
為什麼這篇參與英文involved鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在參與英文involved這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Lujackal (小P)看板Gov_owned標題[討論] 英文第七題答案討論時間Mon No...



If we are to succeed in meeting these tight deadline
then we need to get the whole team ___ from the very beginning

(A)absorbed (B)required (C)involved (D)appealed




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gov_owned/M.1510568587.A.E00.html
orange722: 可貼個題目嗎 11/13 18:27
Lujackal: 其實我不會貼 我用打得好了 11/13 18:30
※ 編輯: Lujackal (, 11/13/2017 18:33:30
davidli: a有點怪,應該是c吧 11/13 18:37
davidli: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/詞典/學習英語/i 11/13 18:40
davidli: nvolved 11/13 18:40
davidli: 他應該是考你get involved 的用法 11/13 18:42
richman0208: absorbed有全神貫注的意思 11/13 18:42
sin60: 可惜這題我空白 11/13 18:45
davidli: 剛查劍橋字典,be absorbed in sth:全神灌注,後面有in 11/13 18:54
davidli: something,單單只有absorb是記憶的意思。 11/13 18:54
NenaPolyglot: "involved"才對,這句是使整個團隊"全員參與投入其 11/13 19:00
NenaPolyglot: 中"的意思, 11/13 19:00
Lujackal: 瞭解 因為我查奇摩字典absorb跟invole都類似專心的意思 11/13 19:01
NenaPolyglot: 表示整個團隊中任何成員缺一不可 11/13 19:02
NenaPolyglot: Alright. To be concrete, it shall be explained 11/13 19:13
NenaPolyglot: in English language. The verb "involve" employ 11/13 19:13
NenaPolyglot: ed here in this sentence means to have every si 11/13 19:13
NenaPolyglot: ngle member of a group to participate in an act 11/13 19:13
NenaPolyglot: ivity, with none being left out. 11/13 19:13
NenaPolyglot: Let's put it this way. We can "involve" people 11/13 19:20
NenaPolyglot: ("the whole team" in this case) , whereas under 11/13 19:20
NenaPolyglot: no circumstance are we able to "absorb" people 11/13 19:20
NenaPolyglot: ! 11/13 19:20
NenaPolyglot: You are not to be bogged down with its literal 11/13 19:31
NenaPolyglot: meaning of other entry or usage if you get the 11/13 19:31
NenaPolyglot: point. 11/13 19:31
jc10167: 請問第22題 It is important that the secretary _ reser 11/13 19:32
jc10167: vations a week ahead of time 11/13 19:32
vinousred: 學英文絕對不要用奇摩字典阿 11/13 19:33
jc10167: 答案是make,為什麼不是will make或makes呢 11/13 19:35
Bosmer: 樓上,因為這種句型會省略should 11/13 19:37
Bosmer: It is important that the secretary (should) make...... 11/13 19:37
Bosmer: . 11/13 19:37
Michaeltoe: 不是只有要求類、建議類才用should嗎? 11/13 19:38
NenaPolyglot: In the foregoing setence, by "to have", I mean 11/13 19:41
NenaPolyglot: "to include" otherwise. 11/13 19:41
NenaPolyglot: 要求,命令,建議性的形容詞,以虛主詞"It"開句首. 11/13 19:58
NenaPolyglot: ..that...的句型,用法一樣 11/13 19:58
NenaPolyglot: 緊急 急迫性的形容詞亦然 11/13 20:00
NenaPolyglot: Subjunctive Mood 那題選項沒有出現 "makes" 或把 11/13 20:05
NenaPolyglot: 整句的動詞改成過去式,出題者很善良 11/13 20:05
bluemoo: 再請教N大34題 選when不行嗎 雖然明顯while比較好XD 11/13 20:15
NenaPolyglot: 回B大,不行喔,while在這脈絡是(雖然,然而,儘管 11/13 20:31
NenaPolyglot: )although, though, inspite of the fact that的意 11/13 20:31
NenaPolyglot: 思,只有選while(=whereas)才能呈現前後正反方意見 11/13 20:31
NenaPolyglot: 的對比 11/13 20:31
bluemoo: 好的感謝解說 :P 11/13 21:10
NenaPolyglot: 我上面的英文解釋,打太快有錯字,have (使役動詞) 11/13 21:14
NenaPolyglot: every single member of a group participate in 11/13 21:14
NenaPolyglot: an activity 前面的 "to" 請刪除 11/13 21:14
bluemoo: N大是英文老師嗎 太強了 或是有推薦哪本文法書? 11/13 21:16
bluemoo: 一般英文好的人多半也無法講解這麼清晰 真是強 11/13 21:19
kelly51633: 跪求推薦文法書 11/13 21:36
NenaPolyglot: B大,小妹是104年上榜台電第56期的北區綜合行政雇 11/13 22:33
NenaPolyglot: 員,國營版上有分享上榜心文 11/13 22:33
NenaPolyglot: 進公司前是英文老師,英文西班牙文秘書和翻譯,剛 11/13 22:41
NenaPolyglot: 從外語大學畢業時,當過空姐但生理很不適應,覺得 11/13 22:41
NenaPolyglot: 挑戰沒成功 11/13 22:41
Moran: N大是正妹英文又好!祝妳上榜 11/13 23:15
bear753951: N大是正妹呀,看來信箱該爆了 11/13 23:39
Michaeltoe: 什麼!是正妹英文老師,國貿4人你會錄取啦 11/13 23:43
bear753951: 順便請問一下英文36題,閱讀第一題,實在無法理解為 11/13 23:44
bear753951: 何答案是the art of spinning 11/13 23:44
orbmeteor: NenaPolyglot妳好:我想詢問13.為何不能選(c)as eloqu 11/13 23:48
orbmeteor: ent as呢?自己是想成原級比較。謝謝:) 11/13 23:48
bluemoo: N大正妹英文超強,祝你上榜^_^ 11/14 00:02
Friedmann: 13題要修飾explain只能選副詞 11/14 00:26
burza: N大好強.. 11/14 01:23
lisaonlisa2: C 11/14 21:00
lisaonlisa2: 這題基本上就是語意 11/14 21:01
NenaPolyglot: Whether semantically or pragmatically, "involv 11/15 10:30
NenaPolyglot: ed"(O) rather than "absorbed"(X) applies to the 11/15 10:30
NenaPolyglot: context serving as an object complement indeed 11/15 10:30
NenaPolyglot: ! 11/15 10:30
Moran: 好奇!N大是錯哪題 11/15 10:48
Moran: 明年志光不要再來發解答了 11/15 10:50
vinousred: NENA上面推的英文太難了 應該是屬打英文比中文快的高手 11/15 23:02
Navierstokes: 就是跟我們一樣的閱讀測驗 (A)製作衣服的技術 11/16 01:30
Navierstokes: 跟N大錯一樣的一題閱讀讓小弟覺得與有榮焉 11/16 01:31
sky0302: A 製作衣服的技術 → 文章一開頭就說製作衣服有現代和 11/16 07:53
sky0302: 古代兩種作法 所以回答A 只對了一半 11/16 07:54
sky0302: B art of spinning 文章最後一行就有了 要看頭看尾呀 11/16 07:55
sky0302: 還有 art 感覺就比 technique 高尚 所以就選B拉 XDDD 11/16 07:56
orbmeteor: 謝謝Friedmann大大的解釋:) 11/17 07:25

