[#EnglishEverywhere🌋 ]
1️⃣ “Olympics, the most glamorous stage for athletes around t...
[#EnglishEverywhere🌋 ]
1️⃣ “Olympics, the most glamorous stage for athletes around the world, is the place where dreams are expressed and cherished.”
📌 首先用”the most glamorous…”嚟補充佢對奧運嘅看法,然後就係main clause “is the place where…”,呢種用以補充細節嘅句式好常喺Paper 1見到,但好多考生往往會覺得句子好長而理解唔到,其實只要將兩個逗號之間嘅字遮住就會明白作者意思。
📌 至於想用喺Paper 2時,記得check返文法,好多時大家都會將個main verb走咗去dependent clause度,變成”Olympics, is the most glamorous stage for athletes around the world, the place where dreams are expressed and cherished.”,咁你刪除兩個逗號之間嘅時候就會發現”Olympics the place where…”成句冇咗main verb, 一定唔啱grammar。
2️⃣ “Yet behind the dazzling halo of outstanding sportsmen, are people of all races, occupations, statuses and religions, united together to make Tokyo Olympics come true before our eyes.”
📌 呢句我就會改少少,我會將”are”同埋”united”前面嘅逗號刪走,變成前半句一個prepositional clause加後半句main clause “people of all (n.-subject) …united (v.)”嘅grammatical sentence。
3️⃣ 第二段嘅”profuse gratitude”解大量感激/感恩,我哋多用”profuse”喺abstract nouns前面嘅。
”copious”都係解大量,都係值得落vocab book嘅!
4️⃣ “…despite of all difficulties and doubts on hosting the gargantuan event under Covid circumstances, Japan offered the athletes a safe and comfortable place to compete.”
💡記住despite, despite, despite! in spite of, in spite of, in spite of!
但除此之外,要跟noun phrase ”all difficulties and doubts” 呢點係用得非常正確!
5️⃣ “…and without these people, my dream would never have come true.”
呢度佢用咗”would have + past participle”呢種 hypothetical past 嘅句子💡
其實第四段有用到另一句hypothetical past,唔知你哋自己揾唔揾到呢?
[@minniesoo ]https://www.instagram.com/p/CSecos7pPdu/?utm_medium=copy_link
P.S. 打波又叻,英文又唔錯,仲有感情要好嘅家姐有啲搞笑同sweet嘅interaction,搞到我都忍唔住follow咗佢同家姐。😂😂😂
🌋 𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐧𝐨 🌋
єяυρт ιηтσ уσυя ƒυтυяє
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