

在 動名詞片語產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [學生常犯的寫作錯誤 2] 所有格加動名詞 (Using Possessives with Gerunds) Many people believe that students wearing uniform is beneficial. 上面的句子有錯誤嗎? 在檢查錯誤之前,先來分析此句:...

 同時也有121部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅Ricky英語小蛋糕,也在其Youtube影片中提到,千呼萬喚 rather than 駕到!【 rather than 五組常見用法】Ricky//英語小蛋糕 👉本次「 rather than 五組常見用法」教材專區: 馬上領取: http://go.sat.cool/3huq4h #倒數1天 #Ricky神速文法課 #限時34折 ⭐️【 生活...

動名詞片語 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 21:53:54

📝Day 240 0907​ #17來提升作文力​ ​ ✔️ endeavor 努力、盡力 (n.)​ 📍 long-term / desperate / unremitting endeavor 長期 / 孤注一擲 / 堅持不懈的努力​ E.g. It takes a long-term ende...

動名詞片語 在 Sabrina英文小教室|英文教學·英文學習 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 16:04:42

✨寫作必備工具 ➡️右滑推薦的語料庫及使用方式 別忘記幫我☑️分享☑️珍藏☑️按讚 讓蘇蘇能夠幫助更多人🧡 ⁡ 🔍語料庫是透過大量文本分析單詞用法建立而成的資料庫,學習外文時常常會需要語料庫讓我們確認自己的理解是否也是外國人常用的用法,藉此避免掉中式英文的問題。當家教已經快要四年了,我從大一上就接...

  • 動名詞片語 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2014-05-20 18:28:56
    有 145 人按讚

    [學生常犯的寫作錯誤 2] 所有格加動名詞 (Using Possessives with Gerunds)

    Many people believe that students wearing uniform is beneficial.


    Many people 是主詞,believe 是及物動詞,that students wearing uniforms is beneficial 是名詞子句當受詞。

    That 是連詞,連接名詞子句但可省略。Students wearing uniform 是動名詞片語當名詞子句的主詞,is 是連綴動詞,beneficial 是形容詞 (主詞補語)。


    一切看起來正常,但是名詞子句的主詞 students wearing uniforms (學生穿制服) 有出現兩個問題。

    第一,有些人會把 wearing uniforms 誤認為現在分詞/形容詞片語 (students who wear uniforms -> students wearing uniforms)。

    但是這裡 students wearing uniforms 應該是當作動名詞片語。


    第二,students 是名詞,但 wearing uniform 是動名詞,所以文法「正確」的寫法應該是 students’ (所有格) wearing uniforms。

    但很沒人會寫 students’ wearing uniforms/student’s wearing of uniforms,因為過度強調 "學生的" 而作者希望把重點放在穿著制服上,也有一些母語者會覺得這樣子的寫法拖泥帶水並且不自然,可能會造成混: http://www.getitwriteonline.com/archive/022205posscasegerunds.htm


    Many people believe that wearing uniforms is beneficial for all students. [O]

    Many people believe that school uniforms are beneficial for all students. [O]

    Many people believe that all students should wear uniforms because of the numerous benefits. [O]




    He resents Mary being promoted. [X] 不正確,除非 being promoted 是形容詞片語。

    He resents Mary’s being promoted. [O] 文法正確,但不常見。

    He resents Mary’s promotion. [O] 最自然的!


    Thank you for you listening. [X] 不正確。

    Thank you for your listening. [O] 文法正確,但不常見 (unidiomatic)!

    Thank you for listening. [O] 最自然的!


    I appreciate he participating in the event. [X] 不正確。

    I appreciate him participating in the event. [X] 文法不正確,算是非正式用法。

    I appreciate his participation in the event. [O] 最自然的!


    Common Writing Errors [常犯的寫作錯誤]
    I. http://goo.gl/0ACQBd
    II. http://goo.gl/oW9YCN
    III. http://goo.gl/2xIQAd
    IV. http://goo.gl/508lHv
    V. http://goo.gl/oeYVgh

  • 動名詞片語 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2013-04-16 23:24:29
    有 33 人按讚

    ★★☆ 怎樣的東西可以當句子的主詞?★★☆

    這次講的這個文法要點 是大部份學生覺得自己已經會了 卻其實觀念漏洞百出的兩個觀念 (不複述大部份學生已會的主詞使用方式)


    學生寫: Watch videos make her relaxed.
    應該寫: Watching videos makes her relaxed

    (a) 動詞不能直接當S. 這邊必須換成動名詞 "Watching" 用動名詞片語 Watching videos 當主詞
    (b) Watching videos 是一件事 後面動詞要加s 不可被video"s"唬


    學術文章裡常出現的that引導的名詞子句當S. 用法

    學生寫: He doesn't like to study is well-known fact.
    應該寫: That he doesn't like to study is a well-known fact.

    所以在寫Thesis statement時列出論點時, 最正確的寫法應該這樣寫:

    The reasons that I prefer to work in a group may be stratified into three strands, including (1) that S+V, (2) that S+V, and (3) that S+V.

    記住如果再怎麼整理論點都是句子比較對味的話 要用that所引導的名詞子句

