
為什麼這篇我愛你翻譯英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在我愛你翻譯英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Birdwood (鳥木)看板Eng-Class標題[求譯] 張懸的「關於我愛你」時間Sat F...

我愛你翻譯英文 在 吞吞日常小筆記☀️ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 16:46:04

2021.09.23 #讓世界多些可愛多些愛 全新特輯❤️~ 這部分我會分享一些親自幫助他人的故事經歷 會寫一些我的出發點、幫助方法、心得 一方面是想記錄一下✏️ 另一方面是 如果你看完文章也覺得不錯想一起 執行起來也就比較方便囉! - 一開始接觸到世界展望會的兒童資助計畫 是在我大學的時候 聽到...

有點抽象的歌詞 只能照著我自己的理解去翻譯
請版上的英文高手不吝指教 :D

關於我愛你 / Something about my love for you

你眷戀的 都已離去
你問過自己無數次、想放棄的 眼前全在這裡
Things you are sentimentally attached to has left you on your own,
and what you've asked yourself for countless times
if you should have given up are now all here for you.
We can't always tell what we truly want
is being free from or pursuing our obsessions.
That's the way life goes.

你擁抱的 並不總是也擁抱你
而我想說的 誰也不可惜
我所有的何妨 何必 何其榮幸
What we yearn to embrace does not always give back to us.
Actually I know no one would really care about my true feelings.
Life ends up the same way
no matter it goes to waste or it is being cherished.
I appreciate what I've had,
but they don't really mean that much to me.

我懂 活著的最寂寞
我擁有的都是僥倖啊 我失去的都是人生
當你不遺忘也不想曾經 我愛你
Before we have to learn that
there is going to be nothing left in the end,
at least you can tell everyone,
“I know as long as being alive, we all suffer from loneliness.”
What I've already got in my hand are all by luck,
and what I've lost is my life.
Though I know you would never forget
but only with least concern about what happened between us,
I still love you.

你做的 讓你可以說
是的 我有見過我的夢
我擁有的都是僥倖啊 我失去的都是人生
因為你擔心的是你自已 我愛你
Before we have to realise
that there is going to be nothing left in the end,
you can tell everyone by what you've experienced,
“Yes, indeed. I've once seen my dream”.
What I've already got in my hand are all by luck,
and what I've lost is my life.
Though I know all you care is only about yourself,
I still love you.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: Birdwood 來自: (02/23 19:06)
yw1002:中文歌詞是有押韻的 英文翻譯應該也試著找韻腳 02/27 06:21

