

在 地板英文ground產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,778的網紅小人物上籃,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 你喜歡喝研磨咖啡嗎? «大臉咖啡»為什麼這麼貴? 你知道咖啡渣可以除臭嗎嗎? #小人物英文時間 小人物上籃#288中明明完全沒有提到咖啡,可是卻提了一個非常有趣實用的英文單字。 ====== ✓grinder就是圖片中右上角那台機器,用來磨碎東西的機器,可是,原來grinder還可以形容一個人呢,意...

  • 地板英文ground 在 小人物上籃 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-20 09:19:11
    有 72 人按讚

    meat grinder 絞肉機
    coffee grinder 咖啡豆研磨機
    ground beef 牛絞肉
    ground coffee 咖啡粉(渣)
    ground black pepper 黑胡椒粉
    ground glass 毛玻璃
    派脆e起唸 #小人物Patrick

  • 地板英文ground 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-29 08:00:00
    有 129 人按讚

    No.3 #美國911事件


    🛩When al Qaeda terrorists flew jetliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, they delivered an unprecedented shock to the nation’s sense of security and its economy. Commercial aviation was grounded for three days. The destruction to lower Manhattan closed the stock markets. Heightened security slowed trade with Canada and Mexico to a crawl. Nervous shoppers stayed away from stores and malls.

    -unprecedented: 前所未見的(最近很常出現的用字!)
    -ground: 常見用法是名詞為地板,此做動詞是禁足、限制的意思
    -crawl: 爬行,此作名詞使用

    🛩Economists predicted the attacks would tip a slowing economy into recession. People would be more reluctant to fly, work in a tall building or base their office in New York City.

    -tip: 使傾倒,這邊是個很生動的用法,搭配介係詞into,表示將當時已經搖搖欲墜經濟給再推了下,推入衰退中,這也是近期在專欄中第二次出現的字了!
    reluctant: 不情願的

    📉But the U.S. bounced back remarkably quickly. It was later determined that a recession triggered by the technology bust had begun six months before the attacks and ended two months afterward.

    -bounce back: 反彈
    -determine: 確定、查明
    -trigger: 作名詞是槍上的板機,動詞則引申為觸發之意
    *technology bust: 又名為Dot-com bubble,網路泡沫,從1995年開始至2000年三月到達高點,期間納斯達克指數大漲400%,2000年三月後開始回跌,到2002年十月時將泡沫期間的漲幅全數吐回。

    🚀One reason was the aggressive policy response. The day the markets reopened, the Fed and its counterparts in the Eurozone, Canada and Sweden all slashed rates. Low rates inspired auto manufacturers to roll out zero percent financing, sending sales skyrocketing. Fears of terrorism faded when new attacks didn’t materialize.

    -slash: 名詞就是斜槓,動詞可以想像就是畫一條斜線,有砍下去的意思,因此搭配rates(利率)就是降息的意思喔!
    -roll out: 推出、實施(新的方案等)
    skyrocket: 飛向天空的火箭,做動詞用就是有如火箭升空一般,表示迅速飆漲、飛昇

    💵Within two weeks Congress approved $40 billion for emergency rebuilding and defense and $5 billion in cash assistance and up to $10 billion in loan guarantees to airlines. Both parties agreed more stimulus was needed but negotiations soon bogged down over its composition. When a package worth $51 billion over one year and $94 billion over five years finally passed in March, a recovery was already well under way.

    -approve: 通過、核可
    -bog down: 阻礙、攔阻
    -composition: 本為作曲、作文之意,此處為方案的產出

    To be continued…
    #開啟搶先看🛎 #關注六大災難專題報導


    ❓❓Quiz: The outbreak _____ the economy into ______.
    A. tip, recession
    B. tipped, recession
    C. tripped, recess
    D. Batman, Spartan

    #獨家 華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 Line 群組,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • 地板英文ground 在 Goddess Yoga TW Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-04 09:04:40
    有 474 人按讚

    Downward Facing Dog
    Adho Mukha Svanasana 🤸

    簡單版英文口令怎麼說 :

    From tabletop or all four position 從四足跪姿
    Lift your hips up and back 把髖往上往後提起
    Fingers spread 手指張開
    Press into all your pads of fingers 指腹下紮

    Externally rotate your shoulders 外旋肩膀
    Broaden through the collarbones 鎖骨拉寬
    Back of the neck long 頸後延伸

    Lift your sit bones up 坐骨上提
    Roll your inner thighs back 大腿內旋
    Gaze to the ground/navel 凝視點在地板/肚臍

    各派別指令可能不同提供給大家參考嘍 💕

    Goddess Yoga Tw 瑜伽英語讀書會 👇

    Photo credit VCstyle-做自己的風格運動內著
    #beyourowngoddess #betheinspiration 🦋
    #bethecgangeyouwant #livethelifeyouwant
    #ilovemyyogalife #ilovemyjob #beboldbefree
    #vcstyle #myvcstyle #yogawears #llovemyjob