

在 其華在爪產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【指甲健康】有一手靚指甲人特別醒神 ⭐指甲不健康不建議美甲加重負荷 ⭐調理好身體指甲自然有光澤 #星期二提升正能量 指甲煩惱排行榜 指甲的作用是保護指腹避免受傷,所謂「十指痛歸心」,指甲本身的健康亦很影響我們的生活,想一想指甲煩惱原來也有不少,你試過以下哪一種? 第三位 容易折斷 指甲又軟又薄...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅林子民中医师,也在其Youtube影片中提到,指甲的颜色警讯 | 指甲出现黑线条或变成青赤黄白黑的颜色,提示什么样的身体状况呢? | 黑色素细胞瘤 章節 0:00 内容提要与介绍林子民中医师登场 0:15 黄色指甲 1:45 紫色指甲及蓝色指甲 2:15 黑色指甲 3:25 指甲偏白色 3:50 指甲偏红色(高血压、热气) 5:03 绿色指甲...

其華在爪 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-11-19 02:33:37

【指甲健康】有一手靚指甲人特別醒神 ⭐指甲不健康不建議美甲加重負荷 ⭐調理好身體指甲自然有光澤 #星期二提升正能量 指甲煩惱排行榜 指甲的作用是保護指腹避免受傷,所謂「十指痛歸心」,指甲本身的健康亦很影響我們的生活,想一想指甲煩惱原來也有不少,你試過以下哪一種? 第三位 容易折斷 指甲又軟又薄...

其華在爪 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 01:33:50

【春日養肝】肝好不好原來一眼就看得出來  ⭐小朋友眼睛特別明亮 ⭐因為他們大多都睡飽吃好心情好 #星期二提升正能量  由眼睛頭髮指甲看看肝是否健康? 如何得知肝臟是否健康?西醫會靠抽血檢驗肝功能指數是否正常,而中醫則可以透過觀察眼睛、指甲及頭髮判斷肝臟的生理機能,因為中醫理論認為「肝開...

其華在爪 在 GirlStyle 女生日常 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-13 07:11:26

Follow @girlstyle.presslogic 中醫認為「月牙」反映健康秘密⠀ .⠀ 中醫認為:「肝主筋,其華在爪」。指甲底部有白色的月牙如出現變化,可以反映一些健康問題。手指甲根部共有12個穴位點是經脈陰陽交替之處,也是經絡氣血所出之處,所以指甲的半月牙及不同形態,都與我們體質有密切關係...

  • 其華在爪 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-10 16:06:56
    有 246 人按讚




    第三位 容易折斷

    第二位 甲床剝離

    第一位 倒刺




    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    The leader board of nail issues
    The function of nails is to protect the fingertips and toes. As the Chinese saying ‘pain in ten fingers will lead to the heart’ goes, fingernails do affect our lives. Come to think of it, nails are not without problems of their own. Have you experienced any of these below?

    No. 3 Brittle fingernails
    Our nails are soft, thin and can break easily. Broken nails can even easily hook onto our shirts and damage them! Sometimes when we accidentally kick the edge of a table, our nails would split and cause a great of deal pain, to the extent that we become incapable of walking properly.

    No. 2 Detailed nails
    The white part of the fingernails slowly extends towards the base of your finger; fingernails are no longer closely attached to the nail beds. Though this condition does not cause pain or itch, we can definitely feel the discomfort.

    No. 1 Hangnails
    Hangnails are extremely irritating! If we cannot resist ourselves and start peeling off the skin, the wound might swell and bleed, and even cause paronychia. Hangnails often occur during autumn and winter, due to the dry weather.

    How do we keep our fingernails healthy? Chinese Medicine opined that liver governs the tendons, therefore fingernails have a close relationship with the liver. The liver functions to nourish blood and nail health is closely related to that. If the blood is properly nourished, our fingernails will remain strong and have naturally shiny flesh-tone nail plates. Fingernails that do not received well-nourished blood will become soft, brittle, dull, and can crack easily.

    Consume an appropriate amount of food that can nourish the liver and replenish the blood, for instance, green vegetables such as spinach, red bean, black bean, red date and black sesame; apply moisturizer on hands after washing, and massage the fingertips.

    Rice water to nourish nails
    Effects: Promotes blood circulation and nourishes yin. Strengthens weak nails that breaks easily and suitable for absent-mindedness.
    Ingredients: 4 jujube dates, 12g lily bulb, 9g radix ophiopogonis, 1 sachet of Dawn Rice Water
    Preparation: Rinse the herbal ingredients. Combine all ingredients with 900ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Pour into thermos, and re-brew for 3-4 times.

    Rice Water recommendation:
    Dawn Rice Water
    Effects: Remedy to frequent late nights, improves hair quality and nourishes kidneys and relieves sore lower back

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #血虚

  • 其華在爪 在 每天讀一段中醫典籍。 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-01 07:08:40
    有 19 人按讚





    - 正邪從外襲內,而未有定舍,反淫于藏,不得定處,與營衛俱行,而與魂魄飛揚,使人臥不得安而喜夢。《淫邪發夢》

    #靈樞 #素問

  • 其華在爪 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-21 19:02:30
    有 635 人按讚

    🛒歡迎 Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp 訂購:
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/CCC-FB
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374 
    Check your liver health 
    How do you know if your liver is healthy? Western medicine will check the liver function index by drawing blood, while Chinese medicine can judge the physiological function of the liver by observing the eyes, nails and hair. Chinese medicine theory statea that liver connects to external world through the eyes. When you experience symptoms in the eye, it may be related to liver heat, lack of liver blood as those can cause poor vision, dry eyes, night blindness and other symptoms. Most people with yellowish eyes have some form of liver disease, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.
    From Chinese medicine perspective, the liver also reflects nail health as nails depend on the maintenance of liver essence and blood. If the nails are soft, thin, and dull, crack easily and even separate, it could mean lack of liver essence and blood.
    The theory of Chinese medicine believes that hair is an extension of blood. Liver holds blood so the health of the hair can also reflect the health of the liver. Older people tend to have insufficient liver blood and kidney qi, and the hair becomes grey and thin, and those with anemia also have frequent hair loss.
    Therefore, people with healthy liver will have bright eyes, glowy nails, and shiny volumous hair. If you want to nourish your liver, you need to get enough sleep. Go to sleep before 11pm to allow the liver to detoxify. Eat a light diet and eat sweet (i.e. light in taste) ingredients and green vegetables, eat less greasy and spicy foods, quit smoking and drinking. Keep a cheerful mood. Do aerobic exercise and stretching exercises to help relax yourself. You can drink “Difficulty falling asleep” healing tea to calm the heart and mind (not suitable for those recovering from a cold/flu). You can also drink mulberry tea with wolfberry to nourish the kidney and liver (not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms such as sore throat and canker sore). 
    Recommendation for claiming the mind and improving sleeping quality👉🏻Difficulty falling a sleep healing tea
    Effects: Calms the heart and mind. Relieves difficulty falling asleep due to over-thinking 
    Ingredients: Fried Spine Date Seeds, biota seed, buckwheat
    Note: Not suitable for those recovering from a cold/flu.
    Price: $79 (5packs/box) 
    🛒Inbox our Facebook page or WhatsApp us to place order:
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/CCC-FB
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374 
    Recommendation for nourishing the kidney and liver👉🏻Mulberry tea with wolfberry
    Ingredients: 15 wolfberries, 3-4 mulberries, 2 jujube dates (chopped)
    Effects: Nourishes kidney and liver, nourishes yin and promotes blood circulation. It can improve skin, eyesight and hair quality. 
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 10 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens.
    Note: Not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms such as sore throat and canker sore. 
    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #血虛 #烏髮

  • 其華在爪 在 林子民中医师 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-01 21:30:00

    指甲的颜色警讯 | 指甲出现黑线条或变成青赤黄白黑的颜色,提示什么样的身体状况呢? | 黑色素细胞瘤

    0:00 内容提要与介绍林子民中医师登场
    0:15 黄色指甲
    1:45 紫色指甲及蓝色指甲
    2:15 黑色指甲
    3:25 指甲偏白色
    3:50 指甲偏红色(高血压、热气)
    5:03 绿色指甲
    5:33 灰白色指甲
    6:10 指甲留太长的影响
    6:33 经常做美甲的危害
    7:27 指甲旁边长肉刺、脱皮
    7:54 甲沟炎
    8:20 霉菌感染了指甲怎么办?
    8:58 指甲是人体"六个月的病历"
    9:55 指甲比较硬
    10:25 养护指甲茶饮预告与相关影片推荐

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    指甲黃色可能是我們經常去做美甲,指甲油及去光水等化學藥劑殘留,或者是老化,也可能他有吸煙的習慣,煙焦油也會把指甲熏黃。紫藍色的指甲跟心臟有關,如果我們的循環系統出了問題,因為身體缺氧的關係,指甲就會呈現出紫色或藍色。指甲黑色常見於外物撞擊的瘀傷或黑色素細胞瘤,雖然黑色素細胞瘤85%都是良性的,但最好還是去讓皮膚科醫師診斷一下。指甲白色一般是貧血的一個現象或是肝功能受損的提示。指甲太紅有可能是血壓高(鬱血性心臟病),而在中醫來看,提示血熱或虛熱。"肝主筋 其華在爪" ,爪就是指甲,所以指甲紅可以聯繫到肝火上炎 的現象,也比較容易發怒。綠色指甲可能是感染了綠膿桿菌,而灰白色指甲則是黴菌感染,稱為"灰指甲"。剪手指甲跟剪腳趾甲的工具最好分開,然後家裡面的每一個人都要有自己的一把指甲刀,才不會這個互相感染。指甲也需要一些物質基礎來當作他的原料,當我們原料不足的時候

    NOWË - Horizon (Vlog No Copyright Music)
    #林子民中医师 #指甲 #健康 #養生

