

在 失蹤英文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅Claudia Mo/毛孟靜,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #強迫失蹤 forced disappearance #大隱隱於朝 hiding in plain sight #明報英文 出現與(被)消失 //有人原應出席某個場合,放眼卻不見人,可說 he is not showing up,或用 no-show: · So he is a no-sh...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅暗網仔出街,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour 訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/chan...

  • 失蹤英文 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-30 21:32:19
    有 110 人按讚

    #強迫失蹤 forced disappearance
    #大隱隱於朝 hiding in plain sight

    #明報英文 出現與(被)消失
    //有人原應出席某個場合,放眼卻不見人,可說 he is not showing up,或用 no-show:
    · So he is a no-show. 他不會出現了。
    · It's a no-show passenger, so the taxi left.約好的乘客沒有出現,的士就離開了。

    有時候,有些人姑且一到,亮一亮相,英文係 to make an appearance :
    · There he is, but I suspect he is just making an appearance. 他到了,但我懷疑他只不過為亮一亮相。

    這一舉動,或出於禮貌 as a matter of courtesy ,或根本就不大想到場 that you don't really want to be there。
    . I think I have to make an appearance at that meeting, which I think will prove pointless. 我想我應該到那個肯定沒有意義的會議,純粹亮一亮相。

    另外有些時候,當事人入場之際不但煞有介事, 而且隆重其事: Make an entrance ,當中包含 dramatic 戲劇的、 ostentatious 炫耀的 或 conspicuous 突出的元素。

    · The boss always makes an entrance when he arrives in the morning, making a point of getting everyone's attention in the process. 每個早上老闆總會大剌剌地走進公司,好讓每個人都知道他到了。

    而更大張旗鼓的出現, 是 make a GRAND entrance。
    · The prime minister made a grand entrance, surrounded by his entourage. 首相由他的隨行團簇擁着,聲勢浩大地進場。

    若原本在場, 但想自己消失, 除了 excuse oneself ,亦可以講 make oneself scarce , 通常是指避開 difficult 困難或 unpleasant 不快的場面。
    · I could see he was annoyed so I made myself scarce. 我看到他惱怒了,於是立即走開。

    To disappear , 消失; 有沒有 to be disappeared 被消失?有。也即是 forced disappearance 強迫失蹤。

    ·They say the dissident is #being #disappeared. 他們說,這 #異見分子已被消失。

    · He was taken away by secret police. It's a forced disappearance. 他被秘密警察帶走。這是一宗「強迫失蹤」。

    當然也有「大隱隱於朝」式的失蹤,英文或可就說:hiding in plain sight。
    · Just like everyone else in the downtown bar, I was hiding in plain sight. 就像市中心酒吧裏所有人一樣,我隱藏於眾人之中。//

