在 大腸經循行產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【趕走便秘】暖鹽水除了醫喉嚨痛還可治便秘? ⭐長遠還是要鍛練身體養成排便習慣 ⭐記得切忌強忍便意 #星期二提升正能量 飲暖鹽水排宿便 有試過便秘的人都明白其痛苦之處,不但令人肚谷谷、坐立不安,還會產生口氣甚至影響皮膚光澤。當遇上排便不暢通時,有人會在起床後空腹喝杯暖暖的淡鹽水。從中醫角度來看,鹽...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅NTDHealth,也在其Youtube影片中提到,◆〈播出時間 〉 首播每週六晚上21:30 : 線上直播請看 http://www.ntdtv.com.tw/live 重播 : 週一早 9:30、午13:30 ➔談古論今話中醫 http://goo.gl/p6v29w ◆談古論今話中醫FB粉絲團 https://goo.gl/H3jsDi ...
大腸經循行 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-11-19 02:33:31
【趕走便秘】暖鹽水除了醫喉嚨痛還可治便秘? ⭐長遠還是要鍛練身體養成排便習慣 ⭐記得切忌強忍便意 #星期二提升正能量 飲暖鹽水排宿便 有試過便秘的人都明白其痛苦之處,不但令人肚谷谷、坐立不安,還會產生口氣甚至影響皮膚光澤。當遇上排便不暢通時,有人會在起床後空腹喝杯暖暖的淡鹽水。從中醫角度來看,鹽...
大腸經循行 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-09 02:17:15
【便便百科】重新學習如何上大號 #放低你手上的電話吧 #安心上廁所是每天的重要事 #星期六放輕鬆 排個靚便有學問 排便是自然生理需要,把體內廢物定期排走,身體才會健康,想保持腸道暢通其實有不少學問,不少人遇上便秘問題,其實與排便的細節和行為有關,你有干犯其中的忌諱嗎? 忌: - 有便意而不上廁...
大腸經循行 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-05-09 02:19:28
【成日肚谷谷】便秘是都市人頭號困擾 #大便暢通人輕鬆 #有口難言的苦惱 #星期六放輕鬆 勤扭腰便秘速速走 清晨5時至7時(卯時)為大腸經循行時間,此時大腸活動最為活躍,最易排便。但現代都市人少有那麼早起床,更遑論上廁所排便,加上飲食失調、缺乏運動、工作緊張、每天久站或久坐,都容易引致便秘,雖不是...
大腸經循行 在 NTDHealth Youtube 的精選貼文
2017-10-30 14:42:43◆〈播出時間 〉
首播每週六晚上21:30 : 線上直播請看 http://www.ntdtv.com.tw/live
重播 : 週一早 9:30、午13:30 ➔談古論今話中醫 http://goo.gl/p6v29w
◆談古論今話中醫FB粉絲團 https://goo.gl/H3jsDi
這一集我們邀請到國際東洋醫學會新任會長也是台灣中國醫藥大學中醫系講座教授林昭庚醫師來到現場和大家分享中醫經絡養生法(二) 大腸經
大腸經循行 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
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Drink salt water to relieve constipation
People with constipation are often troubled by a bloated abdomen; certain people cannot sit peacefully and might give out a bad oral odor, whereas some might even have dull skin.
Some people will drink diluted salt water on an empty stomach in an attempt to improve bowel movements. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, salt can reduce the body heat, cool the blood and eliminate toxin, and it is especially beneficial for people with constipation, those who experience yin deficiency, and those with heat related body condition.
Gulping down a glass of warm salt water on an empty stomach early morning can indeed relieve constipation, especially during 5am – 7am, when the large intestines are active. However, individuals with water retention problem, high blood pressure and kidney issues should avoid doing so, as it might aggravate the existing health problems.
Drinking salt water to relieve constipation is not a long-term solution. It is best to understand the causes of constipation, such as qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yang deficiency, damp-heat condition and qi stagnation. Also, adjust your diet to improve your body condition. If the problem persists, consult Chinese physicians to work out the best treatment for you.
Suggested Rice Water: Oats Rice Water
Effects: Reduces water retention, relieves constipation and improves excessive sweating
🛒CheckCheckCin shops
Sheung Wan|G/F, Kai Fung Building, 4-6 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan
Causeway Bay|Shop No. G14, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay
Tai Koo|Shop No. L109, 1/F, Cityplaza, No. 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Tai Koo
Tsim Sha Shui|Shop L216, 2/F, Star Annex, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Yuen Long|Shop A262a, Level 2, Yoho Mall II, 8 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long
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#男 #女 #我疲憊 #我畏冷 #我煩躁 #我有壓力 #氣虛 #血虛 #陽虛 #濕熱 #氣滯 #便秘
大腸經循行 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
- 有便意而不上廁所
- 上廁所時玩電話、看報紙、漫畫等,因為用力時間太久容易誘發痔瘡出現
- 坐足半小時,給肛門造成壓迫
- 依賴通便藥,久而久之不能用自身能力排便
- 逼自己每天一定要排便,造成心理壓力
- 早上5時至7時是大腸經循行時間,早點起床喝杯暖水,預留時間專心排便
- 如果早上沒有時間,也盡量讓身體養成定時排便的習慣
- 有便意就要立即上廁所
- 馬桶前加張小櫈子,讓雙腳踏上去,直腸拉直有助排便
- 飲食定時,讓腸胃定時有規律地蠕動
- 定時做運動,多散步
Learning to produce healthy stool
Bowel movement is a basic physiological function. It is important to clear waste inside the body regularly to be healthy. There are many things you should know about to having healthy bowel movement. Many people suffer from constipation. In fact, there are some details and to-dos to produce healthy stool, take a look at below.
- Not going to the toilet right away when nature calls.
- Play on your mobile phone, read newspapers and comics as pushing too hard may cause hemorrhoids.
- Sitting for half an hour which causes pressure on the anus.
- Rely on laxatives and your system will not produce bowel movement naturally.
- Force yourself to have bowel movement daily which could be stressful.
- From 5-7am, the large intestine meridian flows. Get up early and have a cup of warm water and leave time for bowel movement.
- If you do not have enough time in the morning, then train yourself to have bowel movement regularly.
- Go as soon as you feel the urge.
- Add a small chair in front of the toilet to put your feet up that straightens the rectum to aid bowel movement.
- Have meals regularly to keep your intestines moving regularly.
- Exercise regularly and take more walks.
#男 #女 #便秘
大腸經循行 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 仰臥在床上,雙手自然放在身體兩側,輕輕抬起右腳膝蓋,倒向身體左側,同時將臉轉向右側,維持5秒,然後腳和臉回到起點。
2. 輕輕抬起左腳膝蓋,倒向身體右側,同時將臉轉向左側,維持5秒。此為一組動作,重覆做十次。
Move your abs to relieve constipation
From 5-7am, the large intestine meridian flows, and this is the time when your large intestine is the most active making it easiest for bowel movement. But very few people wake up that early nowadays, coupled with poor dietary habits, lack of exercise, stressful work, standing or sitting too long, it can easily lead to constipation. It’s not a major illness but it can be quite bothersome!
If you have constipation, try doing some ab exercises when you wake up to get your intestine moving and also try some acupoint massages to relieve constipation. If you the issue is serious, then remember to consult a Chinese medicine practitioner!
Ab exercise to get your intestine moving
It is best to do this with an empty stomach and drink a glass of warm water after.
1. Lie flat on your bed and naturally place your hands on two sides of you body. Gently lift your right knees and push towards the left side of your bed and turn your face towards the right side. Keep for 5 seconds and return your face and leg to original position.
2. Gently lift your left knee and push towards the right side of your body and turn your face towards the left side and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this set of exercise 10 times.
Tianshu Point (Celestial Pivot)
Location: Center of the abdomen, two inches (3 finger-breadths) from the belly button.
Usage: Use both thumbs or bottom of your palms and press for 50 times.
Effects: Regulates the intestines to improve qi and blood circulation. Relieves abdominal bloating and constipation.
#男 #女 #我煩躁 #氣滯 #濕熱