
為什麼這篇成長率英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在成長率英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者hsuanjuchen (雪倫)看板Translation標題[英中] 新聞英文試譯,歡迎前輩指...

成長率英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 12:32:11

英模班第一回的震撼教育還好嗎? 俐媽在班群裡解決了大家的疑惑,安撫了你們的心情😊 很快的,明天又由模A率先上場體驗第2️⃣回了! 是的!你沒有看錯! 這堂課俐媽錄了近2 hr 40 min😱 因為趁著暑假在家學習比較沒有下課時間的限制,你們也可以自己分上/下半堂學習, 俐媽一口氣把所有大題的答題技...


文章來源為今日的BBC News的商業新聞。

South Korea in first interest rate cut for three years

The Bank of Korea has unexpectedly cut its key interest rate for
the first time in three years, as risks grow in the global economy.


The central bank cut the cost of borrowing by 25 basis points to 3%.
It follows rate cuts by the European Central Bank and
China's central bank last week.
The move is aimed at stimulating domestic demand
as the European debt crisis continues to hurt exports.


Sluggish growth 停滯的成長

"Lower interest rates should make it easier for the domestic economy,"
said Richard Jerram, chief economist at Bank of Singapore.


"It may also take some of the steam out of the exchange rate
which has been quite firm for the last month or two.
A strong exchange rate does reduce your export competitiveness
so this should help."


Korea is a very export dependent economy, and slowing demand from
key markets such as Europe has been a worry.


In a statement the Bank of Korea said: "In Korea, the Committee appraises
the trend of economic growth to have weakened more than
originally anticipated, with the rates of growth in exports and
domestic demand remaining at low levels."


Last month, the finance ministry cut its growth forecast for 2012
to 3.3% from a previously projected 3.7%.


Global uncertainty 全球動盪

The central bank also said it expects the pace of
the global economic recovery to be slower than originally anticipated.


It said downside risks to growth were intensifying
"due chiefly to the high degree of uncertainty surrounding
the euro area fiscal crisis and to the possibilities of
international financial market unrest and economic slumps
in major countries".


Last week, in a global effort to spur growth,
the European Central Bank and People's Bank of China
cut their borrowing costs.


In the US, some policy makers at the Federal Reserve have suggested that
more stimulus may be needed in coming months to shore up
the labour market, according to the minutes of their June meeting
released on Wednesday.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
dunchee:"interest rate"-> 利率 這和"稅率"是不一樣的東西 07/12 21:53
dunchee:"中央銀行降息25個基準點來到"->我們口頭是可以講"來到" 07/12 22:00
dunchee:用於這裡的話...(還是這說法在現在的台灣已經可以用於正式 07/12 22:01
dunchee:文體?) 另外就是我們也有"中央銀行",所以這點你要考慮進 07/12 22:02
dunchee:去 07/12 22:02
dunchee:"Sluggish ... 停滯" : 07/12 22:02
dunchee:http://tinyurl.com/6r2aa55 07/12 22:03
hsuanjuchen:啊我太糊塗把interest rate搞錯了囧 07/12 22:24
hsuanjuchen:所以sluggish那裡還是用"緩慢的成長"會比較好嗎? 07/12 22:25
hsuanjuchen:謝謝你的建議=),你說的部分我會再多想想的。 07/12 22:28
pentimento:25 basis points 直接就說「一碼」吧。 07/13 00:59
pentimento:「舒緩」國內經濟,不易理解。「有助」、「有利」都可 07/13 01:00
pentimento:take some of the steam out of the exchange rate 07/13 01:04
pentimento:「抒解匯率所承受的壓力」會比「壓低」來得合事實 07/13 01:05
pentimento:「其主要市場的需求減緩」是指韓國的,而非歐洲的。 07/13 01:06
pentimento:the Committee 不妨借用我們央行的組織,稱「理事會」 07/13 01:07
pentimento:downside risks 用「下跌」應該比「下行」通順 07/13 01:09
pentimento:economic slumps用「跌勢」之類即可,用「看衰」與原文 07/13 01:12
pentimento:意思有出入,而且會產生「誰在看」的問題。 07/13 01:13
pentimento:「經濟成長減緩的趨勢遠比預期的緩慢」是好,不是壞! 07/13 01:17
pentimento:試試用「經濟成長趨勢受挫比預期嚴重」 07/13 01:18
pentimento:如D大所言,稱「該行」或「韓國央行」會比中央銀行清楚 07/13 01:20
pentimento:最後一段:「根據美國聯準會在週三所發佈的六月份 07/13 01:28
pentimento:會議紀錄指出,幾位決策委員認為,未來數月必需提 07/13 01:28
pentimento:出更多的振興方案以穩住勞動市場。」 07/13 01:28
hsuanjuchen:downside risks是專有名詞,我查到就是翻下行風險耶。 07/13 10:23
hsuanjuchen:謝謝你的指正~(筆記)。 07/13 10:25
tengharold:downside risks 沒那麼專有,我看過下檔、下跌。。。 07/13 23:40

