

在 健康cupcake食譜產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,167的網紅Vegan Expression,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 食譜分享│忌廉 (奶油) 蛋糕也有vegan版本? (eng below) 一般蛋糕都使用了蛋奶,成為vegan後,原本最擔心的是可能無法再吃心愛的甜品了。可是當我真正作出改變後,才發現vegan的世界很大,很多事情是我過份擔憂了。因為怎麼可能有不愛吃甜品的vegan呢 XD?所以vegan蛋糕其實...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過538的網紅Vegan Expression,也在其Youtube影片中提到,食譜分享│忌廉 (奶油) 蛋糕也有vegan版本? (eng below) 一般蛋糕都使用了蛋奶,成為vegan後,原本最擔心的是可能無法再吃心愛的甜品了。可是當我真正作出改變後,才發現vegan的世界很大,很多事情是我過份擔憂了。因為怎麼可能有不愛吃甜品的vegan呢 XD?所以vegan蛋糕其實...

健康cupcake食譜 在 Vegan Expression Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-07-02 16:48:12

食譜分享│忌廉 (奶油) 蛋糕也有vegan版本? (eng below) 一般蛋糕都使用了蛋奶,成為vegan後,原本最擔心的是可能無法再吃心愛的甜品了。可是當我真正作出改變後,才發現vegan的世界很大,很多事情是我過份擔憂了。因為怎麼可能有不愛吃甜品的vegan呢 XD?所以vegan蛋糕其實...

健康cupcake食譜 在 Sophie's Keto Choice Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-12 04:28:31

#低醣胡蘿蔔杯子蛋糕 無麩質無堅果無杏仁-保證好吃🥕 這個食譜嘗試了新的材料!沒有用杏仁粉,也不是椰子粉!放心,在台灣就可以買得到,快來看看我用了什麼!😄 你家有不吃胡蘿蔔的小孩嗎?那你絕對需要這個 低醣胡蘿蔔杯子蛋糕 !將胡蘿蔔加入甜點裡一點也不違和耶!依舊濕潤鬆軟甜蜜蜜!保證不用追著小孩硬逼他...

  • 健康cupcake食譜 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-27 18:00:01
    有 65 人按讚

    食譜分享│忌廉 (奶油) 蛋糕也有vegan版本? (eng below)
    一般蛋糕都使用了蛋奶,成為vegan後,原本最擔心的是可能無法再吃心愛的甜品了。可是當我真正作出改變後,才發現vegan的世界很大,很多事情是我過份擔憂了。因為怎麼可能有不愛吃甜品的vegan呢 XD?所以vegan蛋糕其實還挺常見的,而且吃了也不會有罪惡感,甚至自家製作也不是什麼難事呢!

    Vegan lifestyle Passion 是我這幾年最常光顧的蛋糕店,店主Amy也是vegan,其蛋糕主打有機、純素、健康、美味,使用的食材都非常講究。Amy更常常開課教大家製作蛋糕,她的課除了可以學習蛋糕製作外,我覺得更像是上了一節營養課。因為身為健康教練的Amy,十分了解營養學,也很樂意分享。

    今次,Amy為我們示範了一款「香蕉黑芝麻忌廉小蛋糕」,材料簡單、很容易找到,要留意的是,最好用「芝麻蕉 (熟蕉)」;而且Amy和我都很喜歡食忌廉,又剛好我們發現了 OraSì OraSi Hong Kong 有一款vegan淡忌廉,所以我們便順勢把它加在小蛋糕上!一起看影片做蛋糕吧~

    Recipe sharing │ cream cupcake also has a vegan version?
    Normal cakes use milk and eggs, and after becoming a vegan, my worry was that I may no longer be able to eat my favorite dessert. But when I actually made a change, I realized that the vegan world is very big, and I was too worried about many things. Because how could there be vegan who doesn't like dessert XD? So vegan cakes are actually quite common, and there will be no guilt after eating, even making it yourself is not difficult!

    Vegan lifestyle Passion is the cake shop I have visited most in recent years. The owner Amy is also a vegan. Her cakes are mainly organic, vegan, healthy and delicious. The ingredients used are very particular. Amy often teaches people how to make cakes. In addition to learning cake making, her class is more like taking a nutrition class. Because Amy, a health coach, knows nutrition very well and is very happy to share it with people.

    This time, Amy demonstrated a "Banana Black Sesame Cupcake w/ Cream" for us. The ingredients are simple and easy to find. It should be noted that it is best to use ripe banana; Amy and I are both like to eat cream, and we found that OraSì OraSi Hong Kong has a vegan cream, so we added it to the cupcake! Let's watch the movie and make vegan cake together~

    :: FOLLOW Vegan Lifestyle Passion ON ::
    Facebook / https://www.facebook.com/greenveganamy2018/
    Instagram / https://www.instagram.com/greenveganamy/
    Whatsapp/ 5406 4595

    Youtube/ https://www.youtube.com/veganexpression
    Facebook / https://www.facebook.com/veganexpressionhk/
    Instagram / https://www.instagram.com/vegan_expression/
    Website / http://vegan-expression.com/

  • 健康cupcake食譜 在 MamaCheung 張媽媽廚房 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-12 22:06:52
    有 35 人按讚

    “Vegan Chocolate Christmas Cake” recipe, please click on link below! 🤶🎅
    #食譜 #張媽媽廚房 #純素蛋糕 https://youtu.be/Vo7nMMzLs4U

  • 健康cupcake食譜 在 Honney's Kitchen Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-07-19 20:31:56
    有 158 人按讚

    🧁 巧克力粒香蕉小蛋糕 🧁 Banana Cupcake with Chocolate Chips

    為健康著想, 蛋糕不時常做, 但都有口痕既時候, 所以好間唔中就做些少來過過口癮 😁

    食譜 :
    巧克力粒香蕉小蛋糕 by Honney

    蛋黃 1顆
    糖 8克
    水/奶 10克
    香蕉蓉 40克
    米糠油 10克
    低筋粉 25克
    巧克力粒 適量

    蛋白 1顆
    砂糖 12克

    1) 預熱焗爐170度
    2) 蛋黃打散再續打至稠密狀
    3) 加入 水/鮮奶 拌勻, 再加入香蕉蓉和米糠油拌勻
    4) 加入已過篩的低筋粉拌勻至沒有粉粒為止, 加入巧克力拌勻備用
    5) 蛋白打至發泡, 再分次加入砂糖續打發至企身
    6) 將1/3蛋白霜加入 (4) 中拌勻, 再加入其餘的蛋白霜拌勻
    7) 小蛋糕模具放上紙模, 將麵糊倒入, 然後在桌上輕敲數下, 放入已預熱焗爐 170度焗約10-15分鐘或至熟透
    8) 將小蛋糕取出, 至放涼即可享用

    - 蛋用了大蛋
    - 米糠油可用菜油代替
    - 視乎模具大小自行調較烤焗時間
    - 不同焗爐爐溫亦有所不同, 可用牙籤插入蛋糕中, 如沒麵糊黏上, 代表熟透

    🍌 🧁Banana Cupcake with Chocolate Chips by Honney

    1 egg yolk
    8g sugar
    10g milk
    40g ripe banana
    10g vegetable oil
    25g cake flour
    Cholcate chips

    1 egg white
    12g sugar

    1) Preheat oven to 170C
    2) Mix the egg yolk with sugar(a) until smooth.
    3) add milk, mashed bananas and oil combine well.
    4) Sift in cake flour, incorporate all ingredients well until smooth batter then add chocolate chips mix well.
    5) Use an electric mixer to beat egg white until bubbles form. Add sugar (b) until stiff peaks form.
    6) Fold in the egg white into (4) , mix well.
    7) Pour the batter into the mini cake mould, put in the preheated oven and bake for 10-15 minutes.
    8) Remove form oven and let it cool.

    #自家製 #軟綿綿 #香蕉 #小蛋糕
    #homemade #Chocolate_Chips #Banana #Cupcake

  • 健康cupcake食譜 在 Vegan Expression Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-06-27 18:00:15

    食譜分享│忌廉 (奶油) 蛋糕也有vegan版本? (eng below)
    一般蛋糕都使用了蛋奶,成為vegan後,原本最擔心的是可能無法再吃心愛的甜品了。可是當我真正作出改變後,才發現vegan的世界很大,很多事情是我過份擔憂了。因為怎麼可能有不愛吃甜品的vegan呢 XD?所以vegan蛋糕其實還挺常見的,而且吃了也不會有罪惡感,甚至自家製作也不是什麼難事呢!

    Vegan lifestyle Passion 是我這幾年最常光顧的蛋糕店,店主Amy也是vegan,其蛋糕主打有機、純素、健康、美味,使用的食材都非常講究。Amy更常常開課教大家製作蛋糕,她的課除了可以學習蛋糕製作外,我覺得更像是上了一節營養課。因為身為健康教練的Amy,十分了解營養學,也很樂意分享。

    今次,Amy為我們示範了一款「香蕉黑芝麻忌廉小蛋糕」,材料簡單、很容易找到,要留意的是,最好用「芝麻蕉 (熟蕉)」;而且Amy和我都很喜歡食忌廉,又剛好我們發現了 OraSì OraSi Hong Kong 有一款vegan淡忌廉,所以我們便順勢把它加在小蛋糕上!一起看影片做蛋糕吧~

    Recipe sharing │ cream cupcake also has a vegan version?
    Normal cakes use milk and eggs, and after becoming a vegan, my worry was that I may no longer be able to eat my favorite dessert. But when I actually made a change, I realized that the vegan world is very big, and I was too worried about many things. Because how could there be vegan who doesn't like dessert XD? So vegan cakes are actually quite common, and there will be no guilt after eating, even making it yourself is not difficult!

    Vegan lifestyle Passion is the cake shop I have visited most in recent years. The owner Amy is also a vegan. Her cakes are mainly organic, vegan, healthy and delicious. The ingredients used are very particular. Amy often teaches people how to make cakes. In addition to learning cake making, her class is more like taking a nutrition class. Because Amy, a health coach, knows nutrition very well and is very happy to share it with people.

    This time, Amy demonstrated a "Banana Black Sesame Cupcake w/ Cream" for us. The ingredients are simple and easy to find. It should be noted that it is best to use ripe banana; Amy and I are both like to eat cream, and we found that OraSì OraSi Hong Kong has a vegan cream, so we added it to the cupcake! Let's watch the movie and make vegan cake together~

    :: FOLLOW Vegan Lifestyle Passion ON ::
    Facebook / https://www.facebook.com/greenveganamy2018/
    Instagram / https://www.instagram.com/greenveganamy/
    Whatsapp/ 5406 4595

    Youtube/ https://www.youtube.com/veganexpression
    Facebook / https://www.facebook.com/veganexpressionhk/
    Instagram / https://www.instagram.com/vegan_expression/
    Website / http://vegan-expression.com/

    Lights by Roa https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/roa-lights

    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/7TWSF5Dt0EM

  • 健康cupcake食譜 在 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-12-12 22:00:11

    媽女廚房聖誕特輯【純素朱古力蛋糕】小朋友開聖誕party家長們想做些得意又健康嘅小食比佢哋? 今次媽女廚房精心設計一個又玩得又好食的cupcake,用健康材料好快便做到! #mamacheung 上載你的相片Instagram + Facebook,留言及分享你的蛋糕俾我們喔! 請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道啊! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。

    Cheung’s Kitchen Christmas special introducing a really fun and healthy Vegan Chocolate Cupcake recipe, which is super easy & quick to make! This will keep your little ones very happy over the holidays! Upload your photos #mamacheung to Instagram & Facebook and share your holiday moments with us too! I hope you like this recipe and will make some at home! Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.

    #張媽媽 #朱古力蛋糕 #聖誕食譜

    訂閱追蹤最新影片Subscribe my channel:https://goo.gl/6n9DuQ
    更多點心食譜影片More Dim Sum Recipes:https://goo.gl/afQLxt
    張媽媽湯水 Mama Cheung Soup collection : https://goo.gl/kDRRtr
    張媽媽暖笠笠食譜 Mama Cheung Winter Recipes: https://www.youtube.com playlist?list=PLcehf33Gkzy8w-cy5nnmb_gvP2KUlPw_G
    跟我聯繫 Connect with me:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamacheungcooks
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/mamacheungcooks/
    Blogger: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.hk
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/mamacheungcooks
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mamacheung
    Tumblr: http://mamacheung.tumblr.com

    請大家幫幫忙做不同語言的字幕, Please help translate my video into different languages:

    材料 Ingredients
    份量 12個杯子蛋糕 Makes 12 cupcakes

    162克低筋麵粉 162g soft flour
    164克白砂糖 164 caster sugar
    32克可可粉 32g coco powder
    一茶匙梳打食粉 1 tsp baking soda
    半茶匙鹽 1/2 tsp salt

    78毫升米糠油 78ml Rice bran oil (we used Rizi rice bran oil)
    一茶匙白醋 1 tsp white vinegar
    237毫升暖水 237ml warm water
    一茶匙雲呢拿香精 1 tsp vanilla essence/extract

    聖誕樹裝飾: Christmas tree decoration:

    12個雪糕筒 12 ice cream cones
    糖霜 (適量) Frosting of your choice
    綠色食物色素 Deep green food colouring
    1個奶油用的袋 1 piping bag
    1個細星形花嘴 1 small star shape piping nozzle
    12 蛋糕紙杯 12 cupcake cases
    裝飾糖果 (適量) Surprise candle of your choice

  • 健康cupcake食譜 在 2分之一強 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-06-14 18:30:01

    因應網友許願,型男甜品店☕ 於本月十四日試營運!!歡迎舊雨新知光臨惠顧~
    本店販售以下甜品,皆由型男的私房食譜特製而成,快來品嚐來自不同國家、充滿異國文化的風味甜品吧 🍰 🍮 🍩 🍘。。。

    00:00:00 法比歐/蜜桃夏洛特/Charlotte aux peches
    00:07:58 法比歐/香蕉太妃塔/Banoffee Pie
    00:16:23 吳子龍/義大利麵優格/Farfalle Yogurt
    00:19:56 兆群/巧克力煉乳吐司/Chocolate Toast wtih Condensed milk
    00:25:23 杜力/醉瓜/Drunk Watermelon
    00:29:26 尼可/巧克力蛋糕/le gâteau au chocolat
    00:34:56 夢多/牛奶湯圓/ミルク味の台湾の団子
    00:37:05 杜力/杯子蛋糕/Cup Cake
    00:47:30 吳子龍/提拉米蘇/Tiramisù
    00:56:32 亨利/法式可麗餅/La crêpe
    01:03:10 姜勳/韓國糖餅/호떡
    01:09:33 肯納/南非甜湯/Melkkos
    01:18:17 湯姆士/威爾士小蛋糕/Welsh Cakes
    01:25:44 馬丁/肉桂卷/Kanelbullen
    01:38:16 小百合/蜜柑水果大福/みかん たいふく(みかん大福)
    01:46:28 金炳秀/甜米露/식혜
    01:53:56 費丹尼/巴西莓罐/Brasil Oxicoco Iogurte
    01:59:03 萬德龍/納奈莫巧克力/Nanaimo Bars
    02:07:46 賈斯汀/甜甜圈/Doughnut

    #異國 #甜品 #自己做 #夏洛特 #太妃塔 #優格 #義大利麵 #巧克力 #吐司 #醉瓜 #蛋糕 #湯圓 #牛奶 #杯子蛋糕 #提拉米蘇 #可麗餅 #糖餅 #甜湯 #肉桂卷 #大福 #甜米露 #蔓越莓 #甜甜圈 #韓式 #日式 #法式 #義式 #食譜

    ★官方 IG 追起來(@ebchalf_n_half)►► https://pse.is/GE7WW

