

在 交大育成中心費用產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,011的網紅NYCU 產學運籌中心,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🤷你對創業有著滿腔熱血,卻不知道如何開始嗎? 🤦你的產品潛力無窮,但是不知道如何募資、被市場看見嗎? 別擔心! 📢📢參加 NCTU 交大產運中心-創業育成 和 MVP Fastlane合辦的【NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series】 每週五下午的...

  • 交大育成中心費用 在 NYCU 產學運籌中心 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-01 15:13:37
    有 3 人按讚

    📢📢參加 NCTU 交大產運中心-創業育成 和 MVP Fastlane合辦的【NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series】
    每週五下午的👨‍🏫workshop與🗣️office hour,提供給你最新的創業資訊
    想了解台灣的創業資源管道、吸引投資人的眉眉角角,對創業課程有興趣的你趕快手刀報名📝 (FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/565671154145896/)

    ⭐ 報名連結:https://www.surveycake.com/s/woXkM
    (7/2 23:59報名截止。課程多為英文進行。)
    ⭐ 最後一堂課程為Pitch Demo Day,讓你與專業VC/Angel 投資人面對面!
    ⭐ 出席率達90%的學員,將會得到精美的區塊鏈證書🏅(感謝 TuringCerts 圖靈證書 技術協助)

    我們是MVP Fastlane,致力於打造連接台美新創生態系的雙向橋樑:將台灣資金投資美國的優質新創,協助美國新創進行產品策略設計開發、並進軍台灣。
    自2017年成立至今,公司已為至少20間客戶融資、研發產品、在台灣成立研發團隊。更多詳情請上MVP Fastlane官網:https://www.mvpfastlane.com/

    Having a startup dream? Then don’t miss out NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series! Join us every Friday to get first hand information on startups for free.🙌

    ⭐Application Link: https://www.surveycake.com/s/woXkM
    (deadline: 7/2 23:59. The course is mainly lectured in English. )
    ⭐Pitch Demo Day will be held on the last course. VCs and Angel Investors will be invited as judges.
    ⭐Participants who finish the courses with 90% or above attendance rate will receive a certificate of completion.

    This is MVP Fastlane(https://www.mvpfastlane.com/
    ), a company dedicated to building a bridge between US and Taiwan startup ecosystems. Our visions are:
    🎯Lead in the startup & innovation culture from the US to Taiwan.
    🎯Lead in outstanding software development resources from Taiwan to the US.
    🎯Re-build the software development culture and game rules in Taiwan.
    🎯Bring more opportunities and challenges to Taiwan.

    Workshop Details
    Welcome to NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series!
    Center for Academia-Industry Collaboration designed to provide superior experiences in diversity industry for technical and non-technical student. This workshop is the perfect environment in which to test your idea and take the first steps towards launching your own startup. All the workshop is free, welcome to join us!
    Programmes: ( the office hour will be the same time in the next week of each class)
    07/03【Introduction】Overview the Course. What is Startup & Resources in Taiwan?
    07/17【Build Product I】How to Evaluate Startup Ideas? How to Plan an MVP
    07/31【Build Product II】How to Talk to Users? How to Launch?
    08/14【Agile】All About Pivoting. How to Pitch Your Startup
    08/28【Business Model】Startup Pricing 101. Nine Business Models and the Metrics Investors Want
    09/11【Growth I】How to Set KPIs and Goals? How to Work Together? How to Prioritize Your Time
    09/25【Growth II】Growth for Startups. How to Improve Conversion Rates?
    10/16【Financial Plan】Managing Startup Finances. Modern Startup Funding
    10/30【Leadership】Building Culture. How to Lead?
    Friday, from 13:30 to 15:00
    Course Location
    CPT Building 7F 703 co-working space, Guangfu Campus, NCTU Hsinchu
    Seating is limited. Please register early.
    1. Fill in all information on "Apply NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series ! "
    2.We will send confimed email before 7/1 to those who successfully registed.
    Host by
    MVP Fastlane & NCTU
    MVP Fastlane FB | Website
    Center for Academia-Industry Collaboration
    National Chiao Tung University FB | Website
    Contact Info
    Miss Minyu Liou
    [email protected]
    Miss Yenling Hsu
    Apply: https://www.surveycake.com/s/woXkM

  • 交大育成中心費用 在 NYCU 產學運籌中心 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-30 21:42:46
    有 7 人按讚

    📢📢參加 NCTU 交大產運中心-創業育成 和 MVP Fastlane合辦的【NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series】
    每週五下午的👨‍🏫workshop與🗣️office hour,提供給你最新的創業資訊
    想了解台灣的創業資源管道、吸引投資人的眉眉角角,對創業課程有興趣的你趕快手刀報名📝 (FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/565671154145896/)

    ⭐ 報名連結:https://www.surveycake.com/s/woXkM(7/2 23:59報名截止。課程多為英文進行。)
    ⭐ 最後一堂課程為Pitch Demo Day,讓你與專業VC/Angel 投資人面對面!
    ⭐ 出席率達90%的學員,將會得到精美的區塊鏈證書🏅(感謝 TuringCerts 圖靈證書 技術協助)

    我們是MVP Fastlane,致力於打造連接台美新創生態系的雙向橋樑:將台灣資金投資美國的優質新創,協助美國新創進行產品策略設計開發、並進軍台灣。
    自2017年成立至今,公司已為至少20間客戶融資、研發產品、在台灣成立研發團隊。更多詳情請上MVP Fastlane官網:https://www.mvpfastlane.com/

    Having a startup dream? Then don’t miss out NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series! Join us every Friday to get first hand information on startups for free.🙌

    ⭐Application Link: https://www.surveycake.com/s/woXkM (deadline: 7/2 23:59. The course is mainly lectured in English. )
    ⭐Pitch Demo Day will be held on the last course. VCs and Angel Investors will be invited as judges.
    ⭐Participants who finish the courses with 90% or above attendance rate will receive a certificate of completion.

    This is MVP Fastlane(https://www.mvpfastlane.com/), a company dedicated to building a bridge between US and Taiwan startup ecosystems. Our visions are:
    🎯Lead in the startup & innovation culture from the US to Taiwan.
    🎯Lead in outstanding software development resources from Taiwan to the US.
    🎯Re-build the software development culture and game rules in Taiwan.
    🎯Bring more opportunities and challenges to Taiwan.

    Workshop Details
    Welcome to NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series!
    Center for Academia-Industry Collaboration designed to provide superior experiences in diversity industry for technical and non-technical student. This workshop is the perfect environment in which to test your idea and take the first steps towards launching your own startup. All the workshop is free, welcome to join us!
    Programmes: ( the office hour will be the same time in the next week of each class)
    07/03【Introduction】Overview the Course. What is Startup & Resources in Taiwan?
    07/17【Build Product I】How to Evaluate Startup Ideas? How to Plan an MVP
    07/31【Build Product II】How to Talk to Users? How to Launch?
    08/14【Agile】All About Pivoting. How to Pitch Your Startup
    08/28【Business Model】Startup Pricing 101. Nine Business Models and the Metrics Investors Want
    09/11【Growth I】How to Set KPIs and Goals? How to Work Together? How to Prioritize Your Time
    09/25【Growth II】Growth for Startups. How to Improve Conversion Rates?
    10/16【Financial Plan】Managing Startup Finances. Modern Startup Funding
    10/30【Leadership】Building Culture. How to Lead?
    Friday, from 13:30 to 15:00
    Course Location
    CPT Building 7F 703 co-working space, Guangfu Campus, NCTU Hsinchu
    Seating is limited. Please register early.
    1. Fill in all information on "Apply NCTUxMVP International Startup Workshop Series ! "
    2.We will send confimed email before 7/1 to those who successfully registed.
    Host by
    MVP Fastlane & NCTU
    MVP Fastlane FB | Website
    Center for Academia-Industry Collaboration
    National Chiao Tung University FB | Website
    Contact Info
    Miss Minyu Liou
    [email protected]
    Miss Yenling Hsu
    Apply: https://www.surveycake.com/s/woXkM

  • 交大育成中心費用 在 NYCU 產學運籌中心 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-11-30 09:30:01
    有 5 人按讚

    < 重要公告 ! > 報名截止日期改為 12/12 (二) 午夜 0:00

    【(106上) #交大創新創業營 熱烈招生中~~~ 交大學生限定,完全免費!!!】

    >>>【 VIP06 學員 同步招生中 】<<<

    本學期交大創業與創新VIP學程的最高盛會~ #VIP06CAMP 開跑了~
    由交大VIP學程與產學運籌中心共同主辦一個為期兩天創新創業認真小營隊活動~ 廣招校內對創新創業有興趣的同學前來一起同樂~ #頂級規格的兩日小營隊

    ✔ 想初步了解創新創業~
    ✔ 想學習創新創業的精神~
    ✔ 認識志同道合的創新創業夥伴~
    ✔ 有規劃未來可能要創業~
    ✔ 已自己組成創業團隊、正在著手創新創業、在創業的路上~
    我們都歡迎你 與你的三五好友一同報名參加這次的營隊活動~~~

    #精采好玩的創業商業桌遊 - 《#特斯拉與安徒生》

    |日期| 12 / 16,17 (六、日)
    |地點| Acer渴望會館 (桃園市龍潭區渴望路185號)
    |出發時間| 12/16 (六) 08:40(中正堂前集合報到)
    |返校時間| 12/17 (日) 18:00
    由 NCTU 交大創業與創新學程 / 創業育成中心 全額資助與籌辦
    |報名截止日期| 12/12 (二) 午夜0:00
    |公布 VIP 06 Camp 錄取名單| 12/11 (一)
    |報名錄取優先性| VIP學程學員 → 非學程之交大校內同學

    >>>【 VIP06 學員 現正熱情招生中 】<<<
    第六屆 創業與創新學分學程 招生訊息 → vip.nctu.edu.tw
    12/8 (五) 下午15:30 最後報名期限
