[爆卦]光寶ptt 2021是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇光寶ptt 2021鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在光寶ptt 2021這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者huang0618 (Martin Garrix)看板Tech_Job標題[徵才] 2021 光...

2021 Global Management Trainee Program


‧ LITEON is a world-leading provider in optoelectronic components and key ele
ctronic modules. In this program, it helps cultivate and elevate your visions
and management capabilities. Join us, you will become the best of the best in
this industry and find the gateway to success.

‧ The purpose is to advance management trainees to management positions of LI
TEON. You will work closely with our chairman and senior executives while lear
ning essential techniques and knowledge required for business growth.

Program Spotlights
‧ Integrated Generalist Training
1. One year program working with our Chairman.
2. After the training, you will be assigned to business unit based on your exp

‧ Personal Career Development Plan
1. Professional courses to sharpen your skills.
2. Multiple learning platforms and career developing channels.

‧ Senior Executives Mentor Program
1. Cultivate and elevate your visions and management capabilities.
2. Participate in projects with the top tier global management consultants.

‧ Competitive Salary
1. The salary that we offer is above the industry standard.

‧ Master’s degree holder in business analysis, legal & IP, finance, sales &
marketing, data scientist, machine learning, human resources or related discip
line are preferred.

‧ Proficient in Mandarin/English (TOEIC score above 800 or equivalent score o
f TOFEL, IETLS, GEPT), and fluent in any third language.

‧ Less than 3 years working experience, fresh graduates are also welcomed.

‧ No restriction on majors and nationality.

‧ LITEON not only offers prospects NTD 85,000 per month and a guaranteed NTD
1,200,000 annual package but also provides our employee stock ownership trust
and rewards an extra compensation based on performance.

‧ LITEON endeavors to become a happy enterprise in employees’ hearts. In par
ticular, LITEON cares for our employees in many ways, such as a diverse learni
ng environment, a personal career planning, courses to sharpen employees’ ski
lls and a comprehensive employee benefits package. (e.g., group insurance, tra
vel allowance, further education subsidy and festival gifts, etc. )
* According to the law, Employee Stock Ownership Trust is restricted to employ
ees with nationality of the Republic of China (ROC, Taiwan).
* Please visit our website for more details.

Application process
‧ Step1: Apply online
‧ Step2: Online assessments (AI video assessment, Competencies assessment and
Logical reasoning test)
‧ Step3: Group interviews (By HR Supervisors)
‧ Step4: Final interview (English presentation to the Chairman and Senior exe
cutive managers)
‧ Step5: Decision/Offer

Apply Now
‧ Download our Management trainee application form and send it to lincoln.lin
@liteon.com with the subject “LITEON 2021 Global Management Trainee + Name”.

‧ Please go to the following site to submit your application with your resume

‧ Application Period: Aug 13- Aug 27

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1628874950.A.2C9.html
frankliang : 有加班費嗎? 08/14 03:31
T3T : 是不是要先經過 斷水流大師兄選拔?? 08/14 03:33
yugi2567 : 英文不好 08/14 03:38
gaea0127 : 推,保障薪資還不錯 08/14 04:40
Kumasa : 這個薪資真的是菁英耶 08/14 04:56
h816090 : 鬼島科技業責任制多年,光寶最近很敢開 08/14 06:10
kyle5241 : 可惜薪水低,不然感覺可以學蠻多的 08/14 06:50
sunnyhung : 不要誤會,我說的在座各位都是.. 08/14 06:55
Sana : 百靈果:我就是菁英 08/14 07:29
h816090 : 3年沒幾個台廠開這薪資 08/14 08:05
asd1230z11 : 推 08/14 08:16
quicknick : 絕對不接受... 08/14 08:17
dashi : 對新鮮人來說,算給的還不錯! 08/14 08:19
michaelgodtw: 85000我真的有看錯,連兩三萬都殺到翻的公司 08/14 08:23
h816090 : 真的,砍超凶 08/14 08:28
somefatguy : 原來光寶薪水那麼高,可惜我超過三年肝不新鮮了 08/14 08:39
c310 : 光寶不是聽說獎金還要分三年領? 08/14 08:41
michaelgodtw: 就每個月底薪85000,寫在offer上,它愛綁ㄧ推,就 08/14 08:44
michaelgodtw: 不要去,像之前dell 08/14 08:44
michaelgodtw: 就愛綁ㄧ推,所以高底薪才是重要 08/14 08:45
kyle5241 : 出到25萬的話其實還不錯 08/14 08:56
koka813 : 找精英的條件然後開這樣...?@@ 08/14 08:56
koka813 : 要不要去看看人家design house怎麼開的,還只要四大 08/14 08:57
koka813 : 碩就有門票XD 08/14 08:57
ss5010593 : 3年內開這樣很不錯啊 08/14 09:13
h816090 : 學生噢,design house跟光寶這缺要比什麼 08/14 09:20
wawi2 : 要菁英結果不敢寫薪水 笑死' 08/14 09:39
BC0710 : 85k*14=年薪了 看來是沒分紅14職等 08/14 09:45
eagle080717 : 真的有給這麼多? 我前陣子才被內湖的找去面試,我 08/14 09:55
eagle080717 : 三年經驗 toeic 金色 開年薪90萬就被嘲諷 08/14 09:55
lycer : 三年經驗 商管 85K 非常高了吧 08/14 09:55
lycer : 十年經驗 RD 也才開 80K 08/14 09:57
lycer : 跟 P 的新人價一樣 08/14 09:57
lycer : 在光寶 真的算菁英了 08/14 09:58
lycer : 這版上都三年200 五年300 08/14 10:00
lycer : 看不上眼的 08/14 10:01
Dannyx : 10年RD 80k? 08/14 10:02
kendiv : 競爭對手工程師年薪都比這個高了XD 08/14 10:11
ason : 系統廠很多10年還不到80K 別懷疑 某寶課級比這更低 08/14 10:15
ason : 光寶之前好像有人說 現在調高底薪 沒分紅了? 08/14 10:15
jeremy32723 : 很不錯了吧,又不是要找工程師,有什麼好跟豬屎屋 08/14 10:21
jeremy32723 : 比的.... 08/14 10:21
iamala : 找人通常是這樣,要考慮現役員工中薪水較低那群的 08/14 10:30
iamala : 心情,所以明的薪資開一個能引起目標興趣就好。來 08/14 10:30
iamala : 談後真的ok,再開無法讓他拒絕的價格XD 08/14 10:30
lycer : 現在最爽的就是新人了 08/14 10:32
lycer : 以前起薪4xK 現在普遍5xK 08/14 10:33
lycer : 一線廠7xK 08/14 10:33
lycer : 資深的也沒相對的高 08/14 10:35
h816090 : l大,給的簡單精確 08/14 10:40
fuvincent : 年資三年內給這薪水很不錯了吧 08/14 10:50
iPadProPlus : 光寶主管很雷 08/14 10:52
iPadProPlus : 面試過就知道這間去不得 08/14 10:53
ctct0513 : 偷偷跟你們說 很多人十年還不到這薪水 08/14 11:08
gaea0127 : 靠調薪10年本來就拿不到這薪水,要跳槽才行 08/14 11:16
kendiv : 這間喔.會PLP跟進對教會比較重要 08/14 11:25
chiehhwang : 鄉民口嫌體正直,推文靠北薪水低,回頭立刻apply 08/14 11:29
michaelgodtw: 機構才它媽的低,開出來最低是生技業,然後這家 08/14 11:36
rt3628 : 今年14以下調完之後未來分紅都沒份了 08/14 12:00
goodga : 這間十年經驗 一樣開價45k給你科科 08/14 12:21
reevesdeer : 在寶寶做過的都覺得可笑 08/14 12:22
a038998 : 在薪水低的地方學到很多是想學什麼 08/14 12:27
TaiWeiT : 英文爛,反正就是高材生去的地方 08/14 12:40
kssk7997 : 敢寫薪水就給推 但這台式英文真的是看得很痛苦 08/14 12:52
NTU5566NTHU : 好公司推個 08/14 13:07
chungchch : 與其做這個,不如好好的把內部制度弄好,自然會吸 08/14 14:04
chungchch : 引人來,難道真不知最近的離職率多高,IDL為什麼要 08/14 14:04
chungchch : 群體離職。 08/14 14:04
andy100a : 就是時間點怪怪的,我碩一不能申請,碩二也大多都有 08/14 14:39
andy100a : 工作了 08/14 14:39
tayuplay : 高雄光寶一定是精英中的菁英 年薪保障12個月 08/14 14:50
ProSider : 原來是14以下的缺啊~快逃啊 08/14 16:03
michaelgodtw: 多益沒練寫作,其實那就算了,但你寫什麼,要到怎 08/14 18:09
michaelgodtw: 樣的人,系統廠還是..... 08/14 18:09
wbw : 還是寫中文吧,名詞拿來當動詞用有比較潮嗎? 08/14 20:00
yugi2567 : 這公司我遇到的人資很會嘲諷人的 要有心理準備 08/14 22:22
sky290107 : 好像百人斬事件都忘了... 08/14 23:31
ss603120 : 百人斬?? 08/15 12:22
rayxg : 我遇到的人資不錯阿,只是我不會去 08/15 15:12
gaea0127 : 百人斬?? 08/15 15:47
TuChinJui : 逃 08/17 23:37
finalstate : 三年85其實很高欸 比一些豬屎還高 08/18 20:49
DontGoLiteOn: 呵呵 光寶讚讚讚 08/20 16:03

