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  • 在地人英文 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-11-26 05:53:57
    有 23 人按讚

    Fes & Meknes: playing Mario and Where's Wally in old cities
    (This post is in both Mandarin and English)




    We ended the 3-day Sahara tour in Fes, another popular tourist destination. It was around 6pm, and our goal was to find our hotels in the maze-like old city, or "medina". Medina refers to the oldest part of a city encircled by walls. It's usually full of narrow, crooked streets and very hard to navigate. "Getting lost in medinas" has been promoted by travel websites as one of the top funs in Morocco.

    I entered the old city with two friends I met in the tour group. We took it easy in the beginning, but soon realized it's not as simple as we thought. While Google Maps said the direct distance is 600 meters, we had to navigate through more than 1-km of poorly mapped streets in the medina. It was getting dark, and we had to carry luggages up and down as the streets ascended and descended. It was just like playing the Mario game. What's even worse is, deep in the medina, many local teenagers tried to bewilder us. All the way we heard shouts like "it's closed!" "Nothing is there!" "Wrong way!" I knew what was on their minds -- they wanted to make us feel lost and then pay them money for showing us the right way. Particularly, when we were just 20 meters from the destination shown on the map, the kids were still interfering us. To be honest, at that moment I wasn't 100% sure either, as Google Maps are not very accurate in medinas.

    The anxiety continued until we turned into a <1 meter wide side alley and found the hotel name by an aged and rugged wooden door. It was a triumph for us! And we also learned an important lesson: it's better to follow your maps and get lost, than to trust in any kid in the medina. All they want is your money.




    My first impression on Fes came from a children magazine, where I saw a photo in which numerous leather workers were over dozens of connected dying tanks. The tanks were full of different colors, and the workers were busy bringing in leathers to dye and taking out semi products. The scene made me think of the children book series Where's Wally. I'd never imagine that one day I'd become Wally and walk into the photo myself!

    Residents around the tannery have converted their roofs into overlooks and gift shops, where thousands of visitors would take pictures from. To avoid unnecessary expenses, I made friend with a nearby vendor and asked him the best way to get in. He told me that if I won't mind the smell, I can actually go into the tannery and walk by the tanks, and so I did. I was the only tourist there who did that (which means I may have intrude some other visitors' photos, haha).

    How was it like to look at the tanks and the workers closely? The smell doesn't bother me much. Exposure to all the materials, liquids and even pigeon poop (used to remove hairs from animal skin), however, made me realize how deleterious the work environment could be. That's something I'd never experienced by watching from the overlooks.



    As I left Fes and headed toward the next city Meknes, I met a local college student at the station. He is the first Moroccan who talked to me not for money. Since he is from Meknes, he became my local guide there. Not only that, he was hospitable enough to provide me accommodation when I realized my hotel reservation that night was cancelled without notice. His hospitality successfully overwrote the negative impression I got about Morocco, and made me Iike this country a lot more.

    Here's something I realized after many travels: even one negative experience can make you hate a place a lot and never want to go back, while a good experience (often some nice people you meet on the way) can make you remember a place for a long time.