

在 地方副詞倒裝動詞產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 最近幫高一孩子做月考複習AED, 幫高二孩子錄影回測解析, 發現不約而同都考了「倒裝句」。 俐媽就幾兩個最重要的倒裝句解說一下, 也附上我在閱讀英文小說時看到的句子。 文法, 不是只有在課文中, 也不是只是為了應付考試, 是真真實實交織在你的閱讀理解裡。 ————————————————————...

地方副詞倒裝動詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-31 12:36:51

最近幫高一孩子做月考複習AED, 幫高二孩子錄影回測解析, 發現不約而同都考了「倒裝句」。 俐媽就幾兩個最重要的倒裝句解說一下, 也附上我在閱讀英文小說時看到的句子。 文法, 不是只有在課文中, 也不是只是為了應付考試, 是真真實實交織在你的閱讀理解裡。 ————————————————————...

  • 地方副詞倒裝動詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-18 23:27:33
    有 42 人按讚



    🪜 俐媽英文教室—倒裝句篇:

    1️⃣ 否定副詞放句首的倒裝句:

    ❗️否定副詞 + be/aux + S ...❗️

    當看到「否定副詞」如Never, On no account, Under no circumstances, Not until, Only, Nowhere, Seldom, Scarcely, Little...等置於句首時,後面要接倒裝句。
    如圖2中,Never ... had I been...,否定字Never於句首,而後面是「助動詞+主詞」(had I)形式。

    2️⃣ 地方副詞放句首的倒裝句:

    ❗️ 地方副詞 + V + S (名詞) ❗️
    ❗️ 地方副詞 + S (代名詞) + V ❗️

    當地方副詞如Here, There, Under the table, Across from the hotel等字出現在句首時,後面的倒裝「不是」形成問句形式,而是直接把主詞和動詞直接對倒,形成如Here comes the bus.的倒裝句。
    另外,如果主詞是「代名詞」(I, you, he, she, they, we, it),則「不倒裝」,形成如Here you are.的句子。
    ⚠️ 「介副詞」如away, off, up, down...放句首時,也可以形成倒裝句,如:Away fly the birds.
    而圖3的Off you go. 也是一個例子。Off是介副詞,you是代名詞,因此置於句中不倒裝。

  • 地方副詞倒裝動詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-09-11 10:18:52
    有 272 人按讚

    🎨 EEC小說選讀:The Picture of Dorian Gray(道林•格雷的畫像) chapter 1 (p15~20)
    📍 俐媽精選單字:
    • exhibit (v.) 展覽
    ➡️ exhibition (n.) 展覽
    • ivory (n.) 象牙(材質)
    ➡️ ivory tower 象牙塔/ tusk (n.) (一根)象牙
    • explain (n.) 解釋
    ➡️ explanation (n.) 解釋
    • secrecy (n.U) 祕密
    • mysterious (a.) 神祕的
    ➡️ mystery (n.) 神祕
    • suppose (v.) 猜測
    • academic (n.) 大學教授;(a.) 學術的
    ➡️ academic performance 學業表現
    • pale (a.) 蒼白的
    • at once = immediately 立刻
    • work (n.C) 作品
    • extraordinary (a.) 非凡的
    ➡️ ordinary (a.) 平凡的
    • up and down (adv.) 來來回回(= backward and forward = back and forth = to and fro)
    • inspiration (n.) 靈感
    ➡️ inspire (v.) 激發鼓舞/ inspiring (a.) 鼓舞人心的
    • autobiography (n.) 自傳
    ➡️ auto-: self/ bio-: life/ -graph: write
    • sense of beauty 美感
    • frown (n.) 皺眉
    ➡️ frown at N 對⋯皺眉;對⋯不贊/認同
    • influence (v.)(n.) 影響
    ➡️ influential (a.) 有影響力的
    ➡️ have...influence on N 對⋯有⋯影響
    • In front of it, sat the artist, Basil Hallward. -->此為地方副詞放句首,而主詞、動詞倒裝的句型
    😃 敬請繼續追蹤chapter 2解析!

  • 地方副詞倒裝動詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-06-17 21:56:31
    有 415 人按讚

    👍 俐媽英文教室:倒裝句
    🚧 There, it would be easy to reach, should I need it.
    ⚠️ 原句為There, it would be easy to reach, if I should need it. "可能性極低"的假設語氣中以should表示"萬一",又假設語氣中有三個字(had, should, were)可以形成倒裝--去掉連接詞if,再將had/should/were與主詞對倒。因而if I should need it變成了should I need it.
    🚧 Seldom did anyone manage to get it right, and even I stumbled over it a good portion of the time.
    ⚠️ Seldom表"不常",為否定字,置於句首時後面形成"be/aux. + S"的倒裝句形式。其它常見否定字有never, rarely, barely, scarcely, hardly, in no time, only, not until, not only...but also..., nowhere, little等等。
    🚧 I realized that under no circumstances while on my date tomorrow could I take off my pants.
    ⚠️ under no circumstances表"決不"(= never = in no way = by no means = on no condition = on no account)為否定字,故後面形成could I take off my pants的倒裝句構。
    🚧 As omnipresent as the snow was, I also sensed its waning, melting imperceptibly by the minute all around me.
    ⚠️ 原句為Although the snow was omnipresent,...,為強調形容詞omnipresent而將其置於句首,although the snow was順勢向後移,但although不能放在句中,因此改成though或as(較常見)。此句中的as即表"雖然"。omnipresent (a.) 無所不在的,字首omni- = all,而present為形容詞表"出席的;出現的"。
    🚧 Much as I wanted to open it that night on the trail, I wasn't willing to lug the empty bottle all the way to Timberline Lodge.
    ⚠️ 原句為Although I wanted to open it that night on the trail,...,表"雖然"的倒裝句只可強調adj./ adv./ N,因此要強調動詞時,要額外在句首加上副詞much。故Although I wanted to open it that night on the trail,... = Much as I wanted to open it that night on the trail, ...
    🚧 Into the box went the foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use.
    ⚠️ Here/ There/ 地方副詞/ 介副詞(i.e. into, away, off, in, out, up, down...)置於句首時,後面的主詞和動詞要對置形成倒裝句。The bus comes here. = Here comes the bus.,而The foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use went into the box. = Into the box (地方副詞) + went (動詞) + the foldable saw and miniature binoculars and the megawatt flash for the camera I had yet to use (主詞)。
    ⛽️ 注意:若主詞為代名詞時,則不倒裝,如He comes here. = Here (副詞) + he (主詞) + comes (動詞).
    🚧 As soon as I got my pack off, I lay on the tree as if it were a couch--a sweet respite from the ground.
    ⚠️ as soon as為連接詞表"一...就..."。本句亦可以寫成No sooner had I got my pack off than I lay on the tree as if... = Hardly/Scarcely had I got my pack off when/before I lay on the tree as if...
    ⛽️ "No sooner + had S Vpp + than + S + Ved"及"Hardly/Scarcely + had S Vpp + when/before + S + Ved"均為表"一...就..."的倒裝句構。
    👀 打完這些重點,俐媽的兩隻眼睛也倒裝啦~