

在 品利家居mobile01產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【你值得更好】不如從今年開始加入斷捨離行列? ⭐捨棄舊物只是個開始 ⭐更重要是培養簡約環保生活習慣 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 年末大掃除從何入手? 35項雜物斷捨離清單 新年來臨我們總期望「去舊迎新」,但放眼滿屋雜物,財神來到都掉頭走吧?離農曆新年還有些日子,正好逐步展開「斷捨離」大計,...

  • 品利家居mobile01 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-01 18:37:24
    有 764 人按讚




    1. 2020年月曆
    2. 過期的優惠券
    3. 過時的外賣單張
    4. 無用的信件
    5. 寫不出字的筆
    6. 不再鋒利的鉸剪
    7. 過期的雜誌
    8. 發黃的手機殼
    9. 接觸不良的充電線
    10. 剩下一隻的耳機
    11. 不再戴的眼鏡
    12. 幾年沒用的眼鏡布
    13. 生銹的耳環
    14. 失去彈性的襪子
    15. 兩年沒有穿的鞋
    16. 沒有用的鞋盒
    17. 發黃的內衣
    18. 快要斷掉的皮帶
    19. 3年沒有用過的手袋
    20. 殘舊的床單
    21. 拉鏈壞掉的咕𠱸套
    22. 放著沒用的保溫瓶
    23. 1年沒用過的杯子
    24. 沒意義的紀念品
    25. 不合用的贈品
    26. 過期的會員咭
    27. 超市便利店的印花
    28. 銀包內無用的單據
    29. 以為自己會吃的零食
    30. 早已穿不下的衣服
    31. 已過期的食物
    32. 獨立調味料包
    33. 用不完的外賣餐具
    34. 囤積的膠袋/購物袋
    35. 過期藥物

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    How to begin spring-cleaning before Lunar New Year?
    35-item checklist for your reference

    ‘Out with the old and in with the new’ is something we look forward to during the Lunar New Year season, but every time we look at the things we have kept, we do not know where to begin. Even the god of fortune would have run away if he sees the mess!

    Lunar New Year is around the corner, so it is time for us to start spring-cleaning. We can take this opportunity to give our home a facelift and the same time, help us start fresh again in a new year. When we go through things in the house, we need to differentiate the ‘wants’ from the ‘needs’, and from there, we will learn to cut down on things we do not need.

    Don’t know where to start? Fret not! Here is a checklist of 35 items that might be helpful to you.

    1. 2020 calendar
    2. Expired coupons
    3. Expired delivery orders and receipts
    4. Letters that are no longer important
    5. Pens that do not work anymore
    6. Scissors with blunt edges
    7. Old magazines
    8. Mobile phone cases that have turned yellow
    9. Chargers with connection problem
    10. Earphones that no longer function properly
    11. Spectacles we do not wear anymore
    12. Glasses wipe we have not used in years
    13. Rusted earrings
    14. Socks that are no longer elastic
    15. Shoes we have not worn in two years
    16. Shoeboxes with no practical use
    17. Undergarments that have turned yellow
    18. Belts that are almost falling apart
    19. Handbags we have not used in 3 years
    20. Old and torn bed sheets
    21. Cushion covers with broken zippers
    22. Thermal flasks we do not use anymore
    23. Cups we have not used in a year
    24. Insignificant memorabilia
    25. Gifts we do not use
    26. Expired membership cards
    27. Unused stamps from convenient stores
    28. Old receipts in our wallet
    29. Snacks we thought we would eat but did not
    30. Clothes that do not fit us anymore
    31. Expired food
    32. Seasoning sachets
    33. Utensils from take out food
    34. Excess plastic bags / shopping bags
    35. Expired medicine

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