

在 之後英文afterwards產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅大英國辦公室小職員,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [辦公室英文] 如何優雅地對老闆說:會議前請你出現握握手就好,不用出席會議 我約了廠商來公司討論事情,想要讓主管知道一下,也同時讓廠商知道你們有被主管重視。但是因為是討論事情,有太多細節,主管不是也不必要參與前端的討論狀態,最後來收尾知道結論跟產出即可。 於是我很優雅(ㄐㄧ\ ㄑㄧㄠ\/)...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,450的網紅402ashley,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello大家好, 我是Ashley。 上一集, 我提及過在這間餐廳吃過一些韓國地道美食 我覺得這間餐廳的芝士拉麵和紫菜包飯是挺好吃的 其實吃了這間正餐後已覺得很飽了, 但也沒辦法, 我實在受不了外面的誘惑, 所以我便繼續逛街, 繼續吃貨了。 首先在外先喝過米汁, 這杯米汁其實還可以吧, 不過比...

之後英文afterwards 在 Kristen Wong - 一路向德 ? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-19 02:06:31

《德國商會 IHK:下》 《German Chamber of Commerce : part 2》 德國商會 IHK 係分左唔同城市同州分既,早前參加既Webinar係由柏林 IHK負責,不過有幾個大城市都可以睇睇,例如慕尼黑、漢堡同法蘭克福都有自己既 IHK網站,網站內容亦多少會有分別。 個人...

之後英文afterwards 在 手繪 ♡ HK | A drawing cat ? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 05:16:05

#曾經發生的事不可能忘記系列 008/ 20190831 「唔該你吖阿Sir,你俾我入去救人呀,最多我俾晒啲裝備你吖,我救完佢你打我點都好吖😭」 20190831晚上。車站內,警方濫用暴力、用警棍追打月台上、車廂內的市民,並向他們使用胡椒噴霧。港鐵站關閉後,有義務急救員隔着鐵閘,舉旗警告警方「阻礙救...

  • 之後英文afterwards 在 大英國辦公室小職員 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-27 20:58:00
    有 183 人按讚

    [辦公室英文] 如何優雅地對老闆說:會議前請你出現握握手就好,不用出席會議


    於是我很優雅(ㄐㄧ\ ㄑㄧㄠ\/)地跟主管說,某某團隊某日要來開會,我們要討論某某事項,我想要你參與,但是因為還是前端討論會,這可能會浪費你的時間,你可不可以在會議前開場,並跟對方施加一點壓力。

    XXX is coming to the office on Wednesday, we are going to discuss xxxx. It will be good if you can join us, however, it's probably not the best way to spend your time, cos it's the first meeting. But can you come and say hi to them? also put some pressure in them cos we do need to speed up.



    We can take care the meeting, and we will update you afterwards.







  • 之後英文afterwards 在 大英國辦公室小職員 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-01-27 08:00:00
    有 183 人按讚

    [辦公室英文] 如何優雅地對老闆說:會議前請你出現握握手就好,不用出席會議


    於是我很優雅(ㄐㄧ\\ ㄑㄧㄠ\\/)地跟主管說,某某團隊某日要來開會,我們要討論某某事項,我想要你參與,但是因為還是前端討論會,這可能會浪費你的時間,你可不可以在會議前開場,並跟對方施加一點壓力。

    XXX is coming to the office on Wednesday, we are going to discuss xxxx. It will be good if you can join us, however, it's probably not the best way to spend your time, cos it's the first meeting. But can you come and say hi to them? also put some pressure in them cos we do need to speed up.



    We can take care the meeting, and we will update you afterwards.







  • 之後英文afterwards 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-11-23 06:01:15
    有 20 人按讚

    柏柏爾人與撒哈拉 Berbers and the Sahara
    (This post is bilingual. Please scroll to the bottom for English version.)

    (昨天在沙漠裡過夜無法發文,今天加倍奉還文章較長敬請見諒。 Wasn't able to post in the desert last night. This one is therefore longer -- please bear with the lengthiness :D)

    1. 柏柏爾人








    2. 撒哈拉








    1. The Berbers

    "We are all the same. Only our hats are different. Berbers, Arabs, Jews... we have no problem living together, because we all have the same father and mother..."

    It was the second day of the Sahara tour, and this was said by our Berber guide. The Europeans in our group seemed to get something, while the other remained intact. Then the guide continued: "Adam and Eve." (Interestingly, his pronunciation of the names were very different from English, which I guess were probably Arabic or Hebrew.)

    The guide led us through the fields into his village, showed us olive trees and almond trees, and told us how they exchange instead of purchase them. Afterwards we were led into a mud-made residence, where he introduced how traditional carpets are made, and how women passed down family-specific patterns down without any draft. At the end, unsurprisingly, he encouraged us to buy. While one of us bought anything, everyone seemed to be comfortable with that, as he had been passionately showing us his culture.

    Finally, we crossed a river while some women were washing clothes. He said, "the Berber women have a lot of strength, and sometimes it can be hard..." Understanding his humor, I jokingly asked, "so, do you have this problem?" He laughed, "Well, when my wife is angry she is... (showing head explosion with gestures); but she usually has green fire, not red fire. After two days she is happy again..." Then he turned to me, "how is your wife?" Not waiting for me to respond, he contiuned, "you don't have a wife. (Indifferent and turning to the next guy,) so how is your wife? ..."

    (I have to say he is indeed a very professional tour guide, who even knows how to play back on visitors' jokes.)

    2. The Sahara

    Many Mandarin speakers became interested in the Sahara because of the literature and a pop song "Olive Tree" of San-Mao, a Taiwanese writer who moved to the the Sahara with her husband in 1970s. The irregular, mysterious melody of the song also helped build my impression about the Sahara. Decades later, I finally arrived at the desert's margin around 4pm. Our trip began at the base camp, and we spent the night in the dessert after 1.5 hours of camel ride.

    That night, we gathered around a campfire, and the local guides gave us some traditional drums to play. As an icebreaker, I started making regular beats with some random 5-node scale singing. The local guides were excited and invited me to join their playing and singing. Finally, after some singing and dancing, the group got relaxed, and people exchanged their stories around the dimming campfire.

    The next morning, we headed back in the darkness -- well, not completely. It was close to the full moon, and the ride therefore came with very pleasant and tranquil desert view. However, feeling frozen in the temperature, all we wanted was to escape from the desert. Finally, we were led to the top of a sand dune to watch the sunrise. At then, the desert already turned from black to brown-gray. All of a sudden, the sun came up from the horizon. Gradually, the entire desert was "toasted" like charcoal, injected with very warm and amicable soil yellow color. The desert was ignited!

    I can't think of any better way to end our time in the Sahara.

  • 之後英文afterwards 在 402ashley Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-09-16 21:29:12

    Hello大家好, 我是Ashley。
    上一集, 我提及過在這間餐廳吃過一些韓國地道美食

    其實吃了這間正餐後已覺得很飽了, 但也沒辦法, 我實在受不了外面的誘惑,
    所以我便繼續逛街, 繼續吃貨了。

    首先在外先喝過米汁, 這杯米汁其實還可以吧, 不過比較甜了點兒。

    然後逛著逛著就發現: 欸, 這個娃娃挺可愛呀! 好像我一個朋友耶!
    除了給它吸引之外, 其實它的包裝盒子也挺美的。
    看真點兒, 這個檔攤是售賣草莓糯米糕, 有點像之前我在日本吃過的莓大褔似的。
    所以最後我也忍不住買了一個來試試看, 因為肚子再沒有餘地把一盒草莓糕買回酒店吃了。

    其實之前在餐廳已吃過水餃了, 不過這麼大的鍋貼是挺吸引,所以最後也買了一盒試試看。
    它麻雀雖小, 但五臟俱全

    其實這個可可脆在香港都可以吃, 只是不知道為什麼在當時的氣氛、環境之下
    可能是因為我一面吃早餐, 一面欣賞街景及聽著古典音樂,
    這次旅行, 我在明洞只逗留一天, 之後我們就到別的地方去了
    如果想知道我之後到哪裡去的話, 就要反留意下一集「首爾清州遊」了
    好, 我們下次見!

    Hello, This is Ashley
    At the previous episode, I had my dinner in this restaurant
    The cheese noodle & mixed kimbap tasted good.
    I was so full after dinner, but I still wanna to try those street food.
    So let’s have a look!
    First, I tried this rice juice. It taste good, and it’s just so sweet.
    While having a walk, I found that lovely doll. It’s so cute, looks like a friend of mine!
    the outer-package is so attractive too
    Actually, this booth sold the strawberry sticky rice cake. It was similar to the strawberry daifuku I ate in Japan.
    So I can’t help buying 1 cake to try. I was really too full and I cannot buy 1 package anymore even though those packages look beautiful.
    Walking around, I saw some fried dumpling.

    I ate dumplings in restaurant already. But these fried dumpling seems so big. So finally we bought 1 package.
    Finally, we brough this pineapple. It’s good for digestion.
    And we back to hotel.
    next day, before we check out this hotel, we had the breakfast.
    I like this pantry, the focus of this hotel.
    it’s tiny in size, buy complete in detail
    this is my breakfast
    this strawberry jam is so yummy
    there also is a koko krunch
    其實這個可可脆在香港都可以吃, 只是不知道為什麼在當時的氣氛、環境之下
    It has been in HK as well. But it seems to be better .
    Maybe because I was facing the street view and listening to the classical music
    , while having the breakfast.
    That’s what I enjoy under such circumstance.
    we just spent 1 day in Myeong Dong, then we visited other places.
    if you want to know where we went afterwards, kindly keep your eyes on the following epsiodes of Seoul-Cheongju travel.
    See you next time!
    email: sinming402@gmail.com
    instagram: 402sinmingashley
    facebook: 402sinming ashley
    1) 北村八景 + 韓藝Café 嘉會翰耕軒 [慳遊首爾]

    2) 首爾明洞美食 - 紫菜包飯天國 김밥천국 Myeongdong food - Kimbap Cheonkuk // 慳遊首爾
    **This is not a sponsored Video.
    This video was created and edited by Ashley
    Email: sinming402@gmail.com
    Video Info:
    youtube audio library
    1) Talk to me
    2) Sunflower
    3) Stay
    Edited on Adobe Premiere Pro CC
    Filmed from meizu 4 、ipad mini