

在 小生自稱產品中有47篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅龍貓大王通信,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好萊塢的單身黃金貴公子,也許只剩下李奧納多狄卡皮歐,他的演技有口皆碑、他也有吸金實力、而且他還很懂 party、女友名單等同維多利亞祕密型錄……最近 20 年主演的 15 部長片電影,有 13 部電影全球票房破億美金。 不用猜也知道,他的推特上一定滿是舉酒狂歡坐擁美女的照片……並沒有。 他...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,很多人知道首爾的Commond Ground shopping mall(exit 6), 但其實它座落的建國大學站,是首爾一個夜蒲熱區,把從3號出口,有一列街頭美食,還有過百間餐廳和酒吧!越夜越美麗,感受一下當地的流行文化。 最近人人講起韓國電影'屍剎列車/屍速列車',我廿幾歲的時候,當過兼職編...

小生自稱 在 情侶|心事台 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-30 10:21:24

- 0924 〔兩性關係〕巴 30 - 好後悔同佢講分手 - 前女友細我兩年,我地相識係十年前 我當時做pt 數補,佢係我嘅學生 因為年紀差唔多所以慢慢就熟咗 當時我知道佢係自己一個人住私樓(公司有資料) 衣著打扮都係比較出名嘅潮流品牌甚至係奢侈品牌 所以我都get 到佢家境幾好 咁我只係普通人家,...

小生自稱 在 GirlStyle 女生日常 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-30 21:26:20

【 @girlstyle.mag 】陳自瑤重演台慶黑面,被姊妹踢爆內心世界! . 陳自瑤近日開設Youtube Channel透過網上平台發展,她最新一集找來好姐妹黃翠如和Shiga做嘉賓。遊戲環節中2位好姐妹在互相形容彼此性格時,竟然叫陳自瑤重演台慶經典的黑面樣,更踢爆她背後的內心世界,又大爆她曾...

  • 小生自稱 在 龍貓大王通信 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 08:19:57
    有 1,297 人按讚

    好萊塢的單身黃金貴公子,也許只剩下李奧納多狄卡皮歐,他的演技有口皆碑、他也有吸金實力、而且他還很懂 party、女友名單等同維多利亞祕密型錄……最近 20 年主演的 15 部長片電影,有 13 部電影全球票房破億美金。
    疫情想必讓今年的奧斯卡有點失色,不過狄卡皮歐仍然有備而來,他今年代替網飛出戰:網飛年底的瞄準大獎作《千萬別抬頭》 (Don’t Look Up) ,由狄卡皮歐與珍妮佛勞倫斯雙主演,由金獎導演亞當麥凱 (Adam McKay) 執導,陣容包括凱特布蘭琪、梅莉史翠普 、喬納希爾、泰勒派瑞、吉娜葛森、亞莉安娜、提摩西夏勒梅 、馬克勞倫斯、麥克切克里斯 ……族繁不及備載。

  • 小生自稱 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-20 12:06:16
    有 0 人按讚


  • 小生自稱 在 BeautyExchange.com.hk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-01 20:30:48
    有 2,994 人按讚



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  • 小生自稱 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-10-09 19:41:22

    很多人知道首爾的Commond Ground shopping mall(exit 6), 但其實它座落的建國大學站,是首爾一個夜蒲熱區,把從3號出口,有一列街頭美食,還有過百間餐廳和酒吧!越夜越美麗,感受一下當地的流行文化。




    Common Ground in Konkuk University, an eye-catching large blue building, is Korea’s first pop-up container shopping mall. The place is garnering so much attention that the number of visitors exceeded a million just in 100 days since its opening and it has become the new landmark of the Kondae area. Unique and trendy smaller brands, new designers’ shops, and editorial shops pack the mall, adding to the enthusiasm of youngsters. In addition, it is the venue of diverse events such as exhibitions and performances, thereby playing its role as a cultural space.

    If you get hungry while looking around a myriad of shops there, you can go to the Market Terrace, just a few steps up to the third floor. The terrace interestingly features a collection of famous restaurants from various parts of the city, such as Hongdae, Gyeongnidan-gil Road, and Sinsadong Garosu-gil Road. If you are up for more of lighter versions of foods, you can enjoy some snacks at one of the food trucks found on the Market Ground, where exotic gastronomic performance is also seen!

    Kondae Taste Street is packed with restaurants serving a vast assortment of foods that are popular in Korea. Dining choices range from all-time favorite Korean dishes, such as samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly) and galbi (grilled beef ribs), to exotic Western cuisine. You can choose among a variety of trendy dessert cafés found here. Moreover, many of the restaurants and bars stay open late into the night, so the street remains illuminated until dawn.

    Now it’s time for a look around the heartwarming traditional markets hidden in the small alley (golmok means small streets in Korean), instead of the high-end shopping malls. Located about 15 minutes’ walking distance from Kondae University Station are Norunsan Golmok Market and Yeongdonggyo Golmok Market, where you can purchase food as well as diverse inexpensive household items.

    Savory snacks sold at reasonable prices lure travelers to try them and before you know, you will find yourself feeling full as you try one snack after another. Visitors are advised to take cash as cards are not always accepted.

