

在 合歡花玫瑰花茶功效產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【不快樂時你需要這花~】選對了花還有疏肝解鬱的作用! #BlueMonday收花最開心 #收食得飲得的花更實際 #中醫花語解密 四大疏肝解鬱花 問女生是否喜歡收花?大多數都是「口裡說不,身體卻很誠實」。其實心情低落時更加需要收花!下次不妨送自己或朋友「四大疏肝解鬱花」,簡單令人心花怒...

合歡花玫瑰花茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:20:19

【不快樂時你需要這花~】選對了花還有疏肝解鬱的作用! #BlueMonday收花最開心 #收食得飲得的花更實際 #中醫花語解密 四大疏肝解鬱花 問女生是否喜歡收花?大多數都是「口裡說不,身體卻很誠實」。其實心情低落時更加需要收花!下次不妨送自己或朋友「四大疏肝解鬱花」,簡單令人心花怒放,心花日日...

  • 合歡花玫瑰花茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-05-21 15:22:11
    有 286 人按讚




    1. 玫瑰花、月季花

    2. 合歡花

    3. 茉莉花

    4. 桂花


    Four flowers to relieve stress

    If you ask a girl if she likes to receive flowers, most will say no even though they do, especially when they are feeling sad. Next time try sending yourself or your friends these four stress relieving flowers!

    1. Rose/Chinese Rose
    Rose is what most ladies like the most and, like Chinese Rose, it is great for stress relief. They look similar and have similar effects. They are warm in nature, can regulate qi and improve mood as well as dispel bruising. You can make a tea with them or add it into your soy milk or desserts. It is most suitable for those professional working ladies with intense stress and prone to qi stagnation body constitution. Note: those with asthenic qi and blood and those who are pregnant should consume with caution.

    2. Albizia flower
    Albizia is mild in nature and great for a cup of tea when you feel down as it can calm the mind, release negative moods, and regulate qi. If you are losing sleep due to your emotions, a cup of albizia tea can also help.

    3. Jasmine
    Jasmine has a refreshing aroma and is white in color, and a lot of people like it for their perfume. From chinese medicine perspective, it is warm in nature and can regulate qi and improve your mood. The scented tea commonly served in restaurants are smoked with Jasmine to achieve the floral fragrance too.

    4. Sweet osmanthus
    Sweet osmanthus is small but has a powerful aroma that can spread quite a distance. It is most commonly used in desserts, tea, and soaked in wine. It is warm in nature and can calm the mind, warm the stomach to relieve pain.

    Tips for drinking floral tea
    Floral tea is fragrant and healthy but it is important to note the following:
    - try to drink your tea soon and do not store overnight
    - use a transparent tea pot to make floral tea
    - don't drink it with an empty stomach
    - keep to 1-2 cups per day, having too much can lead to abdominal bloating and diarrhea
    - buy your floral tea from a reputable seller to avoid high amounts of pesticides

    #男 #女 #我煩燥 #我疲憊 #我有壓力

