned out to be a great decision. Many new models were built, and LEGO got stronger in the toy industry.

    “Sir, which one of these do you think is the best?”
    “Hmm… Errr… that one!”

    Even though it got busier at LEGO, Godtfred still had bigger plans. Now, he wanted to build an airport. So, it would be easier to sell his toys to the whole world. Like father, like son. It didn’t take long to put his idea into action. Only three years later, Billund airport was opened. The many guests and business connections who visited the company always wanted to see the modeling department. Gradually, it got so crowded that it was hard for the employees to keep up their work.

    “I think we’d better wait a while.”

    Godtfred could see that something had to be done. He needed a bigger place to display the LEGO models.

    “Err, I don’t wanna interrupt. So, I’ll just put this package of our new LEGO train, err… on the table.”
    “Just put it there. Train?”

    The idea grew quickly from an exhibition room to an amusement park.

    “And then, we could have a tower so you could look over the whole park from above — the whole town.”
    “It would be a land made out of LEGO — LEGO Land.”
    “Well, it looks interesting. But how many visitors are you actually counting on?”
    “Well, I guess… uhmmm… two hundred, three hundred thousand?”
    “Three hundred thousand?”

    Even though it sounded like a lot, my dad was actually pretty far off the mark. There were six hundred thousand guests the very first year. My family and I were there to greet the guests. We’ve kept up this tradition ever since. Now, you know how it all began. LEGO wouldn’t be what it is today if it hadn’t been for my grandfather’s sense of quality and search for perfection. My father firmly believed in the endless possibilities of the LEGO system. I seek to take the LEGO idea even further. Encouraging children to explore, experience and express their own world — a world without limits. And we are still convinced that only the best is good enough, because children deserve the best.

  • 挪威貨幣 在 李基銘漢聲廣播電台-節目主持人-影音頻道 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-20 18:45:09








      ◢ 貨幣,象徵君王權威

      ◢ 貨幣,代表國家野心

      ◢ 貨幣,反映人心盤算 

      ◢ 來點貨幣世界史的冷知識 



    作者簡介:宮崎正勝(Miyazaki Masakatsu) 
    出版社粉絲頁: 今周刊
    #李基銘 #fb新鮮事 #生活有意思 #快樂玩童軍


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  • 挪威貨幣 在 RagaFinance財經台 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-06 13:22:13

    德國法院竟栽定歐洲央行購買國債計劃或違憲,歐元馬上一跌,事情始末是如何?疫情之下,迪士尼最新業績會大受影響嗎?Beyond Meat業績理想,人造肉前景如何。世界第三大郵輪運營商挪威郵輪竟有可能破產


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  • 挪威貨幣 在 伊格言Egoyan Zheng Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-10-18 21:30:12

    #村上春樹 #存在主義 #書單


    小說中的邪教組織「先驅」,影射的是日本沙林毒氣案的奧姆真理教。不同於主流新聞對此事件一面倒的負面撻伐,村上春樹對此做了更為細緻的批判。「先驅」領袖深田保的作為當然是不可饒恕的重罪;然而在村上的描述中,深田保確實具有神通;但這神力是由「先驅」幕後掌控者Little People所賦予,深田保必須受到Little People的操控,承受常人所不能忍的精神與肉體痛苦。這提示了小說對邪教領袖複雜的同情......
    格雷安‧葛林(Graham Greene)的名言:童年是小說家的存款。以此標準而言,村上春樹的個人戶頭顯然非常空虛──他出生於平凡無奇的日本關西中產階級家庭,小時家庭關係並不特別(老爸沒小三,媽媽沒小王),學校成績不好不壞,像所有普通學生一般交朋友和女朋友,偶爾結伴出門遊玩,自己一個人在家裡聽音樂看書;唯一稍有殊異之處可能是,他是個獨生子──這在當時的日本並不常見;然而根據他自己的說法,「因為是獨生子所以也沒有糾紛」,「可以說是平穩無事的少年時代,總之,沒有一件想要寫進小說的事情」。然後這樣一位小說家向我們示範了如何白手起家(從空空如也的童年戶頭中硬生生製造出貨幣來,簡直像聯準會印鈔票)──「漸漸知道一件事,就是幼年時代,少年時代,自我其實仍受過各種傷痛」、「我並不是在責備父母。父母也盡了力。任何動物都一樣,都把要活下去該知道的know-how傳遞給孩子。人的情況和其他動物不同,因為運作著非常複雜的社會生活,因此know-how也變得更複雜。不過傳遞know-how這件事,某種意義上是讓迴路閉鎖起來的行為」──何謂「閉鎖迴路」?村上的意思是,那是一種價值體系與世界觀的(半強迫)植入,對一個敏感的孩子而言,無論如何都帶有某種程度的傷害性;因為那等於是將一準備敞開自己,藉以逐步進行自我組構的心靈旅程(出之以《1Q84》的語言:Perceiver=知覺者之形成)中途截斷。於此,村上含蓄地提示了自己的個人創傷。我個人完全同意這樣的看法──若說《挪威的森林》與《國境之南,太陽之西》的核心都指向虛無,那麼「巨大且無從迴避之傷害」應當就是村上用以將之嫁接於現實(小說的寫實世界)的媒介了吧。───伊格言
    曾獲聯合文學小說新人獎、自由時報林榮三文學獎、吳濁流文學獎長篇小說獎、華文科幻星雲獎長篇小說獎、中央社台灣十大潛力人物等;並入圍英仕曼亞洲文學獎(Man Asian Literary Prize)、歐康納國際小說獎(Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award)、台灣文學獎長篇小說金典獎、台北國際書展大獎、華語文學傳媒大獎年度小說家等獎項。
    曾任德國柏林文學協會(Literarisches Colloquium Berlin)駐會作家、香港浸會大學國際作家工作坊(IWW)訪問作家、中興大學駐校作家、成功大學駐校藝術家、元智大學駐校作家等。

