作者onlystayreal (Stella)
標題[微積] 微分算式的英文念法
時間Tue Jan 8 23:56:48 2013
http://patrickjmt.com/derivatives-the-quotient-rule-a-few-basic-examples/ 可以請各位幫忙我把他說的打出來嗎?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 Deltak :這好像應該去打工版,而且不便宜。 01/09 00:04
→ onlystayreal:不好意思第一次PO文不太清楚,只是想知道基本的念法 01/09 00:09
→ onlystayreal:不是一定要跟影片的一模一樣 01/09 00:09
推 since2005 :要是只是要算式的讀法是很快 不過他還加入了很多解說 01/09 00:30
→ since2005 :連解說都打出來 就落落長了 01/09 00:30
→ onlystayreal:只是要算式的讀法,謝謝! 01/09 00:49
推 since2005 :the derivative of f of x over g of x equols to: 01/09 01:00
→ since2005 :the denominator alone multiplied by the numerator 01/09 01:01
→ since2005 :minus the numerator multiplied by the denominator 01/09 01:02
→ since2005 :all over the denominator term squared. 01/09 01:03
推 since2005 :there's a mnemonic rhyme that I've heard. I don't 01/09 01:06
→ since2005 :dnow if that does help. Low d high minus high d 01/09 01:07
→ since2005 :low, all over low-low. 01/09 01:07
→ since2005 :Suppose we have a function y equols to x square 01/09 01:08
→ since2005 :plus 1 over x to the fifth plus x. the derivative 01/09 01:09
→ since2005 :of y equols to the denominator, x^5 + x(不照打了) 01/09 01:10
→ since2005 :mutiplied by the derivative of the numerator,x^2+ 01/09 01:11
→ since2005 :打錯了 上面最後應該改成2x 01/09 01:13
→ since2005 :mutiplied by the derivative of the numerator,2x, 01/09 01:13
→ since2005 :minus the numerator, X^2+1, multiplied by the de- 01/09 01:14
→ since2005 :rivative of the denominator, 5x^4+1 01/09 01:14
→ since2005 :all over the denominator squared, which is x^5+x 01/09 01:15
→ since2005 :squared. 01/09 01:16
→ since2005 :第二個example就差不多了 換掉數字而已 01/09 01:18
→ onlystayreal:真是太感謝你了 01/09 01:18
推 since2005 :... 我發現我有漏打很關鍵的字耶 XD 01/09 06:19
→ since2005 :第二行numerator之前 第三行denominator之前 要加上 01/09 06:21
→ since2005 :"derivative of the" 希望你報告前會看到 XD 01/09 06:22
推 adadadadad :since大的英文真好= = 01/09 13:19
→ onlystayreal:since大我看到囉!你英文真的好好喔,謝謝你 01/09 14:13