

在 可能probably產品中有628篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Reinventing Workers for the Post-COVID Economy The nation’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will hinge ( ) to some extent ( ...

 同時也有33部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅Gina music,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️ 西洋音樂愛好者✨這裡不會有冗長的介紹文卻是個讓你挖歌的好地方😎 追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹 facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com...

可能probably 在 Stella Luna ☽ ☀︎︎ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 21:08:21

這世界上最公平的事就是 每人一天都只有24小時 沒有人比較多 也沒有人比較少 The fairest thing on earth is that everyone on the planet gets 24 hours to spent. No one owns more and no one...

可能probably 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 12:52:20

又一個駁唔到 前瑞典首相Carl Bildt打完歐盟再打美國個Man of the Year幾巴, "Expectations were very high when Joe Biden came in - probably too high, they were unrealistic. H...

  • 可能probably 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-20 23:12:18
    有 2 人按讚

    Reinventing Workers for the Post-COVID Economy

    The nation’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will hinge ( ) to some extent ( ) on how quickly show managers can become electricians ( ), whether taxi drivers can become plumbers ( ), and how many cooks can manage software for a bank.

    This is likely to prove especially problematic for millions of low-paid workers in service industries like retailing ( ), hospitality ( ), building maintenance and transportation, which may be permanently impaired ( ) or fundamentally transformed. What will janitors ( ) do if fewer people work in offices? What will waiters do if the urban restaurant ecosystem never recovers its density ( )?

    Their prognosis ( ) is bleak ( ). Marcela Escobari, an economist at the Brookings Institution, warns that even if the economy adds jobs as the coronavirus risk fades ( ), “the rebound won’t help the people that have been hurt the most.”

    Looking back over 16 years of data, Escobari finds that workers in the occupations ( ) most heavily hit since the spring will have a difficult time reinventing themselves. Taxi drivers, dancers and front-desk clerks have poor track records moving to jobs as, say, registered nurses, pipe layers or instrumentation technicians.

    COVID is abruptly ( ) taking out a swath ( ) of jobs that were thought to be comparatively ( ) resilient ( ), in services that require personal contact with customers. And the jolt ( ) has landed squarely on workers with little or no education beyond high school, toiling ( ) in the low-wage service economy.

    “The damage to the economy and particularly to workers will probably be longer lasting than we think it is going to be,” said Peter Beard, senior vice president at the Greater Houston Partnership, an economic development group.

    What’s more, he said, COVID will intensify underlying ( ) dynamics ( ) that were already transforming ( ) the workplace. Automation ( ), for one, will most likely accelerate ( ) as employers seek to protect their businesses from future pandemics

    The challenge is not insurmountable ( ). Yet despite scattered ( ) success stories, moving millions of workers into new occupations remains an enormous ( ) challenge.

    “We need a New Deal ( ) for skills,” said Amit Sevak, president of Revature, a company that hires workers, trains them to use digital tools and helps place them in jobs. “President Roosevelt deployed ( ) the massive number of workers unemployed in the Great Depression on projects that created many of the dams ( ) and roads and bridges we have. We need something like that.”




    他們的前景是黯淡的。布魯金斯學會經濟學家Marcela Escobari警告說,即使就業機會隨新型冠狀病毒疫情風險消退而增加,「經濟反彈也幫不了那些受創最重的人」。



    經濟發展組織大休士頓商會資深副總裁Peter Beard表示:「經濟、尤其是勞工們受害的時間,可能比我們預期的還要更長。」



    雇用勞工後培訓他們使用數位工具,並幫他們找到工作的Revature公司總裁Amit Sevak說:「我們需要一項針對職業技能的新政。小羅斯福總統大蕭條時期把大量失業勞工投入工程計畫,興建了我們現在使用的水壩、道路與橋樑。我們需要這樣的東西。」

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • 可能probably 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-18 06:16:58
    有 21,318 人按讚

    2002: I got my first commercial. I gave up medical school to become a model. I become an overnight success and my parents were so proud of me. NOT! Quitting medical school to move to Taiwan was probably one of the craziest and riskiest things I’ve done in my life. Medicine was always something I personally loved, and not just a professional my parents pushed me towards. I put my heart and soul into getting into medical school and I wanted to travel the world with Medicine San Frontiers.

    But I had this nagging itch to try out this whole modeling thing - don’t know what it was. The excitement of something new? The challenge of a different industry altogether? The desire to travel in Asia a bit longer?

    Finally, I decided, a career in medicine will still be there in a few years if I wanted it. But this opportunity to try modeling was probably something I should do younger rather than older.

    這裡送給你們看看我那時候的樣子,我的天啊!好多不同look喔!那個化妝-Oh My God!
    So, i took a leap of faith and sent in my rejection letter (Haha. take THAT medical school. I reject YOU!) and started doing various TV commercials and print ads in Taiwan. I wish I could have said it was a lucrative or even successful career as a model, but honestly, there were more days in between than actual jobs. I had to support myself with a lot of side jobs: teaching English, baby sitting, joining violin performing groups, continuing my work as an EMT, etc. Anyway, here’s just a few of the very VERY varied looks I had back then. The make up…. Holy moly….

  • 可能probably 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-03 11:52:14
    有 1,833 人按讚


    前瑞典首相Carl Bildt打完歐盟再打美國個Man of the Year幾巴,

    "Expectations were very high when Joe Biden came in - probably too high, they were unrealistic. His 'America is back' suggested a golden age in our relations. But it didn't happen and there's been a shift in a fairly short period of time. The complete lack of consultations over the withdrawal has left a scar."
    (响完全無通知之下咁樣撤軍,個關系會留底好大條疤痕。响拜登上任嘅時候(班友)期望太高喇,成班可能high到超現實。佢嗰所謂"America is Back"係指以前大家關系最好嘅黃金時代,但根本無出現到囉,極其量只係好短暫嘅調節。)

    "There was a time when the US talked about upholding the global order. But that is not the language now coming out of the White House."


    《BBC》How Europe's relationship with Joe Biden turned sour



  • 可能probably 在 Gina music Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-24 18:30:13

    Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️

    追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹
    facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    spotify 歌單👉https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2EfPjFfdqN8NzUwj1XNoZC

    Donate and support my channel 👉https://p.opay.tw/WSwM8

    Submit your music 👉ginamusictaiwan@gmail.com
    For business inquiries about copyright issues, photos and song submissions,
    please contact👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    Social Media:

    ▶ Download / Stream link : https://jeremyzucker.lnk.to/therapist

    👑Jeremy Zucker
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremyzucker
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jeremyzucker
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JeremyZucker
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremyzucker
    Website: https://jeremyzuckermusic.com



    You always keep one in your purse
    Just in case you get the urge
    So if you start to feel worse, a couple hours I'm on a plane
    所以當你開始感覺不安時 幾小時內我將會搭上航班
    Feeling insane
    Probably traumatised

    So, you say "Babe, what's with the face?"
    所以你說道 "親愛的 為何你這副模樣?"
    Maybe I'm drunk, maybe I'm wasted
    或許我已酩酊大醉 也可能自甘墮落
    And you know, I can't handle this
    而你清楚 我不能很好地解決
    Maybe I'm just a masochist
    Alright, fuck up my life
    那就這樣吧 摧毀我的人生
    Lie to my face, kiss me goodnight
    對我說謊吧 給我晚安吻
    I swear you know I can't handle this
    我發誓 你很清楚我不能很好地解決
    Maybe you should call your therapist

    I do my best to stay away
    我盡全力 遠離這裡
    'Cause I can't save you every day
    I'm waiting for the hurricane
    You're spinning out and I'm in the eye, dying inside
    你望著我溺亡其中 逐漸遠去
    Honestly terrified

    So, you say "Babe, what's with the face?"
    所以你說道 "親愛的 為何你這副模樣?"
    Maybе I'm drunk, maybe I'm wasted
    或許我已酩酊大醉 也可能自甘墮落
    And you know, I can't handle this
    而你清楚 我不能很好地解決
    Maybe I'm just a masochist
    Alright, fuck up my life
    那就這樣吧 摧毀我的人生
    Lie to my face, kiss me goodnight
    對我說謊吧 給我晚安吻
    I swear you know I can't handle this
    我發誓 你很清楚我不能很好地解決
    Maybe you should call your therapist
    You know I can't handle this
    你很清楚 我不能很好地解決
    Maybe you should call your therapist

    歌詞翻譯 : 特星

    #JeremyZucker #Therapist #lyrics #西洋歌曲推薦

  • 可能probably 在 蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-26 22:00:13

    BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 27:47
    Podcast每週四10點一集 ​👉https://arieltsai.lnk.to/ArielsWhisper_CH




    Probably the funniest episode ever on my podcast. Listen to me practice saying f*ck, talk about relationship sh*t, and discuss the most voted top 10 things f*ckboys say with Sam. LOL.

    Have you ever gotten these lines before? Do you know what they really mean? Or... are you the one to say it?

    Don’t forget to check out the first half of our convo in the previous episode (EP10) if you haven’t already!

    **Song at the end: CHEERIO: https://youtu.be/0EaWcjmT3gs



    Ariel 蔡佩軒的 3 步驟夢想實踐清單
    ■ STEP1 談夢想:沒有夢想很正常。不確定自己的夢想,更正常
    ■ STEP2 寫日記:最糟的都撐過去了。現在,不是最糟的時候
    ■ STEP3 列清單:堅持不是一個長跑,它是很多一個接一個的短跑
    ............................................... ​

    📔博客來 (獨家限量親簽版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉https://reurl.cc/AgQQyY
    📔誠品 (獨家封面版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/9ZMzxx
    📔誠品 (獨家封面版)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/E2kKyn
    📔MOMO (獨家限量海報版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/9Zjj1O
    📔金石堂 (贈限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/Gd7kDD
    📔墊腳石 (贈限量夢想記事本)👉🏻6/3網路及門市開賣
    📔博客來電子書(首賣二週) ─ 新書上線7折、境好電子書展單書再88折、二書85折👉🏻https://reurl.cc/2bX4Va
    📔其他:博客來 (海外運送)👉🏻https://tinyurl.com/yegltbc5
    📔PChome 全球購物 (103個國家)👉🏻https://global.pchome.com.tw/


    🔔 SUBSCRIBE訂閱: http://bit.ly/ariel_youtube
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    ▶︎微博: http://bit.ly/2mRyCab


    #Ariel悄悄對你說 #ArielsWhisper #Ariel蔡佩軒

  • 可能probably 在 Gina music Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-04 18:30:17

    Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️

    追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹
    facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    spotify 歌單👉https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2EfPjFfdqN8NzUwj1XNoZC

    Donate and support my channel (PayPal) 👉https://paypal.me/ginamusic?locale.x=zh_TW

    🌸本影片與 Jupita 合作宣傳🌸
    Submit your music 👉ginamusictaiwan@gmail.com
    For business inquiries about copyright issues, photos and song submissions,
    please contact👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    Social Media:

    ▶ Download / Stream link : https://jupitamusic.com/driverslicense/


    👑All Beats



    I got my driver's license last week
    Just like we always talked about
    'Cause you were so excited for me
    To finally drive up to your house
    But today I drove through the suburbs
    Crying 'cause you weren't around

    And you're probably with that blonde girl
    Who always made me doubt
    She's so much older than me
    She's everything I'm insecure about
    Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
    'Cause how could I ever love someone else?

    I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
    我知道我們並非絕配 但我對你的癡情也是前所未有
    And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
    I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
    'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street
    你曾說要與我白頭到老 如今我獨自開車路過你的街道

    And all my friends are tired
    Of hearing how much I miss you but
    I kinda feel sorry for them
    'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do
    他們沒能瞭解你 像我一般
    Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
    And pictured I was driving home to you

    I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
    我知道我們並非絕配 但我對你的癡情也是前所未有
    Oh, and I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
    I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
    'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street
    你曾說要與我白頭到老 如今我獨自開車路過你的街道

    歌詞翻譯: 原上巽

    #DriversLicense #AllBeats #Lyly #Lyrics #OliviaRodrigo

