[爆卦]打字的 訣竅是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇打字的 訣竅鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在打字的 訣竅這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Holocaust123 (一步一腳印)看板Little-Games標題[分享] 技巧-英打冠軍...

打字的 訣竅 在 Alice Makeup Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 01:28:29

🧚🏻‍♀️絲令總兼監的研發手記 ▫️從來沒想過要製作保養品...對我來說市面上有太多選擇,總監很怕扛庫存壓力,沒有競爭力的產品沒動力發想...但是!!!針對妝前保濕產品,這我意見就很多了!!! 可以說每個產品的誕生都是從欲求不滿開始的(咦!?話題沒有要走偏的意思)不是太油影響妝感容易糊掉,不然就是...

遊戲名稱: Typing Test

遊戲簡稱: 打字測驗

遊戲類型: 技巧類

官方網站: http://hi-games.net/typing/

遊戲載點: 這是線上玩的, 似乎不能下載

根據測驗時間長短(單位為), 分成4個測試:



http://hi-games.net/typing-test/ (別問我為何沒寫120, 他網址就這樣)


遊戲介紹: 有4個測試可選擇



(即wpm, word per minute)和其他資訊


仔細看的話會發現第1名都是同一個人: Sean Wrona



遊戲心得: 還不錯的打字遊戲

玩膩Typeracer(#1EEGS9wb (Little-Games))的話


我的wpm跟在Typeracer算的差不多, 都是6x~8x

攻略秘技: 詳見下方文章的Sean Wrona打字建議


Sean Wrona簡介:
- 1985年生, 美籍統計學家, 康乃爾大學應用統計所碩士畢業
- 3歲開始自學打字, 6歲時打字速度83wpm, 10歲時打字速度108wpm
- 使用鍵盤:Das Keyboard, Logitech Illuminated Keyboard
- 習慣的鍵盤佈置: QWERTY
- 在各個打字比賽網站的成績(幾乎都是第1名)
這是部份節錄, 完整版在Sean Wrona個人網站: http://seanwrona.com/
- Typeracer ( http://www.typeracer.com/ )
- 220 wpm (last 10 races, 1st all time)
- 188 wpm (average, 1st all time)
- 252 wpm (peak speed, 2nd all time)
- TypingZone ( http://www.typingzone.com/ )
- English permanent text - 177.16 wpm - 1st all time
- 略
- hi-games.net ( http://www.hi-games.net/ )
- 30 second typing in English - 188 wpm - 1st all time
- 1 minute typing in English - 186 wpm - 1st all time
- 2 minute typing in English - 175 wpm - 1st all time
- 5 minute typing in English - 167 wpm - 1st all time
- TyprX ( http://www.typrx.com/ )
- 202.5 wpm
- 200 wpm at SXSW
- typera.tk ( http://www.typera.tk/ )
- 2 minute English sentence test - 895 cpm (199 wpm) - 1st all time
- 略
- Intersteno ( http://www.intersteno.org/ )
- 略
- 獲獎的打字比賽
- 2010 Ultimate Typing Champion, SXSW Interactive Conference, Austin, TX
- 1st place, 2010 Intersteno Mother Tongue Typing Championship
- 1st place, 2011 Intersteno Mother Tongue Typing Championship
- 3rd place, 2010 Intersteno Multilingual Typing Championship
- 1st place, 2011 Intersteno Multilingual Typing Championship

我很想知道為什麼Sean Wrona可以打那麼快

==================================== Sean Wrona 筆記 ====================================

- 大意: 用capslock取代shift來輸入大寫字母, 用shift輸入符號 !@#$%^&*()_+?
網址: http://blog.typeracer.com/2010/07/28/do-you-like-typing/
原文: <第1部份>
I use caps lock all the time.
I infinitely prefer it to Shift, because with Shift,
you cannot be sure whether or not you've hit the key hard enough for it to register,
whereas with Caps Lock you always know.
It allows me to type more smoothly.
Obviously, I do use Shift sometimes,
but mainly for the !@#$%^&*()_+?”: keys, almost never for capital letters.

I worded that badly but I'm talking about the difference
between a key you have to hold down
and a key you merely have to tap/press.
The keys aren't the same and a mere tap of the caps lock will turn it on,
while tapping the shift key usually works but is not always as effective.
I can be 100% sure when I hit caps lock that I actually hit it,
while with the shift key there’s less certainty since you have to hold it down.
Also, it is easier to hold the shift key down for unintended characters.
When using caps lock,
you have a series of keys to press but none to hold down.
I find it far easier to make a mistake when I use shift,
which I view to be more complicated,
as you simultaneously have to think about releasing a key
before pressing a bunch of other keys;
it’s a lot simpler to press a key twice than
hold down a key once and release it at the exact right moment,
which I view as more difficult.
Also, shift locks your hand into place while typing the initial letter,
which I think more than compensates for having to press two keystrokes.
You have more freedom of movement on the keyboard when you use caps lock.
I feel I have better control when I use caps lock,
am more accurate, and am actually faster.
Maybe it's just because
that is how I've been typing since I was three and learned that way,
but to me using shift is way more awkward.

I'm not exactly some kind of keyboard scholar,
so maybe what I'm doing is "wrong", but it works for me…

說明: "Caps Lock燈亮時按字母鍵會輸出大寫字母"
Sean Wrona建議用這個功能取代"shift+字母"來輸出大寫字母
主要的論點有3個, 我用黃綠藍標色了, 有興趣的可以自己看

- 大意: 用右大姆指按空白鍵
網址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyc9Sxl1nDA
原文: Yes, I push the space bar with my right thumb.
說明: 就算十根指頭只用了九根, 對速度也沒什麼影響

- 大意: 打目前的字, 眼睛看下一個要打的字
網址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqB3Q3QNnHI
原文: If you want to increase your speed,
you'll be faster if you try to avoid any pauses,
focus on the next word as you're typing the current word, ...
說明: 打目前的字, 眼睛看下一個要打的字,
可避免不必要的停頓, 而讓打字更流暢
(這觀念跟魔術方塊的F2L lookahead還真像)

- 大意: 使用線上打字比賽時請使用Google Chrome
網址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqB3Q3QNnHI
原文: ..., and use Google Chrome
(it registers faster speeds in typing tests for some reason).
說明: 不知道為什麼, 用Google Chrome測速時wpm會比較高

- 大意: 依個人情況調整打字節奏
網址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbsGioyqy18
原文: From my experience,
attempting to structure the rhythm of your typing does not really help much with speed.
I do not type at a uniform rhythm.
I type simpler words faster and take more time with harder words.
Doing it your way,
you'd be going too slow on shorter words in my opinion,
although it probably would be more accurate and better on your hands.
I think you'd just be trading speed for accuracy with no other change...
說明: 從頭到尾都用同個速度打字 => X
依照文章內容調整打字速度 => O

- 大意: 同個字母不一定會用同個手指打
網址: http://seanwrona.com/typing.html
原文: <第1部份>
I believe my biggest advantage in typing is that
I do not necessarily use the same finger to type the same key.
I use whichever finger is most comfortable,
which can vary based on the context of the letters in the word.
I cannot completely explain what I'm doing since I have been doing it
since my childhood and it comes naturally,
but I do tend to use whichever finger is closest
based on the positioning of my hands typing the other letters in the word.

For the most part, yes,
but I have noticed that my typing style is different
than a lot of other people's
as I don't necessarily type the same letter with the same finger each time.
It depends on the location of the other letters in the word.
I tend to use whichever finger is most convenient/closest
sometimes even if it isn't the generally accepted finger for that particular key.

說明: 這是Sean Wrona認為最重要的一點: 不要拘泥於固定的打法

- 大意: 慢即是快
網址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbsGioyqy18
原文: <第1部份>
Yes, "slowing down to go faster" is usually effective at increasing your average.
If you want to maximize your peak speed,
you have to go for broke on typos and hope to get lucky on accuracy,
but if your goal is simply to improve your average,
improving accuracy is the way to do it.

Sometimes you'll want to slow down to go faster.
Focusing on accuracy will usually improve your average speed,
although if you're going to set a high all-time speed mark
you'll have to mgo for broke on accuracy
and hope to get lucky with regard to accuracy.

說明: 慢慢打 => 準確率提高 => 不需常常按backspace修正 => 平均打字速度變快
但如果想要衝peak wpm, 還是不得不捨準確率而拼速度, 賭自己不會打錯字

- 大意: 鍵盤對打字速度的影響不大
網址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbsGioyqy18
原文: <第1部份>
Sorry, I missed this.
It's slightly faster and smoother than
most keyboards you could buy in an office supply store.
Whether that's worth the difference of $100 versus $50 is your call,
since the difference in speed between a $50 Logitech keyboard
and that would probably be less than 10 wpm.

Typeracer vet, I have only ever used QWERTY.
The Das Keyboard is (slightly) faster, but the difference is mostly negligible.
I gained 5-10 wpm maybe.
I gained more than that from switching from Firefox to Google Chrome…
I’ m not sure it’ s worth what they’ re charging
considering it’ s not really THAT much faster.
I was still one of the fastest typists
here on a keyboard I bought from Staples for $10 or $15…
說明: 用機械式鍵盤會打的比薄膜式鍵盤快, 然而速度差不到10wpm

- 大意: accuracy = consistency
網址: http://blog.typeracer.com/2010/04/28/increase-your-typing-speed-while-racing-sean-wrona/
原文: Like Phillies said, if you want to be consistent, try extra hard on accuracy.
If, however, your primary goal is to set records,
go for broke on accuracy and be a madman.
I have my two accounts for different purposes.
One is to set records basically and one is to be consistent.
Be wary though if you’ re trying to set your own personal record,
you are going to have a lot of scores well below your average in doing so.
說明: 打字準確率高, wpm才不會忽高忽低

================================== 別的打字高手的意見 ==================================

- ID : Phillies_Magic
大意: 要控制心中想的東西, 才打的快
網址: http://blog.typeracer.com/2010/04/28/increase-your-typing-speed-while-racing-sean-wrona/
原文: I don’ t get 180 WPM too often,
so others would probably be better qualified to answer this.
But it’ s a score I get occasionally, so I’ ll offer some thoughts.
I can’ t speak for anyone else, but for me,
the difference between 170 WPM and 180 WPM is
mainly the thoughts that I think during the race.
To type 180 WPM, I not only have to be fast and accurate;
I also have to be completely focused on the text.
If any other thoughts come into my mind during the race
(like “ wow this text is long,” “ almost to the finish line,”
“ don’ t make a typo,” etc., etc.)
then I’ ll end up with something lower than 180.
I can be slightly less focused and get in the 170s, but not the 180s.
Other people probably have different perspectives, but that’ s my view on it.
說明: 明鏡止水

- ID : Noah (licahfox)
大意: 從句尾到下一句開始, 要加速; 簡單常用字, 要加速
網址: http://blog.typeracer.com/2010/04/28/increase-your-typing-speed-while-racing-sean-wrona/
原文: Interesting. I watched the video a few more times,
and noticed two significant things at which I could improve:
1) Speeding through the end of a sentence into the next one.
2) Speeding through small, common words.
I tried doing those things just now,
and was able to improve my average speed by quite a bit
(about 10wpm faster than usual in this latest batch of races).
Thanks for posting the video Sean, it’ s instructional as well as impressive!
說明: 其實這個概念Sean Wrona也說過
就是"該加速的時候要加速, 不要整篇文章都用同樣的速度打"

補充一些Ultimate Typing Championship 2010打字比賽的資訊

- 決賽影片: Sean Wrona vs. Nate Bowen
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9EXEpjSDEw (官方影片)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GDusA21cEA (路人甲拍的, 比較清楚)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju6RkwTSGVw (路人乙拍的, 另一個角度)

可以發現Sean Wrona習慣用右無名指按backspace

- 決賽結果(Sean Wrona : Nate Bowen)
- 第1回合(標準文章)
- 第2回合(一篇含有難打符號的文章)

- 兩位決賽者的interview:

- 比賽所使用的文章內容可以在Sean Wrona的個人網站找到

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Holocaust123:轉錄至看板 share 08/18 23:23
HornyDragon :這東西已經不該PO在小遊戲版了XDDDDDDD 08/19 03:00

typing test是小遊戲呀...我玩的還蠻爽的

willkill : @@" 08/19 03:59
kimcl :推推 08/19 15:48
s00azure :不知道為啥看不到每一句的結尾@@ 08/19 17:51
Weikoala :推樓上= = 08/20 12:51





1. 改變瀏覽器字型大小

2. 更新Java Runtime

3. 用其他瀏覽器測試

如果問題依舊 我也不知道怎麼辦了 orz

wwqqww :整理的這麼好怎麼沒人推 08/21 02:24
※ 編輯: Holocaust123 來自: (08/27 13:06)

