

在 可可脂手工皂產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Lin bay 好 油,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 廣告時間 12/26-1/3在南港世貿有展屏東可可。 屏東可可 也參加了這次的客家博覽會喔! 12/26-1/3 歡迎各界好友 到南港展覽館 59櫃位、59櫃位、59櫃位 品嚐屏東巧克力喔! 在 農友們的努力趕工下,其實… 量也沒有很多…~~" (sorry~因為純手工) 不管...

 同時也有28部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I'm a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. subscribe and click the bell for notification. If...

可可脂手工皂 在 孝孝 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 21:58:34

🇮🇹義大利精緻手工皂🇮🇹 👉🏻來自佛羅倫斯的NESTI DANTE 那是提義大利手工皂。 簡單介紹一下我手拿的三款香皂: 🧼#尊寵黑金淨化皂 🧼 👉🏻特選非洲的車前草、燕麥、可可豆莢及乳木果油,具保濕及深層潔淨的特性,並添加有助提振精神的廣藿香、辛辣粉紅胡椒、感性風信子和新鮮茉莉花的華麗香氛。 ...

可可脂手工皂 在 Debby_黛比 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-11 09:08:13

▍綠果 手工皂&防蚊 ▍ 因為洋洋的皮膚是屬於異膚又敏感 綠果的初衷一直都是我很喜歡的 2010年成立以來 一直推行著以植物油為主原料製成的產品 並堅持不添加精油和香料的低敏感保養品牌 上一團熱賣百隻的綠果護唇膏也是因為標榜無香、天然 這次廠商問我要不要試看看手工皂跟防蚊 真的超開心的! 手工皂我...

  • 可可脂手工皂 在 Lin bay 好 油 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-12-25 16:36:14
    有 43 人按讚



    屏東可可 也參加了這次的客家博覽會喔!
    12/26-1/3 歡迎各界好友 到南港展覽館
    在 農友們的努力趕工下,其實… 量也沒有很多…~~"
    展覽活動很精彩…有很多 特色商品,傳統美食
    在展覽會,就可以準備好年節禮盒,還能規畫 旅遊路線
    期待 每一位朋友的到來~~~~

    2015臺灣客家產業博覽會 HAKKA EXPO 2015年前最大檔的客家雙年盛會從104年12月26日到105年1月3日在南港展覽館一樓K區熱鬧登場囉!本次的客家博覽會以「薪傳」為主題,從食、衣、住、行、育、樂間,一窺”捱”客家人的過去、現在與未來喔!同時以現代科技手法與感質設計,引領參觀者遊走其中、互動參與,成為這座客家盛會的故事。還在煩惱年底要去哪玩耍嗎?當然是來參觀兩年一會104-105年度臺灣客家產業博覽會!

  • 可可脂手工皂 在 Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 17:38:02

    Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I'm a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. subscribe and click the bell for notification.

    If you are new to soap making, pls. make sure you read the SDS of sodium hydroxide carefully and put on your gloves, mask and google to protect yourself before starting.

    Spanish Needles Bidens alba is a very common weed with goof medical functions. Our ancients used it in herbal tea and some skin treatment, like small wood, itching, bug bites. I gathered the plants last weekend and made soaps with them. My college designed this stamp for it, I really like the Chinese characters in the design.

    Recently, "how to prepare the lye solution of herbal soaps" was discussed in our Facebook group. Some people like to use regular herbal juice and some people like to use frozen herbal juice, so I tried both methods with the same recipe at the same time and the results are very similar (almost the same). I don't like the irritating air while dissolving lye in the regular juice, so I'd rather spend more time to freeze the juice and dissolve lye in the frozen one.

    橄欖油 Olive Oil: 600g
    米糠油 Ricebran Oil: 400g
    椰子油 Coconut Oil: 400g
    棕櫚油 RSPO - Palm Oil: 400g
    可可脂 Cocoa Butter: 200g
    99%氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide: 289g
    純水 Distilled Water: 578g
    大花咸豐草 Spanish Needle: 適量/moderate
    超脂橄欖油 Superfat Olive Oil: 60ml
    快樂鼠尾草精油 Clary Sage Essential Oil: 20ml
    苦橙葉精油 Petitgrain Essential Oil: 20ml
    薰衣草精油 Lavender Essential Oil: 20ml

    Bili Bili👉https://pse.is/SNTVB
    ​E-mail👉[email protected]

  • 可可脂手工皂 在 Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-31 08:46:41

    Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I'm a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. subscribe and click the bell for notification.

    If you are new to soap making, pls. make sure you read the SDS of sodium hydroxide carefully and put on your gloves, mask and google to protect yourself before starting.

    This batch was designed with the special property of the fragrance oil I used in this recipe. After mixing with the soap batter, I got about 10 minutes to work with the swirl and the batter became solid after pouring in mold. So the line between layers would be very straight.

    初榨大麻籽油 Hempseed Oil: 220g
    初榨澳洲堅果油 Macadamia Oil: 180g
    甜杏仁油 Sweet Almond Oil: 150g
    椰子油 Coconut Oil: 180g
    棕櫚油 RSPO-Palm Oil: 170g
    可可脂 Cocoa Butter: 100g
    99%氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide: 146g
    冷凍蘆薈汁 Frozen Aloe Vera Juice: 292g
    超脂_澳洲堅果油 Superfat_Macadamia Oil: 30g
    白茉莉薄荷香精 Jasmine & Peppermint Fragrance Oil: 30g
    綠礦物色粉 Green Oxide: 適量/moderate
    黑礦物色粉 Black Oxide: 適量/moderate

    Bili Bili👉https://pse.is/SNTVB
    ​E-mail👉[email protected]

    Audionautix創作的「Green Leaves」是依據 創用 CC (姓名標示) 4.0 授權使用。 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    演出者: http://audionautix.com/

  • 可可脂手工皂 在 Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-25 18:31:42

    Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I'm a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. subscribe and click the bell for notification.

    If you are new to soap making, pls. make sure you read the SDS of sodium hydroxide carefully and put on your gloves, mask and google to protect yourself before starting.

    A foreign soaping friend passed on a recipe of hempseed oil soap shared by Hazel Shop a long time ago. She asked me to help translate it into English because the text was on the picture, she couldn't use google translation. I did and found it quite interesting, so I came to the shop and bought a material package.

    The fragrance oil I used in this recipe accelerate trace, the soap batter
    would set in 5~10minutes after pouring in mold. It's perfect for making layers design.

    Here is the original post of HazelShop👉https://www.facebook.com/hazelsoap/posts/3068849056529507

    初榨大麻籽油 Hempseed Oil: 220g
    初榨澳洲堅果油 Macadamia Oil: 180g
    甜杏仁油 Sweet Almond Oil: 150g
    椰子油 Coconut Oil: 180g
    棕櫚油 RSPO-Palm Oil: 170g
    可可脂 Cocoa Butter: 100g
    99%氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide: 146g
    冷凍蘆薈汁 Frozen Aloe Vera Juice: 292g
    超脂_澳洲堅果油 Superfat_Macadamia Oil: 30g
    白茉莉薄荷香精 Jasmine & Peppermint Fragrance Oil: 30g
    綠礦物色粉 Green Oxide: 適量/moderate
    黑礦物色粉 Black Oxide: 適量/moderate

    Bili Bili👉https://pse.is/SNTVB
    ​E-mail👉[email protected]