

在 承山穴功效產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【關注職業病】靜脈曲張是美腿殺手 #長期站立工作雙腳易勞損 #想保住美腿就要防患於未然 #星期二正能量 足浴按摩預防青筋腳 原本一雙光滑的美腿,突然有條青筋或紫筋跑了出來,不但有礙觀瞻,更隱藏著健康危機,因為那就是靜脈曲張的症狀,常見於長期站立工作者身上,例如售貨員、服務員、教師、護...

承山穴功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-14 01:06:54

【自拍人生】 V型、U型,你是哪類型? ⭐最想要小V臉卻只有肥U臉 ⭐難道要削骨還父嗎? #星期一踢走BlueMonday 擺脫水腫雙下巴 如何修煉上鏡小V臉? 現在是屬於「照騙」的世界,打開IG無一個不是美女,但當見到真人時發現美貌全是靠「P圖」得來,還是感到掃興!與其每張相片花1小時「左...

承山穴功效 在 翰醫堂中醫診所 曾柏翰中醫師 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-11-02 16:31:55

🔥讓你激瘦下半身的穴位  你也是經常嫌自己的大腿或小腿不夠細緻嗎? 尤其天氣一冷就會更想聚餐吃個鍋,或是下班就會窩在被窩裡, 小心這種慣性行為容易養胖自己的下半身😣  中醫師建議,除了飲食控制與運動之外,適時地勤勞幫腿部的穴道與筋絡按摩,想要消除下半身水腫來打造美腿,這些穴位都是很有幫助...

承山穴功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-02 18:58:16

【輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘⋯⋯去水腫美腿拍拍操】  ⭐拍拍小腳預防水腫 ⭐不妨吃點西瓜也可美腿 #星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘  趁著星期天,花一分鐘輕拍腿部刺激穴位,擊退水腫,還原靚靚美腿!由於小腿位置有三個有助去水腫的穴位,閒時按壓、輕揉及輕拍都可以有助去水腫。  豐隆穴 位置:小腿外側,外足踝...

  • 承山穴功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-04-16 12:58:55
    有 155 人按讚






    Prevent veiny legs with feet soak and massage
    It is not attractive to see the blue or purple veins on your pretty legs. The veins can signify health issues as well. It is commonly seen in those whose work involves standing for prolonged time such as sales, waiters, teachers and nurses, etc. From Chinese medicine perspective, this is caused by blood stagnated in the legs and not flowing back to the heart causing expansion of veins in the legs. The physically appearance mimics earthworms climbing on the legs, but once varicose veins are formed, acupuncture or surgery would be needed.
    To prevent veiny legs, remember to changing your standing position by changing the weight of your legs and walk around to improve blood circulation. Be sure to wear comfortable and supportive shoes, and you can also try to wear pressure socks to prevent varicose veins to reduce the strain on your feet. Soaking your feet in warm water before going to bed and massaging the Cheng Shan Point when soaking your feet will also improve blood circulation and relieve foot fatigue.

    Tea remedy to promote blood circulation
    Effects: Promotes blood circulation, activates blood and relieves stasis, suitable for those with blood stasis, can improve dark circles and freckles.
    Ingredients: 5 roses, 9g peach kernel
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 10 minutes. This tea can be re-brewed until its flavor weakens.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant or menstruating women.

    Massage your acupoint - Cheng Shan Point
    Effects: Promotes blood circulation, relieves painful feet and leg edema, improves lines of your legs
    Location: On the lower leg, in the depression formed below the bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle when the muscle is flexed
    Method: Press with your thumbs for about 20 times

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